Beauty related things that annoy me... list yours!!


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Are there certain beauty related things that annoy you? Like an eyeshadow that looks so gorgeous in the pot but its so decieving when it goes on? Or certain hair products that just... don't work? Or does it annoy you when you do one eye perfect then ruin the other? List them here!

Here's mine:

I hate it that one side of my hair straightens properly and the other doesn't!

I have a cows lick/widows peak so my fringe always separates and bounces up!

Like I said above... I hate it when I do one eye perfect and the other I just somehow ruin and it looks uneven.

For some reason... sometimes when I put on mascara it makes me sneeze, so I sneeze when its still wet and it smudges everywhere from where I closed my eyes!

I hate it when something makes you jolt when you're doing eyeliner and it goes everywhere!

I hate it when I poke myself in the eye with mascara/eyeliner

I hate it when I wipe the wand of my mascara against my nose when I've just done my foundation! Either I have shaky hands or a big nose.

I hate what I call 'foundation tash' haha. Theres two types of it... first type is when for some reason a line appears above my mouth, its as if I didn't apply my foundation properly, so theres a white line between my lipstick and above my lip. And the other is when my foundation accentuates the fine hairs above my lip so they become really clear!

Its kinda beauty related... but I hate it when I spray too much deoderant on and it crumbles and leaves stains down my clothes.

Again... kinda beauty related... but TOOTHPASTE MARKS! Ugh! You've just got dressed and got ready to go out... then you brush your teeth and it gets down you! Grrrr!!

Panda eye - enough said.

I hate it when I cut/file my fingernail just slightly too low and it hurts for days on end! Argh!

Ahhhh theres so many more! Post yours! It could be quite funny!


Well-known member
my hair curls one way on one side and the opposite way on the other so if i don't straighten/put it up, it looks like there's a constant wind blowing from my left side. it's pretty irritating.


Well-known member
my damn eyebrow. one side is perfect but then the other does this funky thing where the hairs stand straight up. boo!
stray hairs on my chin-i just learned to tweeze and oddly i find it kinda relaxing.

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
I hate it when I screw up my eye liner, like when it's uneven; because then I have to thicken the line to make it straight. If I thicken one side, I have to do it to the other, and sometimes I make the other one TOO thick, so I have get it LOL

I also hate when I can't get my liner to wing the way I want it to. I'm a I have to keep wiping it off, reapplying the shadow, then doing the liner again, BLAH!

I hate false eyelashes. I LOVE THE WAY THEY LOOK, but I suck and applying them, so I hate them LOL

My eyes are EXTREMELY sensitive, so I can't put anything on my waterline and I can only do color on the lower lash line if I use a certain kind of brush. If I irritate my eye, even the slightest bit, it gets all watery and ruins my make up

I have laugh lines and it messes up my polished make up look. Though I must say, I started using the collagen filler from L'Oreal and the lines are WAY less deep and noticeable. In fact, you can hardly see them at all compared to how they used to be.


Well-known member
My curls...suck. No matter what i do. they look like crap

My eyeliner is always too thick.

Everytime I do my lips i have to keep wiping the inside part cuz i get like....lipstick on that part and it looks weird. its hard to explain...but it happens everytime

my friggin hairs are always noticeable above my lip...I wax and two days later they are back

i have stupid short little gray hairs that are almost white...they stick straight up and are so noticeable against my extremely dark hair

my hair grows so effing slow like what the hell just give me 5 more inches and ill leave u alone forever

my face breaks out for no reason. And is a bitch!

my stupid glasses!

my stupid double chin!

my stupid kangaroo pouch/muffin top stomach



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The left side of my hair is very compliant and will let me straighten, curl or wave it any way I want. The right side, however, usually looks like limp spaghetti. If I use my ghds to curl my hair, the left side bounces up nicely but the right side hangs forlornly, looking much longer and only very slightly wavy. Grr!

I have a scar which runs through one eyebrow; I quite like it in a funny way, but it makes it extremely difficult to make my eyebrows look the same. I'm also frequently amazed when people assume that I've shaved a line out of it, despite the fact that the white scar is clearly visible.

My biggest annoyance is messing up eyeliner on one side and having to make it thicker to fix the mess, but then ruining the good side trying to match it up, then having to make it a bit thicker to fix it etc. etc. It becomes an endless cycle, much the same as M.A.C. head. mentioned earlier!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by benzito_714
my damn eyebrow. one side is perfect but then the other does this funky thing where the hairs stand straight up. boo!
stray hairs on my chin-i just learned to tweeze and oddly i find it kinda relaxing.

Girl, I feel your pain. Problem is, my eyebrows are shedding and my chin hairs are multiplying. And unlike you, I get no sense of joy from plucking the little SOB's out

Deodorant that's supposed to be invisible but ain't. I'm NC50: what's invisible on other people is still visible on me.

When my nail polish chips 3hrs after I applied it.

When my eyeshadow disappears 3hrs later even though I used a base.

When Ewan McGregor got his moles removed. I know one of them turned out to be cancerous, but that man was my dermatology hero because he had them and just didn't care. It was motivation to accept my DPN's.

Not being considered to be anywhere close to my actual age if I don't wear a business suit and makeup. Got carded at the supermarket buying a bottle of wine yesterday: legal age here is 18 and I'm 34

Days when the 'fro decides to rebel. There's a fine line between being fly and looking like Buckwheat.

When the dark circles still show after 3 layers of concealer.

I can(and do) perform surgery, but I couldn't get gel or liquid eyeliner on straight to save my life


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diffferent lighting and how it changes ur WHOLE freaking appearance. its like which light do i really look like myself in? lol (if that makes sense) my hair/skin/makeup looks diff and i hate that


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This isn't really related to me, or my application but I really hate heavily scented hair stuff. I was using a Garnier product for a while and I swear smelled like a raspberry smoothie. Bleh

I do get annoyed with my eyelashes, one eye has nice long lashes and the other side is shorter. I'm sure noone else notices but I do.


Well-known member
I am annoyed that my right eyeline tends to be difficult to apply..why I do not know

The right side of my hair is slightly shorter than my left side

The right eyebrow hurts more when waxed


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
My curls...suck. No matter what i do. they look like crap

My eyeliner is always too thick.

Everytime I do my lips i have to keep wiping the inside part cuz i get like....lipstick on that part and it looks weird. its hard to explain...but it happens everytime

my friggin hairs are always noticeable above my lip...I wax and two days later they are back

i have stupid short little gray hairs that are almost white...they stick straight up and are so noticeable against my extremely dark hair

my hair grows so effing slow like what the hell just give me 5 more inches and ill leave u alone forever

my face breaks out for no reason. And is a bitch!

my stupid glasses!

my stupid double chin!

my stupid kangaroo pouch/muffin top stomach


Are we twins?


Well-known member
Ugh, I hate when I wash, retwist and roller-set my locks, sits under the dryer, and my hair appears dry, and then when I go to remove the rollers, my hair is kinda damp, and therefore , my curls won't hold, and I don't have enough time to re-set my hair
. And I hate having my hair straight because it hangs all around my neck and shoulders and it's hot, so I have to wear ponytails or buns until I feel like curling it and sitting under a hot assed bonnet dryer again again.

I also hate my facial hair in general... just every damn thing about it.

I hate my skin in summer. Sunburn and the subsequent peeling ( my moisturizer has SPF, but it's apparently not enough, at least not up against my sweating).

Oh yeah, about the sweating- I can never EVER wear a full face in the summer, because it'll slide right off, unless I'm wearing Hyper Real foundation- and I hate wearing foundation all the time.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by captodometer
Deodorant that's supposed to be invisible but ain't. I'm NC50: what's invisible on other people is still visible on me.

When my nail polish chips 3hrs after I applied it.

Days when the 'fro decides to rebel. There's a fine line between being fly and looking like Buckwheat.

i feel you on the deodorant and nail polish but i must give you a hearty AMEN when it comes to the fro'. My fro has a mind of its own and in the summer i get to Buckwheat real quick!lol.

HeavenLeiBlu-girl i had to emancipate myself from the bonnet dryer. that thing fries my damn neck, and forget about straightening the hair, once you start to sweat around the hair line...its curtains! natural hair ain't no joke! haha

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
Originally Posted by benzito_714
i feel you on the deodorant and nail polish but i must give you a hearty AMEN when it comes to the fro'. My fro has a mind of its own and in the summer i get to Buckwheat real quick!lol.

HeavenLeiBlu-girl i had to emancipate myself from the bonnet dryer. that thing fries my damn neck, and forget about straightening the hair, once you start to sweat around the hair line...its curtains! natural hair ain't no joke! haha




Well-known member
^^^^^^^^LMAO I mean, I have locks, but I don't like them without any texture to them.If I don't curl them they just hang straight down. Like, if I have a whole day to just chill and let my roller set air dry, that's so cool but lately, I just can't. I promise I will next time, because me and this damn bonnet dryer are gonna have to fight.

And speaking of natural hair peeves-why do strangers still feel like they can just shoot their nasty assed hands in my hair? Its been over a decade now and the urge to slap offenders hasn't faded, nor has their general rudeness. It has lessened since my fro has been absent for the past 3 years, but not showing any signs of ceasing altogether.


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My t-zone gets soooooooo oily, I have to literally wipe it off!!! (In certain situations (work) I don't have time to blot)
My e/s creases 99% of the time. No matter what I use. UDPP, shadestick, paint, paint pot... combined... creases and creases...short time after applying it too... fuckin' hate that!
One of my eye brows is better looking than the other, and that good one is covered by my side-swept bangs lol
My hair gets oily really fast...

I'm an oil machine I guess


Well-known member
I have a lot..

-I hate how oily my scalp is, that if i dont wash my hair for one day, it becomes disgusting, yet i have dry skin?

-Plucking eye brows and trimming them

-Arm pit hair >.< they got really coarse from shaving

-When i get a hair cut especially when layered one side never looks the same because my hair grows in a cirle, one side will curl in the other side will curl out.

-Vagina hair, sure i could care less if i had a bush down there, but its one nice thing i can do for my husband.

-makeup, i hate HOW IM ADDICTED TO YOU~!!


Well-known member
I hate that Im obsessed w/ mac.. I must check out and every collection
I also hate that i get mascar on my nose sometimes too grr
Or that i can do my left eye perfect and tehn have trouble with the right ggrrr


Well-known member
lol, im really clumsy sometimes!

-I hate poking myself in the eye with mascara aswell
- I sometimes accidently wipe the wand of mascara against my nose too
- When i apply mascara, it tends to be all over my lids and a lashline, when i already have eyeshadow and foundation applied.. aahhh
- im terrible at plucking eyebrows. I cant do that. I do it at the cosmetologist, i really just CANT do it without hurting myself, and making them look different :/
- panda eyes