Bare Escentuals (all)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by browneyedbaby
HQ hair & beautystore
2 New Burlington Street, London W1S 2JE
0871 220 4141

you wouldnt happen to know where in london that is?

maybe one of my local hair dressers stock it- i will investigate this weekend!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by browneyedbaby
Westminster I think. Closest tube station is Oxford Circus.

it looks like its pretty near where the mac pro shop is, its off regent st anyway


Well-known member
Originally Posted by browneyedbaby
Could be worth a trip then, I love love love their website! Let me know how you get on if you go!

i will, ive got all day in london so ill have time to look for the shop. i think ill actually buy it from ebay tho cos its a lot cheaper!


Well-known member
i was walking home from work today and there's a hair dressers that stocks BE literally 10 mins walk from my house! woohoo!


Well-known member
Question about Bare Escentuals

I have heard loads of good things about the BE loose foundations, I have never used a loose/powder foundation so what are the pros and cons?

Can anyone post a picture of them with a bare face, then a pic with BE Loose Foundation for comparison?

Also, can you use cream blush over it or will the different textures not work together?



I know a lot of people like BE, but it just didn't work for me. My skin is oily, but this somehow made it look dry, and the coverage was minimal. I found it to be no better than the coverage I'd get with MAC Studio Finish pressed powder. Plus is made my big pores look like craters.

I bought a kit from Sephora and the only thing I ever use is the warmth on occasion, and I'll sometimes use the foundation as a dusting of loose power if it's hot outside and I know I'm going to sweat.


Well-known member
I'll try to do a BE pic soon, I got the Sephora kit as well, and I liked it alot, but I find my studio fix gives the same look, even though it is pressed. I just didn't like sitting there tapping and swirling all day long. With the sifter tops, it seemed like I spent more time getting the product out and onto the brush than I did buffing.

And ever since I tried the 182 buffer, that BE kabuki brush had to go!


Well-known member
lol theres a hairdressers in my local shopping centre that sells it too
i was shocked as its like a HAIRDRESSERS lol :confused:
never mind as long as they have it

its called trade secrets


Well-known member
I love BE foundation. My skin is oily and I found that it doesn't get as oily as when I used liquid or cream foundation. My skin has it's imperfections and it seems to help cover well, but I still have to use a cream consealer for under my eyes.


Well-known member
Does anyone with dry and flaky skin use Everyday Minerals?

Is it just like any other powder foundation that dries out skin?

I really want to try this because it looks gorgeous and I have a kabuki brush sitting around being used incorrectly (buffing liquid foundation in).

My skin is really dry, flaky sometimes. It's really sensitive because I have eczema, and I get flare ups if my skin is too dry.


Active member
Alright, cat kabuki brush or mac 182 for mineral foundation? I only have enough to order one of them unfortunately


Well-known member
when i used this, i found that the kabuki SUCKED. (no other way to put it
) i'd try a different brush, like the max. coverage face brush. and then the swirl and tap thing should be cake!

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