asian skintones


Well-known member
Can Asians pull off pinks (for eyes)? I'm Asian, but my skin is a little olive and tan. I've tried pinks/reds but everything makes me look horrible.

if any of you have recommendations for amazing pinks, please inform me. thanks so much.

x music is love

Well-known member
i'm asian (im an NC42) and i've been told that pinks wont look all that great on me (not by an actual MA but a friend who i absolutely trust with my makeup) but then i've also been to a counter where the MA told me i could where any color and it would look good. i cant tell if the MA was just trying to sell or if she was honest =/

long story short, i hope you find some good pinks ! sorry i was no help lol


Well-known member
in all honesty everyone can wear every color yo juts have to find the right shades for you within that spectrum

so the best advice is to really try colors and see which one suits you best

i use cranberry and hepcat on my asian friends along with creme de violet i really think creme de violet is universal


Well-known member
Hi one of my best friends is Asian(C4) she looks great in pinks, like Paradisco and Sushi Flower. She had never tried purples either until we went to the MAC counter last year when the IconII(Diana Ross) collection came out and the MA used the Purple/Pink quad on her and it was beautiful she bought it on the spot. Go and try those shades again I'm sure you'll find some that work for you


Well-known member
I saw Slip Pink on another Asian on MUA and it looked great on her, but I'm still trying to get it to work great with me. She had an MA apply it, tho, and how they used Flirty Number with it helped a lot, I think.

I'm not willing to give up on it (stubborn, I know), but I'll be VERY wary of buying pinks again, unless I tried it out during a makeover or something first. Maybe the secret is to use it boldly or not at all, b/c someone did an FOTD I think yesterday and Coral looked awesome on her (Asian as well, of course). I tried using Rose pigment and my husband just tells me I look mean! *lol* I'll definitely use it on my angry days!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BlahWah
I tried using Rose pigment and my husband just tells me I look mean! *lol* I'll definitely use it on my angry days!

omg i've always wanted to try out the rose pigment. it is absolutely gorgeous! but yea, pinks make me look really bruised or swollen


Well-known member
certain pinks will make me look as if i just cried. i think it all depends on how you're gonna wear the pinks. i like melton mauve all over the lid with shadowy lady in the outer v. i try not to do pink on pink. baby pinks are the easiest to deal with in my opinion, cause they can go with most anything. you can try different combos like pink/purple, pink/blue, pink/orange, pink/gray etc im nc30 and some pinks that i really like are: expensive pink, melton mauve, seedy pearl, pink venus, da bling etc i have good and bad days with sushi flower haha.
i just say you try it and see. theres so many shades of pink, one is bound to flatter your skin tone =) good luck!


Well-known member
Pinks work relatively well on me, but I'm pretty pale (for an Asian... NC20-25). Cranberry, like someone said, is a good one... Swish & Living Pink (which was LE) are good... and my new favorite is rockin' Fuschia pigment w/Black Tied e/s. =)


Well-known member
As an NC42 Oriental girl, I love Creme de Violet, Parfait Amour, Stars n Rockets. I tend to find the darker the pink the better it looks.


Well-known member
i'm an nc40-42 asian girl, and i've had problems with pinks, oranges, and reds. either i need to blend blend blend and incorporate them into a much darker look (think a slight pink highlight with black tied, or carbon), or go darker and wear purple.


Well-known member
Well, I tried using Slip Pink today w/ Petticoat and Shy Angel, Flirty Number in crease, Violet Underground to line w/ Lovely Lily and Little Minx just above the lash line. I think the blue tones evened things out cuz it didn't look too bad (kinda boring, but oh well, I need to practice w/ these colours). Take Yootopia's advice and try different combinations w/ it. I'm going to keep trying and hopefully I'll find sthg that rocks instead of making me cry! *lol*


Well-known member
I definitely say screw the no pink rule. Sometimes pink blush looks like a sunburn on me but pink e/s is usually ok if it's not a really bruisy color. Gold pinks are really easy to pull off and other pinks take more work. Paradisco, Expensive Pink, Rose should all work fine, and then I'm sure experimenting with the other pinks will help you determine what works for you.


Well-known member
I'm NC30-35, and pinks are one of my favorites. Among my favorite eyeshadows are Expensive Pink, Slip Pink (LE), Swish, Sushi Flower, Girlie, Thunder (LE), Cranberry.

I agree with the other commenters - you can make pinks or any other color work for you, it's just a matter of finding the right shade on the color spectrum


Well-known member
I dont think pinks, dark pinks, and red look good on me either. It always makes my eyes look poofy cause I dont have lids so it looks funny. I think another reason why it may not look good is how you apply it. This girl I know tried these colors and her eyes are just like mine she applies it differently to make it look good.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by fairytale22
Paradisco, Expensive Pink, Rose should all work fine,

by rose, do you mean the pigment (because it would be awesome if that color would work for me. it's so gorgeous) or is there another e/s by that name?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by theleopardcake
by rose, do you mean the pigment (because it would be awesome if that color would work for me. it's so gorgeous) or is there another e/s by that name?

Yup I mean the pigment.


Well-known member
I'm an NC35 Asian and I've got more pinks than anything else in my collection! I like slip pink and lighter pinks, but my favorites are bright colors like stars and rockets, hepcat, and sushi flower.


Well-known member
Can the lovely ladies who've had pink work for them post an EOTD for us who can only achieve the punched-in-the-eye look? Or point us to an FOTD you've done with pinks? Anywhere from bold to natural so we can get an idea of what to do would be wonderful. I'd love to where more pinks if I can! Thanks so much!


Well-known member
Just posted 2 FOTD's w/ pinks. Nothing very exciting, but in case you wanted to check it out. One of them is w/ Rose pigment (a cautious use of it).

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