Are yall as addicted to Specktra as me?


Well-known member
I swear!! I am always on here!! I've learned a lot, but damn!

Poll today:

How often are you on Specktra each day?


Well-known member
grrr.... even though i see the same posts, with the same fotds.. i still manage to want to see some more! i need intervention!


Well-known member
I'm a newbie and join specktra about a week or two ago and This place is soooo freaken addicting. I swear I don't even sleep anymore. lol. I'm constantly on this.


Well-known member
If I'm not doing school work, checking my email/myspace/facebook/youtube, or getting groceries, I'm on here. I need help...and a life. lol

Love Always Ivy

Well-known member
yeah its kinda bad that i check specktra when i wake up, when i have free time and before i go to bed i kinda fall asleep to specktra.

yeah id say thats bad.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kuuipo1207
If I'm not doing school work, checking my email/myspace/facebook/youtube, or getting groceries, I'm on here. I need help...and a life. lol

Same here, hehehe.


Well-known member
Hahaha me too!! I look forward to checking it in the AM! It also helps pass the time when work gets slow!


Well-known member
This is such a great poll! I thought I was the only one here like darn near all day. I love this site soo much that at every chance I try to introduce it to all my friends into makeup.