Beauty Powders - What do you use them for? What's your opinion?


Well-known member
i am debating getting some before it is too late.
love it ? hate it ?
do I need it?
how does it compare with msf's?
i swatched it in the store but was so crazed about the liquidlast and gold dusk pig i lost focus.


Well-known member
I got both new ones and they barely showed and I am pretty pale right now I was hoping for something less shimmering than msfs and more glowy but these arent it.

I am returning both of them next time I hit the mall.


Well-known member
myself, I really like the beauty powders, I have both Catherine D. and I bought both Sundressing. I only have one MSF Naked you, which I like also.....but I use the beauty powders everyday. Cheers!


Well-known member
I have Shell Pearl, I like it for an all-over glow.. it's really beautiful, and I wouldn't leave the house without it again since I bought it (at the Sundressing release) ... I'm not sure it's meant to have too much of a color payoff, the MA told me it's for a highlight/glowy effect.. I like mine a lot and I'm NW20


Well-known member
With msf's there is more of a sheen, an iridescence (I think of Old Gold and Pink Opal), whereas with the beauty pearls you get a soft pearly glow. I sometimes use Goldenaire to give an all-over glow, and I'd say the bp's are softer than that (which is why I'm going back for Sunsparked!). HTH!


Well-known member
I liked the pink Diana beauty powder I had, but I found myself using it very little so I swapped it away. (It just looked like pink blush on me.) These powders look really pretty, but I doubt I'd buy one. If I could swap for one I would to try it, but I'd rather have my MSFs


Well-known member
NC15 gal here
i bought 2 of each cus they produce the glowy/dewy sheen that the newer msfs have been lacking (they've been too glittery IMO)

sunsparked is lighter than shimpagne & i LOVE it


Well-known member
I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE the new beauty powder from sundressing called, sunsparkled pearl.It gives my cheeks a very nice and soft natural glow.Just love it.Now I'm thinking of going back for a back up!


Well-known member
i've got shell pearl and i adore it. when i used a little bit of it, i didn't notice it, but when i put it on my forehead, cheeks, nose, and chin, skin looked AMAZING.


Well-known member
Bronzer looks horrible on me because I'm too pale.

I can see it being too light for many, though. Like, anything over I'd say an NC 35.
But you all can use bronzer!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by clocked
i've got shell pearl and i adore it. when i used a little bit of it, i didn't notice it, but when i put it on my forehead, cheeks, nose, and chin, skin looked AMAZING.

yep, i agree, i got shell pearl yesterday. i used it all over my face over my foundation and then i used petticoat msf on my cheeks and i looked glowing!

the beauty powders to a similar job to benefit's dandelion but different shades obvs!


Originally Posted by llucidity
Is there a brush you ladies would recommend for dusting the BP all over?

hi dear!! its me

i am using mac's 182

the kabuki brush for this beauty powder and its amazing!!



Well-known member
Catherine D is matte and adds more color. I am a C3 and could use Catherine D for blush.

Sundressing is sheer and luminescent. I use it over blush and as a highlight or enchancer, it's much lighter


Well-known member
I'm with you, can't decide if I like mine or if it's going back

Originally Posted by pugmommy7
i am debating getting some before it is too late.
love it ? hate it ?
do I need it?
how does it compare with msf's?
i swatched it in the store but was so crazed about the liquidlast and gold dusk pig i lost focus.



Well-known member
i have a pic of them in my haul post. they are super light and give a really delicate shimmer.. less so than MSF


Well-known member
Quick update: Love love love both of them, but Sunsparked more ;D. Using Shell with Sunbasque for contrast, Sunsparked all over for a nice glow.