bad parenting :|


Well-known member
i have to share this cos i was completley horrified at this
i was waiting to get a bus home today in this hmm not so nice area, and this woman came out of a shop with a little boy who was about 4 and she handed him a sandwich and started talking to her friend
her friend said oo their a bit high aren't they (at the womans shoes) and she went yeah i know their f***in killing me for f**ks sake
this is all with the little boy standing right beside her
they both walked over to the bus stop and the little boy opened his sandiwich and some stuff fell out and she jumped at him saying rrrr u stupid bald c**t ur getting it all over the f***n place ill smash your face in in a minute
omg i was completly gobsmacked just thinking you CANT swear at your child like that its bad enough swearing around them but actually at them. i was so shocked as she was fully aware their was other people around her and didnt seem to mind in the slightest that i was staring at her shocked.


Well-known member
Swearing around kids is one thing.
Kids are GOING to hear badwords in their lifetime.

Threatening the child?

I'd've lost my shit.


Well-known member
when i lived in san franscisco id take the bus i swear to go id see something like that happen almost every day
most people arent good parents


Well-known member
Heh... Inflamatory Opinion Incomming!

I still think it would be a good idea if you had to get a baby liscense before being allowed to have children.

Well not being allowed. But simply if you want all the breaks the government gives on taxes and such, you have to be a liscensed parent. And each extra child you have you have to get an additional liscence. The test would include questions about financial planning and means and whatever else. So parents are fully aware of the responsibilities of being a prent. As well as infomation about your job, as well as how you expect to be financially capable of supporting another child properly.

You can have children w/out the liscense, you just dont get the benefits of a liscensed parent.


I'm just way tired of meeting parents who are not financially capable of having another child, keep making babies. I was talking to this lady theother night on-line about kids. And she's all talking about how she loves being prego, and how her husband loves her prego, and how if she could always be prego, she would. They already have 4 kids youngest is 1 and middle 2 are 4 (they are 10 months apart), and the oldest is 11. And she mentioned how she would love to adopt as well, but their income isn't high enough to meet the standards for adoption, so there just going to make more babies. Apparently she's even done the surrogate mother thing for a friend.

I mean that should tell you something... If you can't adopt because the adoption agencies dont feel your financially capable of supporting another child PROPERLY, why are you having more kids?!?

It's hard enough these days to put 1 kid through college and give them a good shot at life, let alone 4+. Not to mention all the bad parents out there.


Well-known member
As long as they're not on public assistance, is it really your, my, or anyone else's business whether they have one child or twelve?

Quite honestly, the loosest definition of what a child 'needs' is food, shelter, clothing, and love (love is an umbrella need that encompasses discipline, boundaries, etc. before anyone jumps on me for that). As long as those four things are being met, the child is being reared "properly".

As far as putting anyone through college, how about paying their own way? Why is that so hard? Lots of people do it, and without incurring student loans and massive debt. It's called working hard.

I'm fully aware, as are pretty much all the other parents on the board, of the responsibilities of being a parent. And the rewards.
What I'm also aware of is the inevitable fact that situations change. Sometimes they change for the better, sometimes they change for the worse. That's all a part of life. Situations changing for the worse (losing a job, or getting cancer and fighting it and going into remission) doesn't automatically make one an unfit parent. It simply makes a person someone who's face adversity.

Should there be mandatory parenting classes in highschool? Yes, absolutely. Should parenting classes be part of the collegiate prerequisites? Yes absolutely. Even though one may not plan to be a parent now, one doesn't know what the future holds, and even the staunchest anti-kid person can find him or herself holding a blue or pink cigar in his or her honor.

Money isn't all it takes to raise kids. Just because someone's broke doesn't mean they're bad people, or bad parents.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Quite honestly, the loosest definition of what a child 'needs' is food, shelter, clothing, and love

to bad only 3 of those things are required by law

I knew this girl a while back who only had her son beacuse her boyfriend wanted a little boy needless to say they broke up before he was even born and one day i heard her yelling at the only 1 year old boy how she didnt even want him.

She never did anything for him, i would baby sit him for free while she would party and work at strip clubs beacuse honestly i felt bad and i knew how it felt for a birth parent to not give a shit about their kid.

I would take him to the park and the toy stores one day she didnt even come back to pick him up. He was seriously the sweetest little boy id ever met despite his mother

People always amaze me at how heartless and selfish they can be.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
As long as they're not on public assistance, is it really your, my, or anyone else's business whether they have one child or twelve?

*shrug* I think were past that stage in life where familes need to have litters of children. I think it gets signifigantly harder to provide properly, and raise a child properly the more children than you have. Not including the financial strain on the family.

You *might* have a reason if your a family owned an opperated farm, where your family is the work force. Or if we bring back the many fatal illnesses that made survival for younger children much more difficult. But if your living in Urban California in OC, you dont need a litter.

I didn't say it was my business if you have a lot of kids. But I also reserve the right the make comments about Moms who have one in the belly, one in their arms, one in a stroller, and 3 walking behind them as they wait to get in line for the bus on a busy city corner.

Quite honestly, the loosest definition of what a child 'needs' is food, shelter, clothing, and love.

I personally think giving the absolute minimum is a qualification of bad parenting.


Well-known member
That's your personal opinion.

And, I have four children, not a one of them suffers.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Bad parenting stories seem more common than not. That child- I feel for him. I wish people would understand there's a happy medium between over discipline and no/too little discipline.

It's just more proof that some people simply should never be parents.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
That's your personal opinion.

And, I have four children, not a one of them suffers.

I dont have issues with parents who take proper care of large families, some people have the means to do it. It's the ones that dont, that both me.


Well-known member
If people keep popping out kids and they need gov't cheese, then yes, they are probably out of control. And honest to God, that shit pisses me off. Some of the stories I hear about other military wives and how they'll just "get WIC" so they can save for a Coach purse (true story, BTW) makes me want to scream.

Some of us, however, can actually afford to feed the children we have and more. I want a large family, but I certainly wouldn't put the burdening of paying for their upkeep on the gov't unless something very, very drastic happened. And we're attempted to forsee every possibility and make financial arrangements so that our children aren't a financial burden.

I actually got a good laugh out of that article. Remember a while back when a judge ordered a guy not father any more kids and "the left" went nuts? Or when another judge ordered a woman not to have any more kids since all her kids had been abused and abandoned and "the left" went nuts? Seriously, there should be some measures taken to prevent horrible parents from procreating again and again and again. Don't ask me what can be done, because I'm stumped, but damn some people should be prevented from breeding.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I like the idea of a baby license, period, if you plan on having 1 kid or 1 million. I know it isn't going to happen and isn't practical, but I wish there were a way to stop bad parents from happening. I think it cycles. That poor child, in this story, I hope grows up and learns to be a good parent, but he may not and end up treating children like that. I'm not excusing that kind of behavior, because I do believe you should grow beyond stuff like that. But at the same time, I've seen the pattern continue in families.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Money isn't all it takes to raise kids. Just because someone's broke doesn't mean they're bad people, or bad parents.

Praise tha lawd, praise tha lawd

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