Bare Escentuals (all)


Well-known member
hi, i was wondering how long does one package of bare essentials usually last? i was thinking of maybe buying it but the little sifter pots look so small. haha.


Well-known member
I'm still waiting on mine, but it definitely depends whether you like a light or heavy coverage. I've been told you only need a TIIIINY bit, so i'm asssuming it would last months!


Active member
Has anybody with very dry skin that's prone to ecaema (sp?) used BM? I really want to try it but I get flaky skin every so often and I'm afraid it won't buff in properly.


Re: Do you need Mineral Veil?

I do need MV, I can tell difference if I don't wear it. Also it last make up longer. But I agree with others it does not offer any coverage. Simply set the foundation for ya.


Well-known member
I tried something new this morning--Lubriderm

Instead of using my usual Olay moisturizer i just squirted (twice) some Lubriderm and patted it on my cheeks and then rubbed it in on my nose and everywhere and then buffed in my BM and my skin looked gorgeous the whollleeee day. Usually my skin will dry up and my makeup will look stupid even though I don't put on much at all.

I think the key with BM is less is more. SERIOUSLY, people. I was like "ew that is not enough for me" but if you actually get some into the lid (not TOO little) and just swirl tap and buff once (instead of adding more into the lid and doing the whole process more than once) and keep buffing, you'll be fineee.

So three things here--moisturize (Lubriderm works pretty damn well), buff, and remember: LESS IS MORE!


Well-known member
Re: Do you need Mineral Veil?

I actually like the Mineral Veil better than the foundation. I get the itchies from the BE foundation but I still use the MV as a setting powder with my MAC foundations because it does give that flawless look to my skin. I love it!!


Well-known member
Re: Do you need Mineral Veil?

If you're strapped for cash and your skin isn't oily, you can definitely get away without using Mineral Veil.

I only use it when my skin is oily, or if my pores are really obvious. Its not a MUST HAVE, but its still fairly good


Well-known member
I am so bummed about bare minerals foundation. It looked so good the first few times I wore it, but then last week I was in a business trip in the Czech Republic, it got hot, and I guess I had a little sweat on my face... the next day, Boom!! Big rash on my face!!

I never had pimples so I'm really bummed.
Also I spent 60 euros for nothing as now I won't use it anymore.
Did this happen to any of you?


Well-known member
Allergic reaction to BE... help?

Hi everyone
I bought a Sephora kit of BE foundations, brushes etc... The MUA described how to apply it and matched me with my shade. i was really impressed, it looked so good.
Less than a week later, I'm using it everyday, and I start getting some spots on my forehead, which expand to my cheeks, eyelids, chin etc... I used to have perfect skin and I turned into a spot covered monstruosity :confused:
I have stopped using BE of course, and the spots are disappearing, but I'm wondering if there will be long lasting damage?
The spots are not red or anything, they're more like a change in surface of my skin
Like my skin isn't smooth, it's rough to the touch and when I'm under a lamp you can see the surface is all spotty

Has this happened to anyone? What other products should I avoid if I'm allergic to BE?



Well-known member
Re: Allergic reaction to BE... help?

Maybe you're allergic to bismuth? I actually haven't heard of spots like that with bismuth allergies, just itching (I get that), but who knows? Maybe check out some bismuth-free MMU like Alima and see if you have the same problem or not?


Well-known member
Re: Allergic reaction to BE... help?

Thanks, I think indeed I am allergic to bismuth oxychloride. It is said to cause rashes on top of itching sometimes, which is what i have.


Well-known member
Anyone try the new BE Primer?

I did. I don't even wear BE, but I got curious. On my lunch I took off my regular foundation and traded it in for the BE Prime Time and Warm Tan (Set with Tinted MV). It's SOOO nice. It feels like the Smashbox primer, but not as dry of a texture. It's really creamy but smooth. I think people with fine lines and enlarged pores will really like it, because it fills them in and the powder doesn't accentuate them.

Anybody else try this out yet??


Well-known member
Re: Anyone try the new BE Primer?

How did you like the Warm Tan mineral makeup itself? I've been eyeing Bare Minerals but I keep hearing horror stories when concerned with colour matching for women of colour.


Well-known member
I was really disapointed with BE foundation. Their brushes are really scratchy and the foundation breaks me out.
I do love all their eyeshadows. They are beautiful colors and blend well. I also love their Warmth product. IMO the eyeshadows and warmth are worth the price. I would use different brushes.


Well-known member
Re: Allergic reaction to BE... help?

I had trouble with their foundation too. My skin broke out terribly and it wouldnt' go away for a while. I stopped using their foundation all together.


BareMinerals and breakouts

I've been using BareMinerals for over a week, and I love it, but I think it may be making me breakout. I have really good skin, but recently I broke out on my chin and cheeks (I never, ever break out here). I thought this stuff was so pure I could sleep in it! Anyway, I might have to stop using BE. What's a good alternative?


Well-known member
Re: Anyone try the new BE Primer?

Originally Posted by Fearnotsomuch
Where did you find it?

Sephora sells it

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