Are there fake pro pan refills on Ebay?


Well-known member
I have searched but haven't found an answer, and I hope you can help me.

I need to buy a Pro Pan Refill eyeshadow on Ebay, since it's not available in Mac stores in Denmark anymore. Does anyone know if there are fake Pro Eyeshadoes out there? And if there are, how do you spot them?


Well-known member
I don't know if there are or not, but they would be very easy to fake as the pans and magnets are very easy to come by. The only way to be able to spot them is really if they are bad fakes. Make sure that the names match up to the color and I would ask for a picture of the bottom label to check for any signs of not being authentic.


Well-known member
i have only bought a couple of pro pan refils from ebay and all have been authentic. but ask to see other pics as the above poster said to be sure.