Aussie Girls - What are you lemming?


Well-known member
I've been looking at coral crepe to, I was thinking of trying it by itself with just blacktrack lining.


Well-known member
I ended up purchasing a sample of Coral Crepe off someone
Can't wait to receive it!

Now I'm lemming something from the To The Beach collection...anything! LOL such a sucker for LE packaging.


Well-known member
I am lemming Rescue Beauty Lounge nail polishes! I wasnt all of them!!! ARGHHHHH lol

They are so friggen expensive though... 18USD.... When the aussie dollar recovers a little I might think about ordering some....


Well-known member
argh. I need some help.

I'm tossing up between a Crush Cosmetics haul with a coastel scents pallete and NYX jumbo pencil haul

or a MAC haul from a reputable ebay seller.

If I go with Crush I'll get more for the same price but I do have oily eyelids and alot of the reviews I've read on NYX jumbo pencils is that they're not good on oily lids.

I'f I d a MAC haul I wont get nearly as much, but it will be MAC and a few items I really want.

I can't decide.


Well-known member
^^ Hmmmm I feel that NYX jumbo pencils are alright, i have oily lids but not super oily. I do use a primer though, haven't use the jumbo pencils much but I think they are pretty good
I honestly feel that the only saving grace of the 88 palettes are that there are 88 colours. Some of the colour payoff as not as good though.

Welll if it's me i'll go for MAC, just because I'm sucha MAC whore. What MAC stuff will you be getting if you choose to get MAC.


Well-known member
^^ From my perspective, having a large collection and collecting for sometime, if you think you'll become addicted and start hauling a lot I'd go for quality over quantity. That is, if you end up having heaps of stuff, you might as well have heaps of better stuff that you'll actually make use of - I probably wouldn't use half the colours in the CS palette so I never bothered getting one (I'd rather have fewer colours I'd use more often and collect more slowly) Hope that helps/makes sense haha!


Well-known member
Keeks, what's the name of the eBay seller? Please make sure that they are actually legit. There are a lot of bad sellers out there. My boo kitty on eBay is a good one for reference.

I agree with Mich in regard to collecting. If it is going to become serious then go quality over quantity. I bought 4 palettes like the coastal scents ones off eBay (they are cheaper on eBay than from coastal scents or other etailers) and I never use them. I have given 2 away. I much prefer my mac shadows. If you want cheaper colourful shadows try some sleek palettes from the seller eBay My World - lindas-cosmetic-corner

Eliza, makeupboutique and kissandmakeupny are one and the same. Makeupboutique is justtheir eBay name


Well-known member
Thanks guys, I think I'm going to get a MAC haul instead, quality of quantity.

The seller is pinkdaisygirls aussiemacluvrrr her shipping may be a bit ridiculus but she has a good reputation and girls on the vogue forum have purchased her stuff and it's authentic.


Well-known member
^^ yep she is good as well....I have bought from her also.... Check if my-boo-kitty or wc-racer have the same items in stock as well before you buy because their shipping is a bit more reasonable i think.....

However be careful buying pigments from wc-racer. I think she has sold fakes before.... :s


Well-known member
I finally had my haul all sorted out I knew what I was going to get then the freaking AUD nose dived!

Everythings gone up about 5-6more dollars which in effect is the same if I'd bought it in Australia.

I'm going to the Pro store on Chapel St instead.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by keeks87
I finally had my haul all sorted out I knew what I was going to get then the freaking AUD nose dived!

Everythings gone up about 5-6more dollars which in effect is the same if I'd bought it in Australia.

I'm going to the Pro store on Chapel St instead.

I'm currently arranging a CP for the To The Beach collection and I'm hoping the AUD goes up a lil in a few days *wishful thinking*


Well-known member
Yeah I'm not holding my breath. The only good thing to come of this is that rates hopefully wont rise again.


Well-known member
I 'accidentally' stumbled upon ACW & saw that they have grand entrance eyeshadow!
Do any of you have it? Is it something i'll always use? It looks like a pretty inner corner highlight
She has a set with dreammaker!Which looks so pretty!


Well-known member
I love grand entrance! Its a gorgeous colour...

I am now lemming a brand new Melba blush pan, even though I just got one from the USA a couple of weeks ago because I just dropped mine and it smashed into a million pieces
it was my fave blush at the moment!

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