belly button piercing...


Well-known member
hey again! im not sure if this really goes here, so please feel free to move it if need be!...anyway, im very much interested in getting my belly button pierced, and im pretty sure my dad could take me to get it...the only problem is i play soccer..the worst part: im the goalkeeper...

if i get it done its going to have to wait til right after our season ends and then we get like 3-4 months that enough healing time? like when we start up again will i be able to take it out for games (about 2 hours, once every weekend)?


Well-known member
Wait til you're on off'll give it time to heal.
And no, you won't be able to take it in and out for a while yet. Best thing you can do is get a hoop and for your games tape over it so you don't snag it. Lay it flat against your skin and tape over it with gauze and some sport tape so you don't hurt yourself. :/


Well-known member
Everyone's a little different with healing, but I would definitely say that 3-4 months will not be enough time for you to feel confident taking it out for a while without it starting to close up. I had my navel pierced for four years on both the top and the bottom, and when I decided to take the bars out, as an experiment I tried sticking a bar back in the next morning (about 12 hours later) and the surface of the end which sticks out of the belly button had already pretty well closed! I agree with what shimmer said about just covering it up once you start playing again (though I prefer the curved barbell to the ring).

Above all, just make sure you go to a reputable place and follow aftercare to the letter to make the initial healing process as smooth as possible!


Active member
i agree!!!
most definately get it done after soccer season.
i got mine done too...
it took me bout 4-5 months to heal...but thats jus me lol

anyways GOOD LUCKK

it doesnt hurt when u get it done....
its jus lyk piercing yur ears


Well-known member
yeah i want to get a curved it sucks so bad...cuz like if i was a regular field player then i wouldnt hardly have any problem with my piercing...but being a goalkeeper, i have to catch balls and dive and what not...maybe its not such a good pissed now haha...thanks anyway ladies!


Well-known member
dont ever get a hoop. they are the worst for healing first of all. i dont know any reputable shop around here that will pierce an initial navel ring with a hoop. bad bad idea.

get it after the season, and when there's games, if you're still worried you can tape it, but i played volleyball with my navel pierced, and it was just fine.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by VaJenna
dont ever get a hoop. they are the worst for healing first of all. i dont know any reputable shop around here that will pierce an initial navel ring with a hoop. bad bad idea.

get it after the season, and when there's games, if you're still worried you can tape it, but i played volleyball with my navel pierced, and it was just fine.

VaJenna's got the right idea...hoops are bad news, they move around alot, moving bacteria in as they go and irritating the crap out of it...I honestly wouldn't reccommend putting tape over it until your healed either as the glue in the tape can react to it as average navel piercing takes 3-6 months to heal depending on the person...I think the best thing you could do is get it done after your season is over and just see how it goes...if it ends up getting knocked around alot, you can always take it out, but I bet by the time your new season starts you will be fine....don't take it out for games either, I have seen even seasoned piercings start to close after only a few hours.


Well-known member
I had mine for 4 years and it was totally healed. I had changed it several times and everything. I had to take it out when I was pregnant at the advice of my doctor. It was closed within a week
Now I am trying to decide if I should get it redone, mostely because I have ugly scar tissue they would have to pierce through. Hmmm, I had mine done in 1998 and had it done with a hoop - has the rule changed since about piercing with a barbell? What should I ask for next time?


New member
If I were you I would wait until off season to let it heal some. But if you want to get it done before that then tape it. Do not get a hoop worse idea in the world. Hoops are bad they might look cute but they are just gonna make it longer to heal and germs are going in and out of your body which isn't good at all. I had mine done twice. I had to take the first one out for swimming but it did not close on me but the way it close is me taking it out for my school dance because I didn't want it to fall out again at a school dance. Btw make sure the ball is tighten before dances or jobs because u don't want it to fall out and then end up with it closing on you. I hope I helped :).


New member
dont ever get a hoop. they are the worst for healing first of all. i dont know any reputable shop around here that will pierce an initial navel ring with a hoop. bad bad idea. get it after the season, and when there's games, if you're still worried you can tape it, but i played volleyball with my navel pierced, and it was just fine.
Where I'm from they won't cuz it's not very clean. Plus it's harder to pierce with.