Belly Piercing..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MisaMayah
So ladies remember to throughoughly clean your piercing once a month, take the ring out and use rubbing alcohol or any other suitable disinfecting product! I also clean it once a week keeping the piercing in, I soak a q-tip with rubbing alcohol and clean around the piercing and the actual bellyring =)

I never do that. Once there's scar tissue there around the hole, I don't think you need to disinfect anymore. I've had mine for nearly 8 years now and I just wash myself normally in the shower, I hardly notice my belly piercing is there anymore. I never take it out to clean it with alcohol or anything, but it's clean.


Well-known member
I got mine when I was 12 or 13.. can't remember. Hahah.. got it done with a fake ID. 7 years later I still have it. Honestly, I think the clamp hurt more than the actual piercing
. Just remember to keep it clean, because I know tons of girls that got infections and what not.. and it looks disgusting!


Well-known member
The best reference you can look at i think is BMEzine (
They have pictures, info in the encyclopaedia section, written testimonials from people about getting their piercing done and aftercare advice.

Make sure you know how to look after it before getting it done. Don't change the jewellery too early either.
Make sure you choose a reputable piercer who will use an autoclave and high quality jewellery etc. And if you're underage, no reputable piercer will pierce you.
As for the pain factor, well, everyone's pain tolerance is different so you can't really guess how it'll be for you before you get it done: it'll feel like having a needle pushed through your skin!!

Edit: I don't have my navel done yet, but i have 22 other piercings, so am used to getting pierced.


Well-known member
i'm going to rock the boat here and say mine didn't hurt much at all. i got it done 7 years ago now.

it was far, far less painful than getting my ear lobes done. i felt the clamp and was sitting there waiting for intense pain... and i got told it was finished.

mine did get infected - but every piercing i have ever had done has gotten infected despite meticulous cleaning and care. once the infection cleared up it was fine.


Well-known member
I had mine done three years ago. I just rinse it off in the shower and change out the jewelry once and a while. The worst thing that's happened it sometimes the jewelry can get gunky if I don't move it up and down in the hole to clean it.

The worst part about the piercing experience was the clamps since they pinched a little.

I used an antibacterial soap in the shower to clean it the first few months and a "saltwater" soak if it hurt too much, mixing one part sea salt and one part warm water in a disposable cup and inverting it on my piercing (mine was slooow to heal, almost a year and a half before I could switch jewelry).

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
My belly button didn't hurt at all when it was pierced. It ached afterwards; I didn't know how much your belly button moves until the next day when I could feel every single move I made. The only piercing I have that honestly hurt were my nipple piercings.

If at all possible, you may want to see if you can be pierced without a clamp. My nipple piercings were first done with a clamp. I had to get one redone (migrated and was about reject), and the different piercer didn't use a clamp, because he said it would make it less painful and wasn't a good thing to use, anyway. This piercing actually turned out much better.

If you get your belly button pierced, clean it but don't excessively clean it. Make sure you only wear clean clothes and touch it with clean hands, though you shouldn't touch it that much. Wear clothes that aren't going to touch that area, so don't wear pantyhose that restrict it or high waisted pants.


Well-known member
I have my BB pierced now for 10 years. It didn't hurt.
They used a straight needle on me.
It took about 6 months to heal. They told me to use warm water & this special salt which I did & it was fine. I never had a problem, but I have friends of mine who's BB got really badly infected & they had to take out the ring.

I will tell you the BB takes a long time to heal


New member
I got mine pierced about four years ago.
The piercer just told me to breathe out while the needle was going through.
It didn't hurt much at all to me, although my cousin came up off the table when she got hers done. Psh.
I was told to clean it several times a day and, most importantly, turn it! Play with the ring or barbell a lot so the skin doesn't start healing around the piercing. Neosporin helps it move smoothly.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Border356
I was told to clean it several times a day and, most importantly, turn it! Play with the ring or barbell a lot so the skin doesn't start healing around the piercing.

No offence meant, but this is not good advice.

Playing with a piercing = touching it more = more likely to get dirt/bacteria in it etc. = also more likely to cause migration by moving it too much.
Never 'play' with a new piercing!!

Turning it = prevents it healing and creates more scar tissue. A bit like picking a scab, the constant irritation does not help. You want a fistula to heal around the jewellery (the fistula is the healed 'hole' of skin that the jewellery goes through) but you don't want a lump of scarring as well.
Also, turning the jewellery could drag bits of dried lymph (crust) or dirt inside the piercing which would irritate it.

Different people will go by different aftercare advice, but I had to chip in there as the above quote does not sound useful at all.

My advice would be:
Mild sea-salt solution soaks, once or twice a day. Nothing else. Not more often.
If you decide to use a mild anti-bacterial soap like Cidal, use it once or twice a day, no more, instead of the sea-salt.
Don't use several products, stick to just one.
Don't use TCP or anything containing alcohol, these are too harsh for a healing piercing.
Cleaning more often than once or twice a day can slow the healing process by irritating the piercing.
Try not to touch the piercing unless you really have to!!


Well-known member
I had mine pierced two years ago and to be honest it wasnt that bad. i mean your piercing your skin, its something that your skin isnt ment to do but we do it.

I HATE NEEDLES!! but this wasnt so bad, i just felt the needle go through the clamped area of the skin. I gritted my teeth for a second and it was over. I asked is it over and she already had put through the bar and was tightening it.

NOW the healing, mine took over 2 months to heal. Just when i thought it was getting better it got worse. It was very crusty and was weeping white stuff at one stage. So i went on antibiotics and it cleared it up for a week or so then it went back to being gross.

I went to another piercer who took it out immediately, gave it a good clean and stuck a BIOPLAST piercing in instead. He said i was allergic to the surgical steel from the initial piercing when i first had it done. Honestly it felt like instant RELIEF. he said it was because this piercing is the type of plastic they use in surgery so its very non-volatile and the body doesnt generally argue with it like it does with surgical steel (thats if ur allergic to it like me)

He gave me some cleaning sprays which were unreal. theyre called Easypiercing, one was an anti-bacterial spray the other was a physiological salt solution.

Just recently i swapped my piercing to a 100% titanium, internally threaded cubic zirconia bar. i paid $100AUD but its gorgeous and so totally worth as they are hand designed and made only for this tattoo shop..


Well-known member
I have two navel piercings. One is your standard run-of-the-mill piercing, and the second is below it. I love the way it looks, and if anyone sees it (usually only if I am in a bathing suit) it catches people off guard.

BUT - the lower one catches on pants a lot and HURTS if snagged in the wrong way. I have had it for about 3 years, and it is high maintenance (in so far as trying to keep it clear of snagging on clothes).

I found both to be "painful" (how could a needle through the skin NOT be?) - but it is over in a matter of moments. Catching it on a pair of jeans is WAY more painful than the actual procedure!



Well-known member
Hey girl, dont worry about the pain, the pain is the worst for maybe all of 10 seconds, and then its just a throbbing feeling in that small spot for a few hours at most. Whats most important is not the pain but how you take care of it, because if it gets infected oh boy that pain is a whole lot worse...

Im not sure if anyone told you on here yet, i didnt feel like reading through everything but.

DO NOT USE ALCOHOL, summer is coming near stay away from the beach and swimming pool for atleast 3 months. Do not sleep on it for a good 6 weeks and try to wear loose clothing for 4 weeks, if it snags oh gosh it hurts.

When you clean it use a saline solution you may buy this at any drugstore, its called a saline solution (this cleanes deep wounds and has chemicals similar to your own body), Twice a day you must spin the jewelry (in the shower) a few times so it doesnt settle, You use the saline wash twice a day once in the morning and once before you sleep, if you run or get hot and sweaty, wash it with the saline after (dont want bacteria and oil to build up). What else... at least 2ce a week get a shot glass you know the one you take shots out of xD put like a teaspoon of salt and warm tap water fill it maybe 3/4 full stir it a bit and place it on your belly button for 10 minutes, and then rinse it. If you over clean it will get infected. Try not to change your piercing for 9 to 12 months. (dont worry the time flys by pretty quickly)

If you need anything else i have about 20 something odd piercings 3 of them got majorly infected, so just PM me.


Well-known member
I just got mine done 3 days ago. It didn't hurt, just a quick pinch. It has been slightly sore but thats all. Its easy to clean, and the piercer told me to move it up and down (not all crazy obviously) but it does make sense to me because I don't want the skin to start crusting around it
I always touch it with clean hands.

I absolutely love the way it looks


Well-known member
Ive had mine since grade 7, a long time
Love it, always loved it
It didnt hurt at all in my opinion, but because of its location it takes a bit more time to heal then other surface peircings

careful with shirts catching on it

wash it LOTS

and RESEARCH your peircer!!!

also, it will act up around your period, youll notice it be a little sensitive around that time, its normal, dont stress it.

thats the 411 in a nutshell, hope that helps!


Well-known member
LoL I just put a shirt on and rolled it down and hurt my belly. I keep forgetting I have it pierced. I freaking looooooove it! And I love the way it looks poking through my shirts lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xxManBeaterxx
What else... at least 2ce a week get a shot glass you know the one you take shots out of xD put like a teaspoon of salt and warm tap water fill it maybe 3/4 full stir it a bit and place it on your belly button for 10 minutes, and then rinse it.

I would say that's way too much salt. Using that much wopuld be far too harsh on a healing piercing and dry out the skin.
Usually the recommendation is 1/4 to 1/8 teaspoon for a whole cup of water (boiled then cooled so it's sterile).

CantAffordMAC -your navel looks great honey!!
I got my lip pierced again the other day, a lowbret on the left, below my two left labrets. I'm so pleased with it!!


Active member
I've had my bellyring for 6 years, it didn't hurt at all really, just a little pinch. I had to take it out when I was pregnant, and I went to a shop to have it put back in, now that was painful! But when I first got it piered, the salt water helped, and I washed with Dial Anti-bacterial liquid soap.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
LoL I just put a shirt on and rolled it down and hurt my belly. I keep forgetting I have it pierced. I freaking looooooove it! And I love the way it looks poking through my shirts lol

LOL i thought the same thing when I got mine pierced!
Your new piercing looks great; I love the ring!

I'm a hoochie so I buy a lot of the dangly ones! lol ;P


Well-known member
I've been wanting to get mine done for so many years, however I'm waiting until I lose more stomach weight and get toned up...ideally 3" at least.

A question to all of you though...if you have both the nostril and bellybutton pierced, which do you think hurt more? I have my nostril pierced and it hurt but not a whole lot...