B2M - Read before posting questions about Back to MAC.


Well-known member
lure & B2M

i read somewhere a while ago that the lure products cannot be used for B2M... but the packaging has the B2M sign on it. so, can the lure stuff be used for B2M?


Well-known member
I JUST read a post about this somewhere... from wha the other gals mentioned you sure can
HTH! if i find the link I'll edit and add.


Well-known member
I think they can be used for B2M, just not B2M'd for themselves (lippies only, of course). But a confirmation would be great!


Well-known member
I now got at 2 locations a Lure l/s with empties...

At Bloomingdales and Saks. I know that Henry Bendel does it too.
The Mac Pro store in NYC would not though.
Maybe you should try at department stores then?


Well-known member
Lucky! I almost pulled it off w/ my department store, but the new girl - who first told me I could B2M the Lure l/s - has now been properly informed. Boo! But it's not too much of a loss as I only really wanted Lure l/s, which may be similar to other permanent ones.. (I say to console myself..)..


Well-known member
I got a Lure Lipstick this weekend as a B2B - freestanding MAC store.

Another time I got a Catherine Lipstick one from a free standing store and another from a dept store in my area when Catherine Icon came out.

Has anyone emailed MAC corp to find out correct info?


Well-known member
What we were told is that you can B2M for any lipstick except for Viva Glam. Period. We B2M'ed Catherine D as well. There is no reason that they shouldn't let you do special packaging l/s for B2M. They may just say no in some places so that they can keep the LE ones because they will sell those faster than regular lipsticks, so they don't want to be out of them because of people B2M'ing them. I don't know....


Well-known member
i got my lure lipstick with b2m. i wouldnt question it when i go. i would just do it. and if it doesnt go through...it doesnt..know. but it doesnt hurt to just try. they probably were referring to the fact that supposedly u cant use b2m for special packaged items. but its been 50/50 from what i read so far.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by farra712
What we were told is that you can B2M for any lipstick except for Viva Glam. Period. We B2M'ed Catherine D as well. There is no reason that they shouldn't let you do special packaging l/s for B2M. They may just say no in some places so that they can keep the LE ones because they will sell those faster than regular lipsticks, so they don't want to be out of them because of people B2M'ing them. I don't know....

um, I'm not sure about your location - but our location received a memo from corporate 'reminding' us that you can not receive any special packagaing lipstick with B2M (the same one we got for Catherine Deneuve).


Active member
Try On Pacs and Back 2 MAC

I just bought the Moisture Fix Try On Pac on Saturday. I was just wondering if the bottles counted towards B2M. I know the Moisture Fix is full size, and I am assuming it would count. The Fast Response Eye and Microfine Refinisher are smaller than normal though, which is why I was wondering if they would count.


Well-known member
I believe the full size product it okay, but for gift sizes/trial sizes..you have to return EVERYTHING that it came with. So for example your try on pac, I do believe you have to bring the microfine, fast response, and the plastic for the wipes for it to count.

and same goes for the gift sets at chritmas..the entire package including the outer packaging have to be brought back as one, because it is sold as one.


Well-known member
the full size moisture fix counts as 1 B2M item.
the trial sizes and pouch all count as 1 B2M item.
this is according to my nordstrom counter. i asked them about this when i bought the tryon pac for studio moisture cream.


Well-known member
the packaging for the 100-count and 45-count wipes do count for B2M.

the tryon pac demi-wipes must be in the complete set of minis, as stated above.


Well-known member
A little off topic, but I asked about if the boxes the lashes come in count as a B2M and one counter told me no, but a freestanding store told me yes.

Now I'm not sure.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by thegirlgotsoul
A little off topic, but I asked about if the boxes the lashes come in count as a B2M and one counter told me no, but a freestanding store told me yes.

Now I'm not sure.

i've been told the empty lash boxes (plastic ones) count as B2M, although i've never actually tried it. i would imagine so, they are, after all, a plastic item that was full price. if you take it in, and they give you problems, perhaps ask to speak to a manager, or ask if they could call the freestanding store. sometimes, MAs are just misinformed.