Best subtle blush for pale skin+dark hair


Well-known member
If you can still find it I would look into Blooming I am NC 15 though, so I am not sure how much of a difference it would make. I believe it came out with COC.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shadowaddict
As I said above I love Pink Swoon for my pink days. But now I'm looking for a peachy one and considering buying Hello Kitty BPB in Fun & Games but I also hear and see Pinch O' Peach recommended a lot. I'm a little lighter than NC15. Which would you guys reecommend?

I really love MAC Peaches blush with a little Redhead MSF on top
Peaches is described as pure peach - it gives a really natural and pretty peaches'n cream look


Well-known member
Well Dressed is beautiful and one of the quintessentially subtle MAC blushes. It is MAC's palest pink blush, the most delicate sheen... gorgeous soft pink flush. Buildable, too.


I went in to the MAC store, armed with a list of all these suggestions, and ended up getting the Redhead MSF which does the job perfectly. I think I'm going to have to get Well Dressed at some point too - so pretty.
Thanks all of you for the help!


Well-known member
Yep - good choice. I'm NC20 pale with black hair and I luuuuuuuurve Redhead MSF, I warm it up with some Margin every now and then. Mostly I just wear it on it's own tho.

Also, if you can get your hands on, try to find Stark Naked (LE) - fantastic for the cooler toned makeup.