Best dating/relationship advice you have ever gotten?


Well-known member
"Guys only think with one head. And its not the one attached to their neck"- My dad

"Watch how a man treats his mother because thats EXACTLY how he will treat you"-My mom

both have been married for 25 years this october (to eachother obviously haha)

and their advice is SO true... too bad i wasn't smart enough to take it when it mattered the most haha... but now I def do!!!!!


Well-known member
The jeans speech. My therapist once mentioned something to me about how all relationships are like the search for a perfect pair of jeans, and now it all makes sense. I wrote this big speech that applies the jeans philosophy to so many situations, and I finally feel like I GET dating. PM me if you want to hear it, I'd feel like an uber nerd posting the whole thing on here :p


Well-known member
Have independance don't be dependant on your significant other.

You need to learn to be happy with yourself as well as your life...the person you're with makes it better.


"The time will come and you will know"

Advice I received from my old roommate. I was in a terrible relationship with someone who made ABSOLUTELY miserable. I didn't love him, didn't like him, but it was my first relationship and I thought it would get better. It never did. I couldn't bring myself to end it because strangely I wasn't ready yet. Finally the point came, where it had to end and I never look back.

People always wonder why people dont get out as soon as the writing's on the wall, but you have to be in the right mindset to do it. The time will come and it will happen.


Well-known member
The guy who wrote that "He's Just Not That Into You" had a little mini book at Barnes and Noble and I had just broken up with a real jerk so I picked it up and the best thing I read about went something like this:

"Don't keep waiting for closure or for an 'answer' because you may never get it. You'll have to find closure yourself and let the rest just fall away"

That helped me more than anyone's sympathy or advice for that breakup and I have still remembered that to this day and my current break up which was just this week!