Are you giving any MAC for the holidays?


Well-known member
Silly poll fun...are you giving MAC for the holidays? If so, whatcha giving?

I'm giving my best girl-friend the Satin Basic Brushes Box Set, my other friend, Stars-n-Rockets shadow, and a couple of Lip Varnishes to my mom.



Well-known member
Im planning on getting my best friend the 224 brush cause she uses mine too much!


Well-known member
There should be an option for giving it only to your self, cuz I wolud have checked that one off LOL! No one else I know is really that into MAC


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The basic brush set for my Aunt, and the cool soiree set for my "lil sis", who isn't really my sis, but I babysat her from the time she was a baby till her early teens, and now I teach her..


Well-known member
I'm gettin' my big sister Yvonne the Basic Brush Set...and something else...not sure what yet (I just got Yvonne into MAC this year..picked out some e/s and a blush for her..she LOVED it)!

I'm also getting my 13yr old niece, Samantha some stuff...not really sure what I'll be getting her (I'm also going to get her an Urban Decay palette)...She's really into makeup...not all of it I especially like for the age she's at now (dark, dark blk eyes) I'll be getting her some pretty colors

Oh...I almost forgot...while I'm there, I'll be picking up some stuff for Yvette, too


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Deirdre
I'm giving my mom false eyelashes and glue.

that's so fun!!! what a great gift!


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I'm trying to get Glamourgold for my sis for her wedding. Of course, I'm picking up one for myself too. =D


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I'm getting my aunt the brow shader in Walnut/ Ivoire cause I used mine on her and she loved it!! As for my mom, I'm taking her to get a MAC makeover and she can choose what she likes best!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by roxybc
There should be an option for giving it only to your self, cuz I wolud have checked that one off LOL! No one else I know is really that into MAC

haha DITTO!


Well-known member
I'm planning on getting the Cool Eyes Pallette for my mom. I haven't decided what I'm getting for my bestfriend. I got her the Warm Eyes Pallette for her birthday and I was thinking maybe getting her one of the Dress Sets.


Well-known member
i'm giving my best female friend the ruffle brush & cool l/g sets while my brother's gf the pleat brush & the warm eye set. as for me, i guess, i'm off the list since i've been hauling like crazy every week since pret-a-porter! i'm just hoping to get my friend to notice MAC a bit more!!


Well-known member
I'm getting my niece lipglasses and some fluidlines.

Nothing for mom as she refuses to get sucked into the fabulous world of makeup.

And needless to say i'll be getting something for myself.


Well-known member
No one I know is really into MAC either, but I wish people knew I was. Haha, I'd be so suprised if someone gave me MAC as a present!