Babies .....babies ....and more babies ....


Well-known member
Where do I start ......
Some where around march I my daughter had surgery for her tonsils and adnoids I think that's how you spell it ....

so about a week after her surgery I got a migraine which isn't un common for me because I've been a migraine sufferer since 1996 after the birth of my first daughter ,so I took meds that had been prescribed to me and afew minutes laterafter taking the stupid pill I started to have trouble breathing and my chest started hurting so my husband noticed with out me saying anything cuz I just figured if I layed don it would go away but he carried me to the car and took me to the E.R. And they took an ex-ray of my heart so they said my heart was fine and they said it was an allergic reaction.

So I had been waiting for the freaking bill for my daughter's surgery and after more than 2 freaking months I get it and that's that I went to the ER a few days later and I got my bill sooner ughhh!..... It just pisses me off that I was gonna pay her bill the day of and they said no you'll get the bill mailed to you so it made me more mad cuz after 2+ months I use the money for something else...

So since we didn't get her bill right away we went to vegas and on the way I felt dizzy and never in my life did I know what it felt like till that day but my hubby said it was probably just the change of climate so when we got to vegas I was fine yeah durring the day as soon as dinner time came I felt sick but I figured it was nothing so 2more days pass and I still felt the same so I tell the hubby jokingly what's if I'm pregnant and we both laugh it off since our daughters are 10yrs and 1&1/2yrs old and we figured since we always use protection and it took us soo long to get pregnant the 2nd time around it was impossible since we just had our baby a little over a yr ago, soo we go to walmart down the way and we went to get our girls swim suits and the hubby says just for kicks lets get a pregnancy test so we get the 2 pk of digital tests ,we go back to the room and less than the 3 minutes the results are in!...

Omg I couldn't belive what I saw since I was feeling so bad and never felt like that I come out and he asks and I told him "NO I'm not pregnant" so he and our oldest look at me like their disapointed ,so I feel like crap since I wanted so bad to tell them yes and make it special so I go back get the test pull my hubby in the hall and tell him I'm sorry but I just want to tell him "CONGRATULATIONS AGAIN DADDY!!!" he looks at me in shock and asks to see proof and he sees it so he's estatic and I tell him how we are gonna tell the oldest and he said we would make her guess with a game of sharrades and I don't even get to finish when he yells out to her that were pregnant and shes gonna be a big sister again!

So we come back the next day cause we want to get prenatal care asap so to make this long ass story even Were using the same obgyn we had almost 2yrs ago shes happy for us,sends us to get a sono cause I was freaking cause I got the xray and I had took the meds ,our baby looks like a shrimp heart looks and sounds great and I was told not to worry that the baby ws fine and my mother in law said if that's true that I could see my baby perfectly the way I described that its a boy and I crossed my fingers cause we have 2girls and my doc told me she would only recomend me having one more since I have to have c-sections(i wish I could have a natural birth but I tried twice and my docs say they won't let me try again) and she doesn't want me risking my life anymore so this is my last ... Anyhow went to a sono a week ago at 18 weeks and my mother in law was.........RIGHT!, WERE EXPECTING A BOY!
And the sono nurse said he looks and sounds very healthy and he's apparently strong cause he moved sideways and showed us his! I'm due november 25th but my ob says hell probly come thanksgiving day with my history, so no matter what before or after I'm already thankful.

Sorry so long but I had to vent!

If you read this whole thing thanks for reading me out!


Well-known member
awww this is too cute~!

Congratulations!!! :balloons: I hope everything goes extremely well for yah! :thumbsup:


Well-known member
:congrats: I'm so happy to hear about the new addition to your family.


Well-known member
Thank you all!!!!
I've been a little scared since it my last and I've never changed a boy so its nerve wrecking but I'm excited....

mzcelaneous congratulations to you as well ,let us know what having when you find out!


Well-known member
Congratulations!!!! I bet your family is thrilled! As for changing a boy's diapers, you have to become friends with a washcloth and learn to cover him up as soon as you take off his diaper. I was "baptized" the first time I changed both my sons because I wasn't quick enough...don't'll get the hang of it!

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