Barbie - depot or not?


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Re: So are we depotting Barbie shadows/blushes??

I depotted all my barbie eyeshadows, and they're sitting all cute in my 15 pan palletes
They stand out compared to all my other eyeshadows, I love it


Well-known member
Re: So are we depotting Barbie shadows/blushes??

I depotted my Fab blush, and when I did I saw that there was a huuuge amount of glue on the bottom so I was very fortunate not to have an "accident."
It's veryy cute!

(I also kinda cheated-- popped the plastic thingy that says MAC in white out and put it on my Maidenchant & put the regular plastic that says MAC in black on the empty pot!)


Well-known member
Re: So are we depotting Barbie shadows/blushes??

I just had a successful run with de-potting all of my MAC shadows with my flat iron, but I don't dare touch the Barbies or the Sprout I paid a little extra for on ebay. One little mistake and blammo - they're ruined. Just can't take that chance!

But I am quite pleased with the rest that I de-potted. Now if only I could figure out how to magnetize them so they'll stick in the palette. :confused:


Well-known member
Re: So are we depotting Barbie shadows/blushes??

Originally Posted by cherryice
I just had a successful run with de-potting all of my MAC shadows with my flat iron, but I don't dare touch the Barbies or the Sprout I paid a little extra for on ebay. One little mistake and blammo - they're ruined. Just can't take that chance!

But I am quite pleased with the rest that I de-potted. Now if only I could figure out how to magnetize them so they'll stick in the palette. :confused:

i seriously would keep my two extra Sprout pans in a glass case if i could. I'm hitting the pan on my first one so I haven't been using it as much. It's like my all time favorite green and I haven't been able to find anything similar.


Well-known member
Re: So are we depotting Barbie shadows/blushes??

Originally Posted by MAC_Pixie04
i seriously would keep my two extra Sprout pans in a glass case if i could. I'm hitting the pan on my first one so I haven't been using it as much. It's like my all time favorite green and I haven't been able to find anything similar.

ash we still have sprout at our store girlfriend, well pro palette only.


Well-known member
Merged two identical threads.

Don't forget to do a search before starting a new thread, thanks!


Well-known member
yah i depotted and ive so glad i did...wouldn't dream of keeping anything in their pots as this way colour use gets more circulation and the combo ideas are more diverse and creative,


colours below are my beloveds: glama ray, earthly delight and snappy


Well-known member
I don't have the heart too, seriously, I'm like that with my lure e/s too though, I haven't even used my barbie ones because they just look too pretty


Well-known member
i seriously would keep my two extra Sprout pans in a glass case if i could. I'm hitting the pan on my first one so I haven't been using it as much. It's like my all time favorite green and I haven't been able to find anything similar.

I know Spout is d/c, but you can still find some on ebay for decent prices. I only paid a little extra for the one I have. It is a gorgeous color, isn't it?

yah i depotted and ive so glad i did...wouldn't dream of keeping anything in their pots as this way colour use gets more circulation and the combo ideas are more diverse and creative,

I am so, so tempted to de-pot the Barbies after seeing your photo. But I'm such a butterfingers when it comes to lifting them out of the pan even once the glue is warm. Your palette is gorgeous!


Well-known member
ahh really dont worry about it, i lifted them out of the plastic case really qucikly and just let them cool down, one did go flying but it was fine since it fell on a towel


Well-known member
anyone depotted the barbie blushes, i cant bring myself to do it?

i like the idea id having one blush that isnt depotted and also because if i depot the barbie blushes i'll have to buy another palette to accomadate them and we dont want that do we


Well-known member
I finally did the deed,.. Depotted the Barbie haul,.. and once I did I am glad I did it. Once out of the packaging you realize that the e/s and the blush packaging is not all that special. Only the BP cases/lippies are worth keeping. And I know that now that I have added them to my palettes I will use them more. I reach for a palette more often than I dig through my singles,.. I haven't depotted Lure yet,.. and cant seem to force myself to do so even though I know I should.

The blushes looked really nice in the palette,.. being depotted doesn't take away any of the cool-ness of the embossed logo,.. I will be sad when it eventually wears away.


Well-known member
i finally got enough courage to do it.
i was only able to get Magic Dust so i depotted it & put it in a quad with neutrals


Well-known member
my pLayfuL, springtime skipper, beautyburst, and mothbrown are in one quad... magic dust and whistle are in with rite of spring and rose blanc
much more convenient than singles... i'm B2Ming them for moonbathe tomorrow


Well-known member
I´m too afraid to depot my two Barbie e/s Whistle and Mothbrown so I think I´ll let my boyfriend do it :-D. So I can be angry on him if one of them breaks ;-) (just joking)

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