Asked to Resign from Club


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Emma_Frost
Well, the petition and essay we submitted should help.

MEHC has 12 non-Middle Eastern/Arab members. But all of them are Christian. The ICC wants evaluate if I have been discriminating against Jews at our school (I haven't, I'm giving them the applications of all members for the MEHC, none applied).

They are kinda desperate *sigh*. It's those stupid girls; But I guess they have to evaluate their complaints. As long as I tell them everything straight up and provide the accurate documentation, I should be fine.

Good luck, tell us how it goes.


Well-known member
So the ICC has suspended my position for the rest of the year. As in, we have no head of the club; instead, a faculty member (Arabic language) will lead the meetings. And I'm remarkably okay with that since I'm graduating a year early.

See, they didn't find me to have misrepresented the group. I did call my mother earlier today and told her what was happening... can you say beyond pissed off? I think she was all but yelling at the headmistress that they're allowing her daughter to be treated like this, and how those girls should not be bullying me out of a club, etc.. The review took about two hours but it wasn't difficult. Just questions on our activities, what our goal is as a club, etc..

But I was found to have committed one bad thing. I "discriminated" against Jews. But NO JEWS APPLIED!!! What the hell was I supposed to do, sign them up anyways?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Emma_Frost
So the ICC has suspended my position for the rest of the year. As in, we have no head of the club; instead, a faculty member (Arabic language) will lead the meetings. And I'm remarkably okay with that since I'm graduating a year early.

See, they didn't find me to have misrepresented the group. I did call my mother earlier today and told her what was happening... can you say beyond pissed off? I think she was all but yelling at the headmistress that they're allowing her daughter to be treated like this, and how those girls should not be bullying me out of a club, etc.. The review took about two hours but it wasn't difficult. Just questions on our activities, what our goal is as a club, etc..

But I was found to have committed one bad thing. I "discriminated" against Jews. But NO JEWS APPLIED!!! What the hell was I supposed to do, sign them up anyways?

Seriously. You cannot FORCE someone to join your club, all you can do is make it a warm and welcoming place and hopefully they will see that and come join. You sound like you were a great leader when you were there, and I'm sorry that you had to dragged through all this crap because of a few bratty girls in the group.


Well-known member
I'm sorry to hear about this. You obviously put your heart into your club and it is really unfortunate they don't realize this.

Do you think perhaps it is a hidden agenda due to the fact that you are an athiest? Do you think it was just an excuse to get you out? My theory: I think a few members who want your job may be using your athiesm to sway particularly religious/traditional parents to prompt your dismissal? I smell a rat. Just my two cents.

See, you can find 'Mean Girls' anywhere.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
See, you can find 'Mean Girls' anywhere.

You dont know how mean she really is...


Well-known member
I wasn't talking about Emma Frost in that comment. I was directing it towards the other members of the club.


Well-known member
That is so wrong for them to do that. I just have to say that though that if you are as outspoken at the club as you are here on Specktra, I can see why school officials might not want you as president (right or wrong). Especially it being a Christian school like you said, and Middle-Easterners are for the most part fiercely religious (whatever that religion may be). Not trying to push buttons here, just a thought.

Originally Posted by Emma_Frost
Why do you beleive in God? Are you afraid? Are you in pursuit of something greater? Why do you think there is a higher entity?

It's no challenge for me. I've searched from the pages of books, to the depths of my heart and I beleive there is no God.

I'm going to believe in Mankind, unopressed by the constraints of theism. The master-slave morality of Christianity and theism in and of itself I find oppressing, Atheism is the liberation.

Mankind has been fighting and repairing against the mistakes your God made thousands of years ago; I see no divine interventions, no end of days, and we're left to clean up our world. Christianity is the blemish of mankind and it's insanity and pack morality has oppressed millions.

Atheism is bloodless. It's Christianity and theism that have killed millions. Atheism is the "peace movement"; its not inspiring, it's thought provoking. It questions and analyzes, it doesn't inspire men to march to war or for revolts in the streets.

I don't claim to know anything. I don't know for certain how the world was created or my purpose (other than to live this life to it's fullest. I'm not wasteing any more of my life praising the unknown, an invention of Man). I have no clue about many of the things on this earth. I don't think any of us can answer all the unknown questions in life.

It's only the believers who claim to know it all.


Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Chances are the next president isn't going to recruit Jewish students, either. That's the dumbest thing I heard. Do members of this club have to stand up and declare what they believe?

Goodness, if activities in the US had have at least one member of some other group, most of them, by your school's logic, wouldn't exist.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blueyedlady87
That is so wrong for them to do that. I just have to say that though that if you are as outspoken at the club as you are here on Specktra, I can see why school officials might not want you as president (right or wrong). Especially it being a Christian school like you said, and Middle-Easterners are for the most part fiercely religious (whatever that religion may be). Not trying to push buttons here, just a thought.

Um... I'm not outspoken unless you count not going to church, sermons, or Bible study. I'm too busy for religion, and I don't beleive in God. Oooh, that has so much to do with my character and ability to lead a club /eyeroll

We do state our religious affiliation on our applications, so that's apparently how they know.

Middle Easterners aren't "fiercly religious", it's to the same degree as people are religious in the states. There's extremes and there's people who barely attend church/mosque; the girls who complained are not exactly adamantly religious (i.e. one of them got in trouble for having vodka in her dorm room, among other things).

It wasn't the school that complained about my religious affiliation, or lack thereof. They just don't like the homogenousness (is that a word? lol) of our club, that it doesn't have any Jews and theres a noticeable amount on campus. I'm still allowed to attend meetings, but I don't think I will, it's too awkward.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Emma_Frost
I've been President of the Middle Eastern Heritage Club.... until yesterday.

Our school has a few dozen girls from the Middle East, or are Arab Americans so in 1999 the original MEHC was formed. I took over as President in '05 during my Sophmore year. But now I'm being asked to resign by our faculty sponsor. Why? Apparently I don't give an accurate representation of the Arab community on campus.

O_O what? They ELECTED me, they have every semester since '05. And now the teacher wants me to resign since parents of some girls complained about my values and how they reflect on the club. I don't get it. We aren't a Muslim organization, so me being an atheist should not matter.

Ugh. This is really, really bad. I love the club, we do alot of community service projects, political activism, or unusually random s*** like watch Arab language movies after school. (and we allow in non-Middle Eastern students too, btw).

But I'm really torn over this.
Do I tell my club that I've been asked to resign because some of their parents don't like me?
Or just resign without giving a reason?

I wish I knew who blabbed to their parents about me. We have twenty three members who are of Middle Eastern decent/from the region, and twelve members who are not. If I worked on it I bet I could narrow it down to two or three but why bother... It's just really odd to elect someone UNANIMOUSLY and then turn your back on them by complaining to your parents.

For a school official letting you of a post because of "the so called values". No dear, there is hidden agenda and it needs to be addressed. There was no wrong doing in your part and if the girls were uncomfortable with your leadership or the club entirely, they should (the school) have a teacher present (a sponsor if you will) to oversee the club. And if parents have any beef, they just did not have your opinion BUT a school official to back-up the truth as well...As far as it is its your word against theirs. Furthermore, there should have been a meeting with ALL parents, the students and a few teacher so they could all express their feelings. And at the end of the day it could have been a misunderstanding. But to let go the situation so quietly???????? Could it be you are being discriminated because of your religious beliefs??????
The perception of whats a good Arab-American, Hispanic, Oriental...its such a one sided view, it just angers me. YOU HAVE all the RIGHT to approach the situation seriously. YOU WERE not given a valid reason to make you resign on the basis of a couples of people opinion. If I were you, you and your mother should talk to the principal and on a further note, I would ( this is me---yeah I am political scientist and i hate being taken advantage of) actually take your story to the newspaper. And if the case are on the grounds of you being discriminated due to your religious beliefs, the ACLU wold be all over your schools ASS and the last thing your school wants is to be sued for discrimination.


Well-known member
Oh, definitely tell them WHY. Get some students on your side. Is there someone you can complain to? It sounds like they are discriminating because you're Atheist, when like you said, it's NOT a Muslim organization. Maybe the parents in question want it to be one, but it isn't.

I doubt the members complained. They could have mentioned in passing to their parents that you weren't religious, and the parents saw fit to complain or something.

I hate when people are like that. Just because they believe something and someone else doesn't, they try to push them out. WTF.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MadchenRogue
Furthermore, there should have been a meeting with ALL parents, the students and a few teacher so they could all express their feelings. And at the end of the day it could have been a misunderstanding. But to let go the situation so quietly???????? Could it be you are being discriminated because of your religious beliefs??????

Boarding school. Their parents and mine live on the other side of the pond. Little hard to arrange a parent confference, lol. I think the discrimination wasn't as much of a factor as the overall bitchiness of those girls. Oh well, f**k them. I hope they have miserable lives of whining and complaining about someone else.

The perception of whats a good Arab-American, Hispanic, Oriental...its such a one sided view, it just angers me. YOU HAVE all the RIGHT to approach the situation seriously. YOU WERE not given a valid reason to make you resign on the basis of a couples of people opinion. If I were you, you and your mother should talk to the principal and on a further note, I would ( this is me---yeah I am political scientist and i hate being taken advantage of) actually take your story to the newspaper. And if the case are on the grounds of you being discriminated due to your religious beliefs, the ACLU wold be all over your schools ASS and the last thing your school wants is to be sued for discrimination.

I admantly was against any publication (even our school newspaper) posting anything about what happened. I rather like keeping things quiet (IRL). I don't want the ACLU or anything on it. I really wanted my position but I was already about to graduate (early!), had my applications sent in, and was upset but not devatated and overreacting to what happened. School's out, I've graduated, heading to Uni this Autumn.