Attn: All Cosmetics Girls!


Well-known member

My national makeup artist informed me that we can save all our reciepts for black clothes and shoes, haircuts and color, nails, makeup, facials, and skincare, haircare, beauty products. Anything that we purchase or buy that has to do with our industry is considered out "uniform", and is A TAX WRITE OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm starting this next year for SURE. :loveya:


Well-known member
Yup...wrote off $2000 in makeup alone last year! I need to start saving for the black clothes/beauty stuff though.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
Does this count for other retail jobs as well?

Im not really clear on exactly what jobs it will cover, but I think one must be considered a "private agent" to get written off (but don't take MY word for it
). M/U freelancers are very lucky, 'cause they can get all their makeup written off. How cool is THAT?!

I am a private-duty nurse, and I have to make sure I set aside $$$ for my own taxes every year. However, I can use many things as a Nursing uniforms, Nursing shoes, any of my gloves, wipes, hand sanitizers, even gas to get to jobs can get a write-off 'cause I'm almost considered self-employed. It really helps A LOT to be able to get those write-offs. I paid a HELL of a lot less in taxes last season because I used all those write-offs.

I know a CNA that also says she saves her Dunkin' Donuts coffee reciepts and gets COFFEE written off because she gets it before going into work!!!!!!!!!! IMO, that's going a lil' bit far, but hey...every little bit helps, right?


Well-known member
Thats a great benefit for you ladies! I wish at my job...a boring govt desk job...I could do that...haha, time for a new job!


Well-known member
omg, are you serious? wow, that's awesome...most of my clothes i wear to school are black,


Well-known member
THANK THE LORD! I've spent almost $300 alone on clothes and I've only been working for 2 months! I won't EVEN total up how much I spend on makeup.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I know. I just started a retail job that requires all black and I don't own that much black clothing


Well-known member
Wow I thought that you gals knew this.

Same thing does for all you gals who are freelance M/A and paying tax on your earning.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
I know. I just started a retail job that requires all black and I don't own that much black clothing

Yeah if they don't provide you with clothing, you have to buy your own. Same goes for makeup and hair dye, it's part of your uniform. I don't know about the coffee thing, I wouldn't think food and coffee are work-related, you would need food and
coffee even if you didn't go to work.


Well-known member
Holy crap! I'll be saving my receipts for sure then! I can get all my nail and pedicure appts off bc we always HAVE to have well manicured and chip free nails! YIPEE!


Active member
I work in cosmetics and I'm wondering if i would need a document from my boss or something that states I need to wear black clothes??


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MareMare
I work in cosmetics and I'm wondering if i would need a document from my boss or something that states I need to wear black clothes??

Talk to an accountant. But I don't think so.


Active member
Really?? I just bought some black clothes for work.....and im gonna need a whhhoooole lot more lol! Im gonna save those receipts and buy a little filer thingy to put them in so i can keep up w/them.

Doesn't the same thing go for gas though? I've always heard about this but i never really knew how to do it or exactly how it worked.