Beauty Powders - What do you use them for? What's your opinion?


Well-known member
Re: MAC Beauty do u use them?

I want to try the tahitian sands with my kabuki brush and see if I can get more color payoff... also I wanna try it as a setting powder applying it very lightly


Well-known member
Re: MAC Beauty do u use them?

depending on the colour, i'll use them either as a highlight or all over the face as a setting powder for a healthy glow


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Re: Beauty Powders - What are they for?

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Well-known member
Re: Beauty Powders - What are they for?

actually it depends on the color of the beauty powder itslef

tahitan sand (i'm a nc20 for reference), it doesn't show up on me as a i use as an all over the face finishing powder to brighten up my otherwise sallow skin complexion

barbie pearl blossom bp: i find it too frosty to be used as a blush on its own, but it looks GORGEOUS when layered over pink blushers and lends a pretty sheen to the base blush.

shell pearl: i can wear this alone as a blush ... and I LOVE this as a blush by itself. it's quite pigmented by itself and when applied it goes on a very pretty peachy pink with subtle gold shimmers on the face.

Pearl sunshine: i can wear this either as a peachy blush or use it to highlight or brighten my face

yogamode bp: it does nothing for me. It's just like another pressed powder imho...

Alpha girl: I use this as a's a really pretty soft pink blush with the slightest hint of peach to it


New member
Re: Beauty Powders - What are they for?

Somedays, I'm just too pale looking to even attempt a bronzer so, I use my BPB to put some color in my face. I dust it across my forehead, on my temples, bridge of my nose and cheek bones to help liven my face up so I don't look dead.


Well-known member
MAC's beauty powders

I'd like to have your opinion about MAC beauty powders.

I discovered this wonderfull product. Unfortunately, there is not a lot of beauty powder with the new collections. Not enough...!



Well-known member
Re: MAC's beauty powders

I personally find they don't suit my needs, however the ones that caught my eye the most were from the naked honey collection!! If someone has a ''must have'' use for them i'd love to hear about it!!!


Active member
BP's are used as an all-over face powder to create a glowy basically makes your skin look more "alive" if that makes any sense.

when i went to purchase the Hello Kitty BP's the MA told me that the powders contained something in them that makes your skin look better in photos? Not sure if this is true or not, but it really does make my skin look better in person.

It's not supposed to show as far as color/pigmentation some ppl may not think its worth it to purchase something that barely shows up. For a dewy/glowy effect that's more noticeable yet still natural, I like to use MAC Refined or Perfect topping MSF's from the Sugarsweet collection... I love them waaayy better than any BP i've tried