Bare Escentuals (all)


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BE is wonderful. I use it for my foundation. HUbby says I look Fab with it on. The only problem I have is that when i tried the e/s they dont stay on.

This product has helped my skin big time. really is worth the cost.


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Originally Posted by amazed527
The only problem I have is that when i tried the e/s they dont stay on.

Their eyeshadows are beautiful but you are right. They are a challenge to use because they seem to disappear. Have you tried using a shadestick or maybe even the new paint pots underneath? Actually, now that I think about it I may try using a paint pot with one today.


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Just my two cents, hehe. I'm a MAC NC20 and I use BE Fairly Light.


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I really like BE and the look it gives my skin but I kept getting a prickly sensation around my eyes and nose when wearing it. Stupid bismuth. I want to be a mmu convert but I hate trying to find a sade.


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Originally Posted by kblakes
I really like BE and the look it gives my skin but I kept getting a prickly sensation around my eyes and nose when wearing it. Stupid bismuth. I want to be a mmu convert but I hate trying to find a sade.

I also love BE, but experienced the same thing you did. I use Everyday Minerals now & my MAC kabuki brush (182). The BE brush also aggravates the skin; It's way too harsh for sensitive skin. The hairs aren't really soft & the buffing action just pricks the skin which leaves red marks & is very unpleasant. The MAC 182 retails for $45, but is worth every penny in my opinion. Also, you can order 3 sample shades at EM + a blush & concealer, that last a pretty good while, for only the cost of shipping...$3.95.


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Originally Posted by color_lover456
Hey for those of you who have been using the BM for a while now, how long does the full size $25 container last you?

Using it almost every single day, about 4-5 months.


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I finally caved and bought the Bare Minerals kit about two weeks ago. I've always had a huge problem with foundations. All other brands that I've used have been entirely too dark for me and liquid foundation just seems to melt and look cakey here in the desert.

While BM is still a little too dark (I got it in the fair), it looks very, very natural. It applied evenly and made my skin look so smooth. No matter how much I apply, it never looks cakey like regular foundation. Also unlike regular foundations, it doesn't age me. I actually look young like I'm supposed to. It just feels so comfortable. Even after hours of wearing it, I don't get that urge to wash my face like I always did before. It often feels like I have nothing on and all. I've seen a lot of complaints about the price of BE and I must say, it seems like it will inevitably pay for itself. I've used it most days and the pots are still practically full. With what I've spent in concealers, foundations and pressed powder.. I believe this will actually save me money! Either way, it's more than worth it for me to finally have a product that works so well. You know what else? I LOVE the brushes!

With my kit I also got sheer radiance. I'm light enough to use this as a blush and it works beautifully as one. I couldn't possibly put it all over my face because it would redden me entirely too much. I wish, however, that they hadn't sent me the fairly light and the bronzer. I have no use for either. I guess I could use the bronzer as an eyeshadow sometimes.. but otherwise, useless.

I also am in love with their eye shadows. They blend so beautifully and easily for a makeup novice like me.


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I've been using BE Multi-tasking Bisque for my foundation...i'm very fair and this shade is perfect for my skin color...actually, it just makes my skin look naturally flawless. I use it under my eyes and on my lids as primer...keeps concealer & shadow perfect for hours. Can't use regular foundations at all anymore.


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Re: Breakouts from my i.d Bare minerals

Originally Posted by majacat
it doesn't hurt i just get really unclean skin and normally i only get a zit once a month or so..

What do you mean by "really unclean skin?"


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Re: Breakouts from my i.d Bare minerals

Originally Posted by righteothen
I use a brand of mineral makeup that doesn't have bismuth in it, so i don't know about the itching/breakouts personally, but I have heard about it. The causes, from the people that i've talked to, are either a) the bismuth oxycholoide, or b) the kabuki brush (which can cause micro scratches in people with sensitive skin, or people who press too hard. These scratches then get infected, causing a breakout.).

The best advice I can give is to try a different brush (if you're using the kabuki), and if that doesn't work, change formulas.

Originally Posted by tadzio79
hmmm this sounds interesting. I looked at the ingredients and mineral veil doesn't have bismuth oxychloride - which is in bare minerals foundation.
Since busmuth oxychloride is the cause for itching in some people (thankfully I don't have this prob), doing the sandwich method might theoretically help people with itching issues.

I used to use BE and broke out terribly from it. Then I found out that I am allergic to the bismuth in it...... so now I use Alima.

In regards to the brush issue/recommedation:

Now that I use a bismuth-free product, I have no problems with my BE brushes. I typically use the BE Heavenly, BE Handi Buki or the BE Eye Buki. (I use the Eye Buki for a little extra concealer coverage over larger areas.)

Sometimes, people may use good quality brushes that are dirty. I use the BE Quick Change (spray brush cleaner) every other day. I just spray a little on a lint-free papertowel and wipe the bristles over it until clean. Then I let the brush dry - while I apply moisturizer, do my hair or get dressed. The alcohol and cleansing agents in the spray cleaner remove much of the product build-up and bacteria.... I also wash my brushes every 2 weeks, with a gentle baby shampoo. (Make sure you rinse very well. Residue can also cause skin irritations amd may make the bristles stiffer.)

Buffing too vigorously and hard can also cause "heat" and tiny scratches (which someone here already mentioned.) I've seen this done by friends with sensitive skin, who also complained of itching/irritation. I personally use a "light hand" and gently let the bristles glide over my skin, as if to "tickle" it. I brush over the same area - in a downward motion - several times, which seems to give me a decent coverage without the need to heavily buff the product into my skin.

Lastly, if you really want a very very very soft kabuki brush, I'd recommend the Too Faced Retractable Kabuki. I love that one, but only use it as a travel brush in my purse and gym bag (since my BE brushes work fine for home use.) The brush head can be "adjusted" to give a full and fluffy brush or a smaller and stiffer brush.

Regarding the sandwiching of BE's bismuth-free Mineral Veil and BE's foundation which contains bismuth:

I hate extra steps.... but that's just me.
I'd rather use only a few products that are GOOD FOR my skin. For me that's kinda like using a creamy, dewy product and then applying a mattifying powder over it to eliminate the dewy finish. Why not just use a semi-matte or matte product instead?! I do, however, understand that some of you may want to not waste a product (and the $$ you spent on it) and therefore try to find ways to use it up. (On the other hand you could also swap or sell it.) If layering works for you - go for it.


Well-known member
I wore Bare Minerals for a solid year. It was a bit itchy, but it doesn't run like some makeups do (NARS doesn't run either) but it is shiny and metallic looking. The metallic look needs to be dulled down with veil (which is really just cornstartch) Mineral makeup is the best sunscreen however (if applied thickly) because it doesn't degrade in 2 hours and cause free radicals to get below the surface of the skin like most SPF foundations. Totally hated warmth. Even a little bit was just .....wrong.


Re: Breakouts from my i.d Bare minerals

I've never had a problem with BE but I always put the veil on first anyway as I have very oily skin and it helps set my foundation.
However that said my daughter has had break out and I am now wondering if this is causing it.... thanks for the info.
Jules xx


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Re: Breakouts from my i.d Bare minerals

Originally Posted by ruqayya33
What do you mean by "really unclean skin?"

By that i mean.. many many zits... my chin , nose and between the brows for the most part but like 10 at a time :-S


Well-known member
I'v been using it for 3 years. It itches. I don't know if its the powder or the brushes but wow it defo itches and makes me want to scrape it off with my nails! But I do like the flawless finish it gives despite what people say about its coverage, you have to build the coverage imo. It does come off though on clothes and such so be careful. I hate liquid foundations and mac foundations because it gives me acne prone skin. That too cystic acne. Ugh.

I want to try everyday minerals. I'v seen the hype about it on youtube and here. Now it makes me want to switch over. Do everyday minerals also have bismuth??


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Re: BareMinerals and breakouts

Originally Posted by nTrain
I've been using BareMinerals for over a week, and I love it, but I think it may be making me breakout. I have really good skin, but recently I broke out on my chin and cheeks (I never, ever break out here). I thought this stuff was so pure I could sleep in it! Anyway, I might have to stop using BE. What's a good alternative?

My boyfriend bought me Loreal bare minerals for christmas, since I keep babbling about minerals are supposed to be great for sensitive skin... so I used it all last week and weekend... and.... HUGE UGLY NASTY RASH. My face is red... doesn't hurt, well except when I put cream on it after washing... I am so


Active member
Originally Posted by GlamYOURUs
I'v been using it for 3 years. It itches. I don't know if its the powder or the brushes but wow it defo itches and makes me want to scrape it off with my nails! But I do like the flawless finish it gives despite what people say about its coverage, you have to build the coverage imo. It does come off though on clothes and such so be careful. I hate liquid foundations and mac foundations because it gives me acne prone skin. That too cystic acne. Ugh.

I want to try everyday minerals. I'v seen the hype about it on youtube and here. Now it makes me want to switch over. Do everyday minerals also have bismuth??

No, everyday minerals do not contain bismuth. I really don't understand why BE doesn't stop using the bismuth if it's pretty much the number one reason, next being the price, to why their customers stray to other mineral products.


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I have always had problems with foundations. So I went out to the mall in Toledo (ohio) where they have my MAC counter and Sephoria. I swatched foundation like crazy and everything was too yellow or orange. So I went to Sephoria and had the same issues. So I asked the MA there if she had any sugestions cause my problems is everything is either too orange, pink or yellow for my skin.

So she asked if I have tryed the Bare Minerals and i said no. She asked if I was up to trying it and i said yeah. She put it on me and it first I wasn't sure but after taking a better look at it in a different mirror it looked very natural on me. So i picked up what she used one me. As the day went on i liked it even more. It is so light and it looks like my skin but better. I covered up all my blemishes and redness. I also have dry skin and with normal foundations it makes it look really flaky and noticable. With this it did not. So I recomend that you try it out!

What was used.
Bare Escentuals bareMinerals SPF 15 Foundation - Fair
Bare Escentuals Mineral Veil
Bare Escentuals bareVitamins Prime Time - 1 oz - Item #1002724, (did not get this yet)
Bare Escentuals bareVitamins - Skin Rev-er Upper - 2.3 oz - Item #749234(did not get this one yet)
Sephora Brand Professionnel Kabuki Brush #50 (I got thier brand since it was cheeper)


i just brought the BE get started kit..... and either im doing something wrong or it doesnt live up to its name..... i buff the foundation like it says 4 layers later and i had NO coverage then i went for the mineral veil and i didnt see any diffrence am i doing there a trick to this make up i apply my 4 layers and mineral veil this morning at 7 am its now 5pm and theres no make up on my face do you have to retouch?

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