Benefit Cosmetics training once you pass the audition and store approval?


New member
Hellooooo! I have loved Benefit cosmetics for years, when all my classmates were looking at avon catalogues, i was stealing my mums benefit ones xD hehe! found out about 3 years ago that ANYONE can work for fancy training or qualifications needed! :O

I tried just over a year ago, did the telephone interview, passed it, did the audition... and i sucked. I was VERY nervous, not confident at all, when it came to the traffic stopping, i think the 3rd customer i approached, with "hi, have you heard of benefit cosmetics before?" (in cardiff debenhams store) responded with "GO AWAY, IVE ALREADY BEEN ASKED BY ONE OF YOU ALREADY, WHY WONT YOU PEOPLE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE" i was in a state of shock after that pretty much...was not expecting it at all, was a very bad experience for me, and what little confidence i had at the time flew right out the window, and i went and asked to go home.

Since then, i have moved to London.... with little savings, applying for every and any job i come accross... moving to London was a big step for me and i decided to give it another go with benefit, so i did, did the telephone interview, did the audition, (on the 3rd attempt, as the 1st one was cancelled, and the 2nd i turned up to oxford STREET not just plain old oxford...) so on my 3rd go! went to reading, in 2 hours got just 4 customers, sold 2 products, and got the job :D i loved it! had my store approval, and that went fine! they want me to start the 2nd of april.... im just curious, anybody working for benefit, or who have worked for benefit, what kind of training do they do? and how long it goes on for? i was told id probably be doing it in another store....with other new girls from different stores....


p.s i know this sort of benefit cosmetics thread has already been done to death, but i cant seem to find anything on the actual training the girls do once they get it?? Any sort of advice or heads up will be appreciated and welcomed :)