BETTER than volcanic ash exfoliator?


Well-known member
Not really, but I was looking on ebay for a backup of my backup of Volcanic Ash Exfoliator and I found this: 66970&_trksid=p3907.m29

I read the description and I thought it was HILARIOUS.

Who can resist the pretty pink ribbon?!


Well-known member
hahahahahahahaha! thats so funny!! I love the "If he doesn't you need to find yourself a REAL man!" part!


Well-known member
lmao. ahhh, i love satire. it's true people have been bidding up to $50 dollars on those things. it's insane.


Well-known member
MAC = Motor Ace Cosmetics

Question: The seller is in MI and Mt. St. Helens is in WA, so it seems kind of unlikely that is authentic. So......what kind of ash do you think it really is? BBQ briquettes?

Have you ever considered making your own D.I.Y. exfoliator at home? All you need is this 5-ounce jar of MotorAce Cosmetic's Industrial Strength All-Natural 100% Organic Volcanic Ash. Mix it in a blender with a 24 oz bottle of maple syrup (or your favorite desert topping) and a 16 oz jar of crunchy peanut butter and your face will love it! Washes off with warm water and some turpentine which also helps remove those excess oils in your skin.

If you try this product and he still doesn't notice, don't worry... your money's not wasted! Scoop a tablespoon of this all-natural Volcanic ash onto a little dab of your husband's favorite brand of 90-weight axle grease and schmear that on your decolletage. When he catches a whiff of that 90-weight lube, he'll melt in your arms! (If he doesn't, then you need to find yourself a REAL Man)

Not tested or approved for human consumption by the FDA.

Oh Lord


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dahlia_Rayn
Do you think this man has a wife who uses MAC?

I was wondering too!

This was toooooo funny. I love this so much.


Well-known member
Mix it in a blender with a 24 oz bottle of maple syrup (or your favorite desert topping) and a 16 oz jar of crunchy peanut butter and your face will love it! Washes off with warm water and some turpentine which also helps remove those excess oils in your skin.

I LOL'ed so hard at this. Maple syrup (or your favorite desert topping) and crunchy peanut butter? So apparently, if I mix this "volcanic ash" in with some hot fudge and crunchy peanut butter I'll have a pretty sweet exfoliator. AND, if you wash it off with TURPENTINE it helps remove excess oils in your skin. Who know? lollll.


Active member
Each jar comes with a pretty pink ribbon

haha yea i totally need one now!
this seller is hilarioussssss! hahahahahhahaha


Well-known member
that is sooo funny! I just couldn't stop laughing. I love the pink ribbon and the "you need to find yourself a REAL man" comment. Great! Made my day!


Well-known member
Wow this dude CANNOT be serious! Lol!! I'm ashamed to be from Michigan right now. He probably was supposed to get his wife some exfoliator, saw the price, and decided to go the DIY route. I hate to have seen the look on her face when he presented it to her like "Look honey! It has a pink bow!!"

And P.S. Turpentine on your face? Uhhhm that does not sound like a good idea. For anyone. Ever.