Benefit Audition in Glasgow, Scotland.


New member
Hey guys!

I have an audition for Benefit on Tuesday. I've always loved Benefit and wanted to work for 'em, but I always heard it was dead hard to get into a cosmetic counter, so never really bothered as I had no formal experience other than a Saturday girl at Boots. Then, on a whim, I was on the website wen I spotted a link for jobs, so I uploaded my CV. Heard nothing. By this point I had it in my ead than I needed a Benefit interview, so I sent it again after a month. Then again. Finally, lo and behold, on Monday I was coming out the pictures when I got a phonecall from Benefit themselves! Wahooo! I somehow managed to pass the phone interview and got invited for the audition I'm referring to....anyhoo, you don't need my life story.

What I was wondering was, what does it entail? How should you dress? How soon do you find out if you have the job?

Any help would be much appreicated!

Amy xx


Well-known member
Hey, I worked for Benefit for a while in Scotland.

The Audition process is quite, eh unique. You usually have to spend the day on counter getting bums in seats. Basically thats all Benefit care about is that you can get customers sat down to try on products. They show you a few products that you should use on the customers and give you a few tips on how to approach customers then you go out and put it into practice.

Act really keen and sweet and bubbly. Know your stuff as well so thats one up on some others. Get out and about to grab customers. Is the audition in Fraisers Glasgow? Hopefully its busy anyway so its easier to get people sat down. Then just be really friendly and sweet to customers. Try to get people to buy which will look good for you.

Its quite scary, especially if your not a crazy outgoing person by nature. I wasn't but I made myself do it because I wanted the job so much and I got it. I was in an audition with 4 other girls and they all got sent home early. They are quite harsh. If your not cutting it, they just say to you quietly to go home basically.

If you pass the audition on counter, you will then have an interview. Its quite informal with just the usual interview questions. They will ask things like how you feel about sales targets (they motivate you and help push yourself etc), how you work in a team, blah blah blah,

Then if you pass that you will be passed on to the department store you will be working for store approval. Then its just a few more interview questions from the department manager about sales and how you feel about store cards and loyalty cards (help you with repeat customers, creates loyalty - v. important to department managers).

I no longer work for benefit and I got a promotion for another cosmetics brand, but its a lot of hard work at benefit, traffic stopping is their "thing" and you need to meet targets. But its fun too.

Just remember, its a sales job first. Sales are targets are no 1 on all make up counters.

Hope that helps doll, and hope it goes well for you!



New member
Thank you, I never noticed your reply till now! Yup, that's the one :)

Had the interview/audition/trial shift this morning, came in at 10.30am, myself and 7 other girls, we got told about traffic stopping, practiced on each other, then shown four products, pacticed on each other, then hit the floor to traffic stop. The regional manager did say traffic stopping's not for everyone, so if we feel we're not enjoying, go tell her and just go home, likewise, if she feels its not for us, she'll end out audition. The shop was dead, daytime on a Tuesday, y'know? So I couldn't get ANYONE to stop at first, but managed to get 5, although no-one bought anything, but the regional manager did say that wasn't the big concern, it was getting them sat down and aware of the brand. I noticed one girl get asked to leave fairly early on, then I didn't realise anyone else had left until I noticed there were only 3 of us at around 1.15pm. Then around 1.30pm I noticed the manager approach one of the other girls, but she was smiling, etc, then about 10 minutes later came to me and said, really friendly "that's the end of your audition, what did you think, etc" I said I had enjoyed it, then she checked she had the right telephone number for me, etc, and said she would call me by the end of the week and let me know the outcome. So I'm a bit worried cos 1) I got asked to leave when there was still another girl there and 2) I didn't get a one-on-one interview, but then I did manage to last over three hours, was the second to last to leave and she hadn't told me I was unsuccessful. How did it pan out at yours? Were there several people left, did you all get one-on-ones? When did you find out? Thanks sooooooo much, really really appreciated! x


Well-known member
Mines was with less people and I was the only one that survived till the end. I had my one to one interview there and then but that doesnt mean thats how it always happens. I think I heard the next day that I got the job.

I hope it goes well for you. Good luck

Any other questions just ask



New member
Thanks, I really appreicate your help. True, she did say she had to add up our scores and wotnot, so I guess if there were a lot us that could take a while. I asked if she would let me know the outcome either way and she said she would. So I guess I just have to wait around; killing me! Ha ha x