Art or Murder?


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This is my fur angel. Her hair color actually changed. It was blonde from poor nutrition. Now, she has a lot of red in her hair. When it's really long, it looks like it was tipped with black. She is an angel.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SparklingWaves
Let me tell you about one of my dogs. I was out of State and I heard crying under the house. I thought it was kittens, but the crying didn't stop. I saw a friendly female dog approach me. She rolled on her back and I noticed that her breasts looked odd - like deflated. I thought this had to be someone's dog. She was extremely furry. It was horribly hot outside and I noticed she didn't get out of the street like a dog usually would.

I had to investigate the crying. I found 7 new born pups. Their eyes weren't even open. They kept crying. I said something is really wrong here. The children next door said the furry dog was the mother. I asked, "Why isn't she under there with her babies?" The kids said the mother is sad. Sad? I coaxed the mother dog over to me and she refused to feed her pups. I felt of her and she was a walking skeleton. I realized the mother was out of milk.

I went to store in town and gave her food and she went under the house with her babies. No one claimed this dog. She looked like she was going to drop dead in her tracks.

I picked up the 7 pups and her. I put them in my car. Mind you, I was over 200 miles from home and already had a dog and four cats. I felt like I was out of my mind. I went to shelter to shelter. No one would take her and her babies. They told me that the dog looked to bad off and they would just put her to sleep and the babies. I couldn't do that. I drove her to my house over 200 miles.

Long story short - she made it and feed all of her babies. All of her babies got homes. One lady, flew in to Lousiana from Canada to get one of her babies. I had her treated for advanced heartworms. They didn't think she would make it, but she did.

She is the most loving dog. I can take her anywhere. She is great with my cats. My deaf cat sleeps on her tail.

I could have done what others did and just walk on by, but I couldn't. She was a mom in my eyes that needed help. She is a walking miracle.

That dog in this story was exploited. He could have drawn or painted a picture to get his point across, but he didn't. He wasn't creative enough to do that. He used a living creature's suffering for his own gain.

Thats so wonderful to hear. Shes beautiful, and so healthy looking (i hate it when people overfeed their animals - like over feeding children, its abuse) - seems like she's giving the whole 'if i make puppy dog eyes she'll give me a treat' look!

Its depressing how many (often perfectly healthy) animals are put down each year because shelters simply cant find homes for them, and they are a 'burden'. Some people just dont realise that that is a life, and not something that can just be destroyed.

As for the 'artist' - could he not have taken a photo/made a short film?
That would have been tragic enough to see - and to get a response from, without this attention-seeking immoral behaviour. How many photographers go to war torn/poverty striken countries to show the world what those people have to go through? These photographers dont bring back an African child, tie them up in a gallery and dangle food just out of reach until they die (primarily) of starvation.

That dog could potentially have been in a loving family home now. The 'art' doesnt make me think about the issues he was trying to address. It makes me think about the type of lowlifes we have in this world.


Originally Posted by SparklingWaves

This is my fur angel. Her hair color actually changed. It was blonde from poor nutrition. Now, she has a lot of red in her hair. When it's really long, it looks like it was tipped with black. She is an angel.

What a beautiful doggy! Thanks for saving her.


I agree with Glamdoll. No one would have even cared if he hadn't put it in his "art'' display. How many dogs starve over there - and over here, too - everyday? But, if the dogs dont have owners, no one gets blamed and it's just an act of nature. The dog would have died anyway.This actually illustrates his point very well. With that said, I still don't think he should have just let the dog die like that, it's just wrong, but keep in mind that he wasn't the one who had starved the dog up until the point of the dog dying.

Who knows, maybe this will bring about some change.....


Well-known member
I certainly wouldn't have done it, and it's definitely a cruel thing he did, but I do understand the point he was trying to make.

adaeze: Not just dogs, think about how many human beings starve in the streets daily, and many people don't give it a second thought. What this guy did was tacky and wrong, but some people just don't notice the truth unless someone forces them to confront it.


Well-known member
Art, murder, and Hispanic stereotypes aside, I had to read that literally 3 times to figure out wtf even happened. What a bizarre story.


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Originally Posted by eastsidesunset
While I'm all for animal rights, come on now. An old Hispanic custom of disregard for animal welfare? I'm Hispanic, and I guess I didn't get the memo. Since it's custom, I suppose I should start having disregard for my animal's welfare.

I'm also of Hispanic descent but I know what they're getting at with that comment. When I traveled in Central and South America, in particular when I was in Ecuador and Bolivia, I was struck with the seemingly total lack of vetrinary care or any care provided to many domesticated animals.

I don't mean that in a perjorative way, but I think there are different cultural attitudes about animals in many Latin American countries for social reasons as well as socio-economic reasons. Animals are still for eating. I also don't think it's limited to Latin America- anywhere resources are scant and there are many mouths to feed, you aren't so worried about laboratory testing, free range chickens and fish scales in lipstick.

On a personal note, my very Cuban father has a taxidermied fighting cock. He refuses to part with it and often regales us with glory stories of its wins when he was 6. He hates my dogs (4 pitbulls) b/c he thinks they're fight dogs. He also thinks we waste money by feeding them organic food when they could just eat our leftfovers.

I don't know what to say. I disagree with his views but I think they may accurately reflect many long-standing traditional views of his generation and nationality.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by adaeze
I agree with Glamdoll. No one would have even cared if he hadn't put it in his "art'' display. How many dogs starve over there - and over here, too - everyday? But, if the dogs dont have owners, no one gets blamed and it's just an act of nature. The dog would have died anyway.This actually illustrates his point very well. With that said, I still don't think he should have just let the dog die like that, it's just wrong, but keep in mind that he wasn't the one who had starved the dog up until the point of the dog dying.

Who knows, maybe this will bring about some change.....

it won't bring any change. believe me. people suck . I worked at a animal rescue for a year or so.. people turn in their family pets in awful conditions " oops we went on vacation and forgot to have someone feed our dog, now its about to die..sooo were gonna give it up and get a new one"

no joke.. people are disgusting.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
it won't bring any change. believe me. people suck . I worked at a animal rescue for a year or so.. people turn in their family pets in awful conditions " oops we went on vacation and forgot to have someone feed our dog, now its about to die..sooo were gonna give it up and get a new one"

no joke.. people are disgusting.

I agree with you 100%. All of my dogs are adopted children and in spending so much time in NYC animal shelters, I saw some wild shit. One lady was surrendering a CHIHUAHUA claiming she couldnt care for it anymore. How hard is it to care for a friggin 3 lb dog? Give me a break.


Well-known member
we had a lady.. who came in surrendering her dog, because it didn't match her new furniture..

no.. fucking.. joke.

my jaw dropped and I wanted to slap her.

" we can't keep this dog, its destructive , we left it at home for a week and a half while we went to hawaii, it tore up the couch cushions and the curtains"

well no shit! you lock me in a room with a bunch of dry kibble for a week, im gonna tear crap up too!


Well-known member
Like I said I understand it was poor in taste, but would you sit here and talk about it had it not been on a display? No. It would have been some random starving dog on the street that you dont give a second thought to.

Someone made the comparison to a human. How many humans get passed by without a second though? How many people are homeless and all people will do is "oh bless their heart" PURE word of mouth and NO action.

I am far more disgusted by people who hypocritically say "Oh poor man I hope he is ok" rather than helping him. The artist made a valid point. The only reason its outraging its because it was put on display, he threw the crap back in there face, no one liked it so its distasteful.

I grew up in Mexico and I saw a BUNCH of random dead dogs on the street, homeless dogs, but no one did anything since they can barely afford their own family never the less a dog.

If anyone is outraged, please, act on it. Dont speak about it, dont write letters, please go out there and HELP rescue the dogs and other animals. Put your money where your mouth is.

And to the poster w/ the dogs pic, She is A Beauty!! Im glad there is people w/ heart out there willing to help an animal. Willing to nurture it. You remind me of my little sister =]


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glamdoll
Like I said I understand it was poor in taste, but would you sit here and talk about it had it not been on a display? No. It would have been some random starving dog on the street that you dont give a second thought to.

and that is why people are disgusting.

I personally always pick up stray dogs running along the road.I've probably returned 10+ dogs to their owners this year, and thats on my own time. I also rescued dogs on work time, seeing as how that was my job.

As for homeless people.. I won't lie. I sometimes give food, I always donate, but I don't have the same sympathy for homeless humans as I do for homeless animals.. seeing as how most of the time.. the humans put themselves in that situation


Well-known member
True about the humans putting themselves like that. But some truly dont know how to get out.

There is a guy here who is homeless, well Im told he has a wealthy brother in vegas. He use to be wealthy himself, but drinking and gambling got the best of him. Its really sad.

My little sister is like that, in Mexico there was this skinny scabby dog, that others would kick around and she brought him in, fed him, cleaned him, and nurtured him, he got fat in the time she was there, he started looking better. And if anyone mistreated the dog, she would cuss them out, or throw the water hose at them. One guy made her cry when he kicked the dog in the stomach. Yeah he got chased down by my uncle and hit w/ stones.

She currently has 2 turtles here in my house and she talks to them like they're humans.

She's very kind. I wish I could like animals as much. I like them, but I cant see my self w/ them. we grew up having a ZOO at home.

Ms. Z

Well-known member
Originally Posted by SparklingWaves
Let me tell you about one of my dogs.

You are such a beautiful person.