Benefit Cosmetics exciting yay


Well-known member

Sooo lameness.
I went to the counter a few days after they said they would wall me, just to check and see if there was any news or if they just didn't have a chance, and the manager told me she hadn't had a chance to talk to the Macys manager yet, but would give me a call by monday.

Well it's wednesday and my phone hasn't rang yet :p


Oh I see you're from San Jose! Was this at Oakridge or Valley Fair?
I work for benefit at Hillsdale in San Mateo! You'll love working for benefit, it's ridiculously fun. I started working for benefit almost two years ago with the intent of just gaining experience, and eventually working for mac. But I really love my job and my counter and don't know if I'd even leave for mac now, LOL.
Anyway good luck even though you don't need it! Let me know if you have any questions.

P.S. If it was at Valley Fair did you meet Heather? <3 her, she's worked an event at my counter and is amazing!


Well-known member
It's at Oakridge


Just wanted to let you know why you haven't heard from Benefit. Macy's is in a hiring freeze basically and laying off a bunch of folks in the cosmetics department. I lost our part timer who is also like my best friend at work.
Sorry to bring you disappointing news but it's probably why you haven't heard back from them.