Are you giving any MAC for the holidays?


Well-known member
Yes...I'm giving to myself for Xmas. No one I know is really deeeeep into the MAC thing...Lucky me:twisted:


Well-known member
got my sister in-law the pret-a-porter brush set cause she's just getting back into make up again and a few of the new lipgelee's

and mom and mother in law.. well they dont wear to much make up

and of course some for me as well


Well-known member
Yes!! I love to give it to my nearest and dearest friends who I know will appreciate it for what it is and the color choices I have made for them. I have found the eye palettes are usually their favorite, giving them options and new things to try with many different colors. The brush sets have been a big hit, but since I have initiated and bought a brush set for almost all of them for one occasion or another, it's time to move onto COLOR!! I'm such a geek.


Active member
I am giving a the basic brush set to my mom and the eye brush set to a friend. I think they make such great gifts. And the cases can double as clutches too!!!


Well-known member
I bought my work chum the warm eye pallette. She always compliments my make up, and has started wearing it herself. I'm also going to do her a couple of face charts for ideas.


Well-known member
I'm getting my best friend a bunch (can't say which cause I'm pretty sure she lurks on here), and since I can't make a trip to the Pro Store without spending at least $100 (after my discount-ugh!)...I am picking up a few brushes, more lashes & maybe filling up another palette for myself.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by roxybc
There should be an option for giving it only to your self, cuz I wolud have checked that one off LOL! No one else I know is really that into MAC

Too true, too true! No one shares my obsession, at least to the extent that I have it. But one of the girls at work LOVES MAC, but doesn't like to spend too much money on it. So, I got her a Viva Glam pallette.


Well-known member
I got my mom a quad with Satin Taupe and Naked Lunch, and left 2 spots open so she could pick out the other colors herself. I also got her Hot Tahiti L/S, but I think I'm gonna return it - she probably wouldn't like the color. Maybe I'll get her a Viva Glam L/S instead.

Oh, and I also picked up Jealous Kohl Power for myself while I was at the MAC store.


Well-known member
My sister is so finicky about makeup, but I was thinking about making her some pressed pans of some of my pigments as well as some little sample jars. Kind of cheap, I know. But she is so capricious!! However, she has been asking for some *good* brushes, so I think I may pick up some of the brush sets out now!


Well-known member
I'm getting my sister a gift card. I thought about getting her one of the lipglass sets, but I know she is trying to use up a lot of her stuff that she doesn't use as much before she buys more. And she mentioned that she needed a new foundation/blush, but I'll let her pick them out, I'll just tag along when she goes to get them. =] I might give her my Trax e/s that I've used maybe twice...being in school just doesn't give me much opportunity to wear it.

I got my mom the Sweet & Single lipstick from Barbie Loves MAC because she adores vintage barbie and the packaging was so cute...but she told me she hasn't used it yet! :confused:
I wish she lived by me so I could take her in for a makeover and get her some nice basics that I know she would actually use. Your late forties isn't too old to wear makeup, Mom!


Well-known member
I got my friend a holiday pallet last year. This year, I'm making her a quad based on 2 colors she really really wants! So excited!! I'm probably giving her my spare Glissade as well, since I really didn't need the spare (soo much blush already).


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