Bagetelle, Pollen and Smut


Well-known member
You are simply gorgeous, and your makeup is just a wonderful accessory to your natural beauty! Thanks for being such an inspiration!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by funKyVibeS*
are ur lips naturally that pouty or do u just do that for the camera?
ur makeup is very pretty on you

They are naturally pouty. Super annoying when I was a kid but I like em now.


Well-known member
Guys… you are the coolest chicks and you always say the sweetest things to me. Thank you so much for all your kind words, I appreciate them (and you!) so much!


Well-known member
Girl that is hot!!! the day you stop posting these damn things is the day i'm going to cry myself silly and believe me, you don't want that to happen- so keep posting these amazing FOTD's! I love the colours and the combinations here. it kinda looks like the colours from the inventive eye makes me want to rack out all my makeup and start playing again... lol


Well-known member
ugh...amazing....STOP RESTRAINING YOURSELF!!! Everybody now "WE WANT MORE" hehe...neways, you are so talented, and fabulous and Im so jealous of you! :p