before and after my new veneers


Well-known member
Yay, they look fantastic on you! I'm really secretly curious about what goes on in makeover shows, if you can, give us updates as it goes.

Glad to see a smile on your face and hope you are making a happier life for yourself.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
A makeover show? Has it aired yet or can wee watch it?
That must've been exciting.
I'm looking to get veneers but I'm currently in the research stage. It's cool that you got them!

it's a Canadian show called Style by Jury. the shtick is that they pop the makeover candidate in front of a "jury" who judge you on the first impression you make and say nothing good about their current style. then they take you on a "seven" day journey/makeover and fix you up. i got botox and restylane fillers, new hair colour and cut and veneers. they also do laser eye surgery and sometimes full on facial plastic surgery for people
it takes longer than 7 days... about 2 - 2.5 months. but they get the seven from the days they actually film you (although i'm over 7 now. lol).

when you're all made over they bring you back in front of the "jury" who tell you that you look fabulous.

i'm not finished filming yet. thursday is my last day. wooot! i'll let you know when it airs


Well-known member
Originally Posted by persephonewillo
it's a Canadian show called Style by Jury.

ahh! i LOVE that show. please let us know when it airs.. i'd love to watch.


Well-known member
Your teeth look absolutely amazing!!! Good for you, you deserve to start a new life with a gorgeous smile!


Well-known member
your teeth look soo nice!! and i love that show! let us know when it airs, i know i'll be watching


Well-known member
girl. u look great.. u teeth have that sparkle like those toothpaste ads
I wish I could see u on tv but I dont live in canada

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