Are these pigments authentic?


Well-known member
I don't feel capable of telling after Aire De Blu tricked me
Can one of you lovely ladies check these for me? Teal & Revved Up.







Well-known member
Originally Posted by HerGTO
^ wow, i would have guessed real... i have a lot to learn, i see.

I still have a lot to learn too...but the font is off, and the inner lid looks wonky.


Well-known member
Um...I think they are both fake. Sorry. The top lid is too big and the symbols on the back are the same as a fake pigment I received.


Well-known member
I can't see anything to suggest the Teal is fake, but the Revved Up definitely is


Well-known member
Thanks Panda
I'm very relieved about Teal, Revved Up was a half hearted 'while I'm getting everything else I may as well' purchase. What do you guys do with fakes that the sellers won't accept back? Bin them or keep them for later comparisons?


Well-known member
the way the lid is shaped on Revved up gave it away for me. it looks like its choking the shit outta the jar.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by littlepickle
Thanks Panda
I'm very relieved about Teal, Revved Up was a half hearted 'while I'm getting everything else I may as well' purchase. What do you guys do with fakes that the sellers won't accept back? Bin them or keep them for later comparisons?

I recently bought a VERY convincing Your LAdyship from ebay, filed an ebay claim for a counterfeit product and got my money back. I returned the pigment back to the seller (with tracking number) but ebay said I didn't have to do that. File a claim if you can and escalate if the seller won't cooperate!


Well-known member
I've actually never been sold a fake that the seller wouldn't return back...I once bought $2000 for resell (NEVER AGAIN!) from a seller I trusted. Well, I sold some to the girls here...about 10 things. Then I noticed something was fake in the lot, so I contacted her. At first she was only going to do a partial refund (about $300 short), because they were missing. I raised all hell (I didn't have those pieces because I let the girls keep them). I basically told her if she was going to charge me, charge me at HER price. (Fakes are super, super cheap. Like 80 cents or less for a jar of pigment.) Instead, she gave me a complete full refund after I threatened legal action. I'm quick to throw the book at someone!