Art by an Indigo


Well-known member
I saw this program one time I think it was 20/20 or something and it was about Indigo children (children that are believed to possess certain special psychological and spiritual attributes) and there was this little girl who stood out the most. She writes poetry and also paints. Her paintings are beautiful and she is only 11 yrs old!!

Those of you that appreciate art should check her work out, it really is impressive.


Well-known member
She is very talented...


Well-known member
When I was 11 I couldn't even colour inside the lines. Her quotes are very profound as well.

So much for dumb blonde jokes.


Share your thoughts about your self-portrait?

I wanted to show my relationship with God. Once when I could not get the right color of my skin, I just smeared the paint right on my nose to compare, if it matched. Oprah was laughing when I told her that, and she said, ''Oh, yes, I do the same.''

We should see her FOTDs within the next few years.