Bad Girls Club


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I just saw on Oxygen on Demand that they have a few of the episodes, so I think I may check it out.


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Originally Posted by Dreamergirl3
so i saw the newer epsiode, the one where Zara doesn't go to the club. Wow. She should have gone, even Aimee went. I think what made it even more offensive was that she left as they were on their was like a slap on the face. she should have said something from the start instead. I agree with Ty's take on the whole thing, but also think that Zara needs to just grow up or learn when to keep quiet, because she is getting waaaaay too big for her boots if you know what I mean!

So I finally caught this episode on Tuesday! Zara had ME Hot!! If she didn't want to go to the club--so b it! But in the car to say that she did not feel comfortable going to a "black" club, made me want to reach into the tv and choke her!!! Whining about being the only white person there---uuhh what about Aimee? Leslee was right to be mad! Shoot I know I was! I do however think that Ty's take was right. You do have to live with these people and you gotta pick your battles. Zara also was askin to be slapped with the whole water bottle thing. She was sooooo brave when she wrote the note---Stand up and b a woman when you get approached on it! Okay---done venting on that!
Man, I love this show!


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Originally Posted by lightnlovly
Zara also was askin to be slapped with the whole water bottle thing. She was sooooo brave when she wrote the note---Stand up and b a woman when you get approached on it! Okay---done venting on that!
Man, I love this show!

Exactly. You're a supposed "bad girl", stand up to what you wrote. Funny how quiet everyone got when she came back and approached them. Then it's like "What water bottle?".


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Did anyone see the beating that just took place?

I'm not for people getting beat like that over silly stuff, but my goodness! Ty could go up against Laila Ali right about now with what I just saw. I think she just lost it when Aimee challenged her and ran her mouth (even though Ty was not justified in being mad - had to put that in there
). I also saw two points where Ty upped her anger: 1. When Aimee spit back and threw off her glasses and 2. When Aimee kicked off her shoes. You just don't do that if you're not prepared to THROW DOWN. I'm just sad that she lost it like that and had to go.


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I just wish I saw some people puttin their hair up in pony tails and taking off their jewelry! jk
but wooow
seriously...Ty for the win. She can fight. I really thought with that big mouth and temper that Aimee might have had a good chance but no way.
I feel really bad though. Ty's been through a lot from what they've said and I think she could have learned something more if she stayed. At least it seems like she had more of a chance to learn something than Aimee.


Well-known member
First off LOVE THIS SHOW! lol....yes my guilty little obsession

but anyways...I do hate that Ty is leaving! I mean granted I would be a bit scared of her lol (that girl can lay the smack DOWN) but being there really seemed like it could do something for her. and just have to say...something is up with Aimee...that girl has crazy mood swings!


Well-known member
I had to get the pocorn out for that boxing match! WOW! Ty put hands all over Aimee!! I give Aimee credit for not backing down, but damn she was getting mopped! I agree that Ty didn't really have that much of a reason to be mad, BUT I also think that Aimee and them should have been more understanding when they came in is not as serious as Aimee made it. It is sad that Ty had to leave, but she made her bed. I just wish that she would have kept a level head, there was so much that she could have learned from this's a shame really. I hope that Leslee doesn't go home too--she's stronger than that. I think that her problem is bonding with the other girls--her and Ty had a common bond which made it easy! And now she must try to forge a bond with these other fake females (Kerry, Zara and the new girl) *shakes head* Is is tuesday yet?


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aimee is a freaking drama queen. that whole spraying cleaner on clothes over a plastic rat was stupid. deann is a freaking stupid *insert blank here* who needs to be at home with her kid instead of whoring on tv. (i don't mean "whoring" literally) i can't stand kerry, she almost cheated on her bf the day after he left, zara is immature, and that one chick that looks like a man gets on my NERVES! and TBH i was sad to see ty go. her and leslie are the only 2 girls that have common sense and i LOVE them. yeah, guilty pleasure much? i was sitting there with my ice cream cracking up last night!

the hubby was watching the intro with the little cartoony things and he was like "WHY ARE THEY DOING THAT STUPID TWITCH!?" he's soooo into the show too. a little bit later he goes "IT'S SO ANNOYING BUT I CAN'T LOOK AWAY"... then right before he went to bed he did the little twitch dance for me, HAHAHAHA!


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On the one hand I find this show highly entertaining, on the other, I kind of despise it because it highlights every bad stereotype that there is about women - that they are catty, bimbo-y, vain, ingorant of anything other than fashion and makeup and unable to get along with one another. If I knew any of those women in real life, I'd smack em' for ruining the credibility women have to fight for that men receive automatically.


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Haha, I watched the first two episodes for some reason. I was kind of dissapointed, I wanted to see some real fuckups!


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Season 2 on now....I don't care for Naveen, she bothers me more than Tanisha. She gots pretty eyes though and I seen her using MAC on the show. But she bothers me. Maybe that will change.


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Neveen needs a full body wax and I'd slap Taneisha with a frying pan if I didn't think she'd take it and suck the bacon grease out of it. Loud ass broad.

With that said, I love this show to death.


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I LOVE Jenevecia. That girl is wild. Everyone else I can't stand. I like this cast alot more then last season though.


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Ugh neveen. She needs a good @ss beating! And SON I'M FROM BROOKLYN YO tanisha is the most annoying person ever. I'm from NY too and I don't talk like that.she sounds like an ahole. Lol sometimes though when I'm in the car I just brake out into my tanisha voice YO! This season is way better than the last one.


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Jenna vs Tanisha tonight!!!!! woot!

What I don't get is that it looks like Jenna is getting the boot but not Tanisha. How come? I guess we shall find out


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these girls are crazy~~ jenna and pissing in the sink though... these ladies have kids and i believe they're lil girls too. thats a horrible example to set ant jenna is the oldest isnt she? like 26?! come on now quit pissin in the sink and wiping your ass with lunch meat...


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I don't know what to think of this season...they way this crop of girls are and how they treat each other and the way they vehemently defend their actions, validating them by pointing the finger really rubs me the wrong way.


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both parties are wrong always shouting about respect but never wanting to give it and if they do the others look down on them like yea bitch u better respect me. they do not even understand the concept of respect..


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Anyone see the preview for the Tyra show this coming Tuesday? She's gonna have this season's cast on there, and they're STILL going at it with eachother! I think Tyra even cries, the clip kinda gives that away I think. Should be interesting...