Originally Posted by blueyedlady87
That is so wrong for them to do that. I just have to say that though that if you are as outspoken at the club as you are here on Specktra, I can see why school officials might not want you as president (right or wrong). Especially it being a Christian school like you said, and Middle-Easterners are for the most part fiercely religious (whatever that religion may be). Not trying to push buttons here, just a thought.
Um... I'm not outspoken unless you count not going to church, sermons, or Bible study. I'm too busy for religion, and I don't beleive in God. Oooh, that has so much to do with my character and ability to lead a club /eyeroll
We do state our religious affiliation on our applications, so that's apparently how they know.
Middle Easterners aren't "fiercly religious", it's to the same degree as people are religious in the states. There's extremes and there's people who barely attend church/mosque; the girls who complained are not exactly adamantly religious (i.e. one of them got in trouble for having vodka in her dorm room, among other things).
It wasn't the school that complained about my religious affiliation, or lack thereof. They just don't like the homogenousness (is that a word? lol) of our club, that it doesn't have any Jews and theres a noticeable amount on campus. I'm still allowed to attend meetings, but I don't think I will, it's too awkward.