better black: black tied or carbon?


Just want to say thanks for this thread, I wanted to ask the same question for lining!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bAbY_cHiCkEn01
I personally couldn't live without carbon in my collection... I love it for lining and use it just about everyday. Black tied is very nice... But I find you can use carbon with just about anything, especially as, with black tied, if you want a simple look say, the sparkle takes it away from that... But if you can afford it, I'd get both. They're both great!

i agree. i have both and i use carbon a lot more, every day! i either use it in the crease for my smokey eye, or the outer v if i use something else in my crease. i couldn't live without carbon, either, this really does go with anything! if you've got shimmer/sparkle/glitter on already, matte shadows are the perfect way to balance it out. i've probably gone through 4 or 5 of carbon, and 2 or 3 black tied? i say you can't go wrong with either one!


Well-known member
Carbon has started to make my eyes water and my eyelids itch
Gutted cos I love using it in my smokey eye looks and it took me ages to work out exactly which product was making my eyes cry. So annoying when your all dolled up and ready to rock then your eyeshadow starts wash away. I have Black Tied, but haven't tried it since I developed this allergy to Carbon just in case it does the same. The really dark greys, blues and browns are still ok on my eyes though, so not a total smokey eye catastrophe


Active member

I recomend you get both, they are two different shadows. "Carbon" is matte & more pigmented, "Black Tied" has sparkle & less pigment. I have both & i use them both for different looks. "Carbon"- I use this one to set my liquid, pencil, gel, or cream eyeliners, i also use it by it's self as a liner. I use this one for that really dark smokey eye. I also use it when i want a really dark outer v. "Black Tied"- I like to use this in the outer v of most of my eye looks, it's lighter , so i can build up it,s intesity, which is perfect for lighter looks(you can use it with browns in the outer v & in the crease without it looking "black"). Just so you know it's not as glittery on as it is in the pan. Both colors are beautiful & worth the investment.

"A True Makeup Artist Only Sees The Beautiful in EVERYONE!"


Well-known member
I've got both, and I just adore Carbon. I use it for pretty much everything. The only time I use Black Tied is when I might be a little unsure as to where I want to place the black. I'll go in with BT first as it's much less pigmented, then go in with Carbon and darken it up once I've figured the look out.


Well-known member
I haven't seen anyone even mention Typographic!! Though it's definitely not the deepest black, it's a Matte2 formula, which means it applies & blends like a dreammmm and I think it's a decent alternative to the more ornery Carbon. I will say, however, that I want to have both in my makeup palette in the near future!

Black Tied, on the other hand, looks sooo pretty in the pot, but I don't like Velvet finishes as much and it just looks so -bleh-.


Well-known member
I actually have black tied I'm trying to get rid of. I like carbon better just because it's just the basic black with no sparkles you can still do a smokey eye with it, Just won't be sparkly. I also use carbon as a eyeliner with my eyeliner brush works great!


Well-known member
I think you should try Typographic.
I much prefer it over those two (I have both Carbon and Black Tied).
It's buttery and pigmented. Perfect for lining.


Well-known member
carbon - dont use black tied but it crumbled from the pan- got stuck everywhere- black powder every where- messed my my kit- .. it never happened with another eyeshadow so now i wana try out mufe black eyeshadow.. i love carbon BUT i dont see myself buying it again.. seriously it was hell cleaning the mess.. it was EVERYWHERE

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