
Well-known member
I'd say I'm addicted because I actually cut into my Starbucks budget for an LE item - and if you know me and my Starbucks, that's a huge deal!

Since we're saving for a house, I've told my husband we have to make an agreed amount to be our allowance every week or else we'd be living with his family for a good long while with my growing MAC collection
... I'd say that's the only thing really curbing my addiction right now, but proportionally with what I have to what I spend, I'm pretty darn hooked. :crap: I won't "have" to go to see a new collection, but I will incorporate that into my schedule if I can... the MA's at my local counter can pretty much expect me on the fist day of a collection's release!


Well-known member
I absolutely have an addiction. I already blew all my money on MAC (and a little shopping spree/shoes), so I have NO money for Amuse...but I'm going to use my "available credit" on my debit card and buy it all anyway, because I absolutely HAVE to have it.


Active member
Heh - I got a job just to pay for my addiction. The bad thing is that it is a large check and part (atleast a 1/3) must be spent on MAC. But at least I will look good with all that MAC I own


Well-known member
Most definitely - I'm a MACaholic
I just can't restrain myself although I know I ought to, so I seriously think it's some kind of addiction.
But it's not a health risk like smoking or drinking, so it's a bit more justifiable for me.

I'm so excited when I know that a new collection will launch that I go to the store or call every day until everything has arrived (we have no fixed dates for that). I'm just so afraid that I might miss something. Then I just buy everything I like, go home and unpack my goodies and feel happy (or rather high?!?) - mhm, I don't know whether it's pathetic, but MAC makes me really happy. When I go out to buy something I forget everything around me, all my problems and troubles and whatever I worry about.

When it feels so good it can't be that bad, can it?


Well-known member
I am definitely a MAC-holic! I hate to say junkie, cause a junkie is a serious thing. I can't see myself living on the street, surrounded by my brand-new MAC from collection "whatever". But, as far as an addiction, YES. I went to MAC Pro in San Francisco on Sunday, hoping they had A Muse early, and sadly they did not. I still managed to spend $100 on other goodies.......after my discount! I am now seriously broke because I had spent $$$ on Patternmaker and Turquatic, 2 days before. And now, I will save the rest of my money, happily wait for A Muse, and spend it ALL. It's definitely a sickness. I'm twisted........ I know this. And you guys are the ONLY people who understand.

Looks like I'll also be eating Ramen, Hot Dogs and Macaroni & Cheese for awhile.

Only the plus side, my new Invisible Set Powder is amazing! Better than Blot Loose. And, Jest lipstick.... where have you been all my life.


An addict???

My mother tells me constantly I need to get over my obsession, and find a less expensive addiction. Then, when we go to a store, she puts things in my hands "oooohhh I like this, get it so I can use it". Lol! She too is an addict. Its like someone who is trying to quit smoking, but grubs ciggarettes off of other people. I guess if you're not paying for it then you're not addicted. Some logic huh? :confused:


Well-known member
I don't think that any of us would have even found this site if we didn't have at least a minor "issue" with MAC!
I don't think it's mere coincidence that "MAC" rhymes with "crack"!

I've liked makeup ever since I was [almost] old enough to wear it, but I didn't realize how magical the stuff can be until I discovered MAC at the rather belated age of 37.
There's something addictive about this stuff, for sure... Especially those blasted Pigments! When "She Shines" came out, I told myself that I'd buy ONE, and that was IT! It was, at first, but after "Sunny Daze" sold out for the SECOND time at the MAC site, I started thinking,"GottahaveitGottahaveitGottahaveitGottaha veitGottahaveitGotta..."
So I went to the Nordstrom site, they still had it!
As I was placing the order, my hand was actually shaking!
So yeah, I think it's time to be honest with myself: I'm addicted.
Compared to MAC, drugs are probably a letdown.