"Big-Eye" Contacts / Circle Lenses


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Re: "Big-Eye" Contacts

Originally Posted by Kayteuk
Where did ya get the ones with stars from? I love love LOVE them!

Not sure where she got them from..but theyre a brand called colourvue n the style is stars and jewels i think.. Hope this helps

Tashona Helena

Well-known member
I'm so late, but I actually bought some from Honey Color, not the big eyes ones, the Tri-Color ones by GEO in gray. And they're awesome! Good quality. I'm wearing them in my main picture on myspace. They definitely make my eyes look brighter, than the other gray contacts I had, a great alternative to the big eye look.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Tashona Heléna
I'm so late, but I actually bought some from Honey Color, not the big eyes ones, the Tri-Color ones by GEO in gray. And they're awesome! Good quality. I'm wearing them in my main picture on myspace. They definitely make my eyes look brighter, than the other gray contacts I had, a great alternative to the big eye look.

Wow those look amazing! Do you have to get your eyes measured first? How does that part work?

Tashona Helena

Well-known member
I actually just ordered them. I did go to the eye doctor a few weeks ago but they were acting really snooty and I had a bad experience so I just went off on my own and bought them and tried them out. I do plan to get fitted for them in the future when I find a doctor that will be more open to help me or find somewhere else where I can get fitted. But yea anyway, I previously used Expressions by Cooper Vision and just for some reason I struggled so much with them. These were much easier and looked better IMO.


Well-known member
Does anyone know if these would work for people with really large pupils? My pupils are so big that I can't wear regular colored lenses because the colored part obscures my vision, but it looks like some of these might have a larger area for the pupil.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Tashona Heléna
I actually just ordered them. I did go to the eye doctor a few weeks ago but they were acting really snooty and I had a bad experience so I just went off on my own and bought them and tried them out. I do plan to get fitted for them in the future when I find a doctor that will be more open to help me or find somewhere else where I can get fitted. But yea anyway, I previously used Expressions by Cooper Vision and just for some reason I struggled so much with them. These were much easier and looked better IMO.

I remember trying to get the Expressions contact lenses too through my eye doctor because they thought they were neat and not that much pricier than my Freshlook Colorblends or Acuvue 2 Colored lenses. But he explained to me that before I couldn't even order them and that I had to get a demo one from the company sent in for me to try first because they were too large for my eye or something. So I'm thinking maybe that's why you had issues with them fitting correctly.

Also, I don't really want to be the party pooper here. But with colored contacts its VERY IMPORTANT that you don't wear them for a prolonged period of time or on a daily basis. This is because the colored part of the lens covers that certain part of your eye...umm your pupil?(sorry if its wrong, I suck with eye terms) blocks a lot of oxygen from reaching your eyes. Which in the long run can cause a lot of problems since we all know oxygen depravation of any kind is bad. It's actually worse with circle lenses since the color part of the lens covers even more area on the eye which means even more oxygen depravation. Now I'm not saying to not ever wear colored/circled lenses just limit yourself to only wearing them either for special events, going out or for only a few hours or a few days out of the week. You should actually switch up wearing contacts and glasses to allow your eyes a few days to just "breathe". So just be careful ladies!


Well-known member
I totally ordered a pair, they're pretty inexpensive as far as contact lenses go. I'll post about how they are when I get them...


Well-known member
I own these contacts now, and wear them almost everyday, just as KrisyVictoria above me said they are very inexpensive compared to most contact lenses and i personally have found them more comfortable. And im not even exaggerting when I say every day that I wear them I get at least one compliment on how nice my eyes are

I love them!


Well-known member
I just ordered some of these from another site, and I'm really curious as the how they're going to look on my light eyes. I guess we'll see!


Well-known member
I love seeing pics of people wearing big-eyes! They give the most gorgeous effect, like living doll eyes! I would love to try them out but I am petrified of contact lenses and have a phobia about hurting my eyes.


Well-known member
I will say this:

Please do your research before purchasing these lenses online. They are a lot of fake circle lenses that are manufactured with unsafe ingredients and can do serious damage to the eye. So, before you click purchase on a website, make sure that they can provide you with proof, certificates from the manufacturer allowing them to sell their lenses, and the like.

Not to mention, they are scammers out there . . . with the growing popularity of the lenses, they are people out there who will take your money and not send your lenses, or send you fake ones.

I suggest reading through the Circle Lens thread on Soompi.com. It may be a lot of pages to read through but the information provided in that thread is valuable and extremely important when considering this.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lipshock
I will say this:

Please do your research before purchasing these lenses online. They are a lot of fake circle lenses that are manufactured with unsafe ingredients and can do serious damage to the eye. So, before you click purchase on a website, make sure that they can provide you with proof, certificates from the manufacturer allowing them to sell their lenses, and the like.

Not to mention, they are scammers out there . . . with the growing popularity of the lenses, they are people out there who will take your money and not send your lenses, or send you fake ones.

I suggest reading through the Circle Lens thread on Soompi.com. It may be a lot of pages to read through but the information provided in that thread is valuable and extremely important when considering this.

I totally agree. I really do want to try them out as I love the whole big eyed anime look sometimes. BUT I'm not willing to purchase any kind of contact lenses unless they were ordered directly from a doctor's office or a reputable contact lens seller such as 1-800 Contacts.

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
Originally Posted by NatalieR429
weird.... I do NOT like them. Looks like blown out pupils from drug use.

I thought I was the only one who didn't like them
. To me they look kinda creepy, but I guess to each their own


Well-known member
I didn't quite like the lenses and they looked pretty scary when I first saw them online. However, my sister changed my mind! She owns 3 pairs of them and they look really pretty.


Well-known member
My first pair that I got two weeks ago in natural light:

and with a flash:

please excuse the fug. My hair was a MESS that day


Well-known member
^You're on Soompi! I saw your post, the colour is so vivid.
I love the Geo Animation lens- I have CP-A4 and CP-A1. I also own Nudy Violet.
I hope the pics don't turn out huge.


Nudy Violet:

CP-A1: (these ones slip a lot)

I'm currently waiting for my Violet Wongs to arrive~