best moisturiser for dry skin


Well-known member
My skin is forever dry and I've been trying to find a moisturizer that will last. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Well-known member
I hate to be forum nazi, but there are heaps of threads here on dry skin and moisturisers for it if you do a search under dry skin. I mean heaps, really!


Well-known member
I am using Curel Ultra Healing moisturizer for extra dry skin...I like it because it doesn't have a smell (i'm sensitive to that) and it really moisturizes... it comes in a blue bottle, but they have a number of different formulas... (I am assuming that you are taking about a product for your body and not face...for face I am using Serious Skin Care Olive Oil cream)


Well-known member
Lush, Lush, Lush! I can't stop recommending their products to people now:p Get Angels on Bare Skin facewash because it is soo moisturizing, then Skin Drink, or Skin's Shangri-La as a moisturiser. Go crazy!


Well-known member
I really like "Hempz" by Supre. It is actually a lotion for tanners (tanning in a sun bed dries out you skin, so it is a big thing for tanners to use lots of lotion) It is soooo thick and works so well! It smells kinda like banans though, whcih I really like but if you don't like scents in your lotion this might not be a good one for you. There are a lot of imitators of this lotion though so becareful, I have tried them all and none of then work as well as the original. (BTW-This lotion is drug free, don't let the name fool you. It does have the "juices" of the seeds of a marijana plant in them, but not acutally any drug.


Well-known member
or when your skin is very dry Kiehl's Creme d'Elegance Repairateur. check out kiehl's. I love Kiehl's


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ruby_soho
Lush, Lush, Lush! I can't stop recommending their products to people now:p Get Angels on Bare Skin facewash because it is soo moisturizing, then Skin Drink, or Skin's Shangri-La as a moisturiser. Go crazy!

hehehe... i'm such a lush bitch as well....
I'd recommend lush too!


Well-known member
Ive tried soooo many things everythingjust nothing worked basically. Korres wild rose moisturizer literally saved my skin. I'm in love with it

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