Basically the worst I was as a kid.... I was such a bitch to my little sister. I feel so bad looking bad because she is pretty much the best sister in the world, and she worshiped me when we were little and I treated her like shit. For example, if Mum gave all of us kids an equal amount of candy I would convince her to give me most of hers. I would blame her for everything bad I did, to her face and to my mum. And she would always take it and not tell on me, because she thought I was the greatest. *makes guilty face* Thank god she forgives me now for being such a bitch, and we have a really good relationship now.
When I was a teen, the worst thing I ever did was sneak my bf into my room at night. Which isn't nearly as bad as it sounds, he always slept downstairs because he lived an hour away and my parents didn't want him driving home late at night if we went out to a late movie or dinner. So I just brought him upstairs to my room, but inevitably we got trapped there because my room was right off the kitchen and my parents would always wake up and play cribbage right outside my door for like, an hour, while we huddled inside my room and tried to be quiet so they wouldn't catch us. And THEN I found out from the aforementioned sister that they knew the whole time and didn't care!!! That or I told them we were going to see a movie in a nearby town where there was a theatre, but really we just parked somewhere in the countryside around my hometown and had sex in the car. I know the countryside around that town so freaking well. I know all the places you can park without attracting attention, and I also recently passed on a lot of my knowledge on to my little sister, hopefully making up for my former bitchiness. I also know all the good positions for car sex. I also had sex all over the house and told my sibs where so they never wanted to sit in those places or use that place at the table
which now that I think about it probably didn't help my sister forgive me. I would make a game of how risky we could be with having sex close to other people in the house, but more his house than mine. Nearly got caught a couple times.
I was so good with everything else, have never done drugs, didn't have a drink until I was 17 in a province where the drinking age is 18, didn't get drunk until I was legal, got good grades (I was the valedictorian), got into a good university... all my misbehaviours as a teen had to do with sex.