Bare Canvas paint

I was wondering if the bare canvas paint is only used as a base and nothing else.Do any of you guys use it other than a base?Also the other colors of paints, are they only used as base?
K thankz


Well-known member
Bare Canvas is mostly used as a base because it's a pretty bland shape on its own. But I have walked out of the house with bare canvas on the lid and with Teddy eye kohl. And the other paints can be used as either bases for other colors or as shadows on their own.


Well-known member
MAC paints, while they do work well as bases, are not specifically intended as such. MAC paints are a creme shadow, and can be used in whatever manner you see fit. There are no hard rules that state the you have to use a product in a certain manner. Sure, there might be some folk who will tell you that by no means can you wear bare canvas as anything but a base, but there are also folk who will tell you that you should never go out without lipliner, lipstick, and lipgloss applied. Doesn't mean they are the end-all-be-all of makeup knowledge. As long as you stay within product safety guidelines (or don't, some choose to not follow them) wear products in whatever manner YOU feel appropriate. Heck, you don't have to wear makeup at all if you don't want to. It's up to you.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Janice
I've actually read alot of people use it as concealor??

huh I guess you do learn something new everyday...Never heard that before!


BC paint looks a bit chalky on my eyelids so i'm wondering how ladies use that as a concealor. but if it works wonders, hooray! = ) i might try it only that it'll look like my pimples have a sheen on them.

i like BC paint as a base because 1. the e.s really stays put, 2. u can use your e.s wet on it. i never seem to run out of this little gold nugget. a little bit will go a looong way. one thing to note is, unroll the bottom part of the tube to prevent excess product from oozing out at the opening.


Well-known member
I like paints because the colors mix so well. Blending a pink eye shadow and a brown eye shadow gives a look very different from mixing canton candy and naturalism paints. I like to mix untitled paint with some of the shimmery colored paints (chartru, artjam, etc) to take them down a notch. I also like to use naturalism paint for contouring.