AU Colour Story Release Dates


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Originally Posted by indybrat
I also got the Skin Refined Zone, but I'm not really sure what to do with it. From the way the MUA spoke I would use it instead of P&P. This mrorning I used it on my T-Zone and then used P&P Skin of the rest of my face.

^^I think that is a really good idea.
And, I am loving the Skin Refined Zone.


Well-known member
My MA said Prep & Prime Skin Refined Zone should be used as a more intense primer, in areas of your face where a normal primer just wont cut it.


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Colour Craft is calling my name
The lipsticks look lovely and the MSF's and blushes sound better than ever!! I am liking the sound of Triple Fusion and Fab-dabulous. The eyeshadows sound good but I barely use the MES I have now so I think I'll have to stay away.. maybe just one.. can't pick!


Well-known member
How annoying is that both Colour Craft and EuristocratsII are coming out in July (based on US release dates)! I want all the lippy stuff from Euristocrats and MES from Colour Craft


Well-known member
Yeah it seems that way! What is the story with Euristocrats II? Has it been released before or something? And OMG I didn't even realise that Double Dazzle was out already.. I want another CP now lol! What is everyone thinking of the mascara?


Well-known member
^^ Yep, the original Euristocrats was launched as a Europe only collection. I think this was a while back - over 12 months ago I think.

They are re-promoting several of the colours from the Euroristocrats I collection for north america etc. as well as a few new ones I think (or re-promotes from other collections)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by simplyenchantin
Yeah it seems that way! What is the story with Euristocrats II? Has it been released before or something? And OMG I didn't even realise that Double Dazzle was out already.. I want another CP now lol! What is everyone thinking of the mascara?

Mascara is fab. I love how it lengthens all my lashes! Only pro is, it doesn't volume up the lashes, so I have to apply Prep & Prime Lash beforehand and it is fantastic.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by simplyenchantin
You're all dolls, what would I do without you <3

Spend less money for sure!


Well-known member
^^LOL you still SPEND, simplyenchantin!!

By the way, I asked my MUA and apparently Rose Romance Nordie exclusive quad is not going to be released in Australia. Don't know about DJ, but it is the case with Myer MAC.


Well-known member
OI - all you guys who have lollipop loving l/s....

Do you wear it on its own???

I'm finding I'm not getting a lot of colour pay-off. I know it's a glaze (and I'm naturally anti-lustre anyway)... but COME ON!


Well-known member
I'm with you there, Cats. My mum said it was far too pale on me so that's why I skipped it.. even though its so so so pretty.. I figure there are OTHER products that already DO work, so why bother with stuff that doesn't lol. (Sorry that's probably no help). Maybe try putting concealer/powder foundation on your lips before applying it to make the true colour come out better?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CatsMeow
OI - all you guys who have lollipop loving l/s....

Do you wear it on its own???

I'm finding I'm not getting a lot of colour pay-off. I know it's a glaze (and I'm naturally anti-lustre anyway)... but COME ON!

I hate to say I told you so
I am getting Utterly Posh d/g just for this lippy. Apparently it is really pretty that way. I am also going to play with other lipglasses to make this lippy work for me!!! Anyway, I am glad to see I am not the only one who is not crazy about LL!


Well-known member
ive been using ll for my work lippy (coz i work in hardware and with kids i like something really sheer and the green glitter is just so pretty without being OTT) however its not something id grab for a night out or a bright lip even if there was a gloss that brightend it up a bit.


Well-known member
It's such a pretty colour... I just wish it was in a frost formula or something with a bit more 'stick'. I might try it with a clear l/g tomorrow.

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