asian eye makeup


Well-known member
I would take a look in the FOTD thread...We have a lot of beautiful asian women that post and do amazing color/blending/creative stuff...

Unless you mean like a cultural makeup reference I couldnt help you there :x


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mac_obsession
I would take a look in the FOTD thread...We have a lot of beautiful asian women that post and do amazing color/blending/creative stuff...

Unless you mean like a cultural makeup reference I couldnt help you there :x


There are quite a few lovely Asian posters in the FOTD forum.


Well-known member
I'd like to know of a website, though, if anyone has heard of one, with Asian-geared beauty tips and such...which is why I'm bumping this old thread


Well-known member
Originally Posted by swaly
I'd like to know of a website, though, if anyone has heard of one, with Asian-geared beauty tips and such...which is why I'm bumping this old thread

If you don't mind a bit of nudity :p the pornstar Asia Carrera has a great breakdown on her website:


Well-known member
If you're looking for more stuff like technique, there's a book called Asian Beauty by Margaret Kimura that you can probably find at your library. It has lots of great information and explanations.


Well-known member
Asian Faces by Taylor Chang Bababian is a recent soft cover that is very good. Some libraries have the Asian Beauty Book by Margaret Kimura. Asian is a very broad range. People from India look different than Fillipinas who look different from Koreans,Okinawans,Chinese,Japanese,Malay,Singapuri an,Thai or even RussianMongolian,not to mention Hapa! We differ ,as a group not only by facial structure and skin tone,not just eye shape. Many of the tutorials on You Tube feature Asian women with double folds using the old lid,crease,highlight for eyes....and it just doen't work on ALL of us. (Some of us have better luck with a vertical application rather than a horizontal, one size fits all approach) Makeup is an art,we learn the rules and then we can break them. It should be all about experimentation-playtime for adults-rather than "this is the proper way".