Bikini waxing...Brazilians in particular?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by brokenxbeauty
What do you all recommend to exfoliate?

i love using a natural loofah sponge. i've been using it since i started waxing/epilating, and i haven't gotten ingrown hairs since.


Well-known member
so i bought the tend skin. and i used it (cotton ball swipy swipe all over) but i still got a few ingrowns. more than i did the first time i got a wax and didnt use tend skin.. weird?

LOLs, am i doing it wrong ?


Well-known member
Are you on your second go wax?

It takes time, you'll notice a difference when you get your body on a shedule. When I started I went when ever I felt it was time, now I go every 3 weeks and my body is totally on a shedule and I don't get them.

Also, be sure to exfoliate as well (2 days after waxing).

Originally Posted by eye_pr0mise
so i bought the tend skin. and i used it (cotton ball swipy swipe all over) but i still got a few ingrowns. more than i did the first time i got a wax and didnt use tend skin.. weird?

LOLs, am i doing it wrong ?



Well-known member
its my 3rd actually, but i havent been doing it on a regular.. first - second time was about 4 wks apart. second - third time was about 5 wks apart..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jenee.sum
^^^ don't u just wanna feel yourself down there constantly? smooth like a baby's butt.
after i get it done, when i'm in the shower, i go for a feelski...and im like "whoa...wax on....wax off....wax on...wax off."

going for mine in 2 days.

OMG....and just a funny story about the first time i went.
i didn't know what to expect...except for pain. but i didn't know what kinda pain and how much. i told myself to treat it like an exam for school: don't freak yourself out, be cool. so i went in and i wasn't scared or anything. i was more excited if anything cuz it was my first time.
well...i layed down, and i was talking to the lady. she put the wax on, and i was thinking "ooO..that's warm"...then she rippppped it!
i immediately started to burst out laughing!!! FROM PAIN! then all of a sudden i remembered the video i saw on youtube of a compilation of women's reactions to their first brazilian rip! it hurt so much i didn't even know how to react but to crack up. i was so loud everyone heard from outside.
and to top it off, i cracked up so much that i started to make the lady laugh. every time she'd rip it off, i'd laugh, and then she'd follow me with a laugh too.

don't know if my story was funny for you guys, but it was really funny at the time it happened.
if you were in the waiting room and heard me, you would've laughed at me.

did anyone else laugh their ass off when they first got it done?

PS. i HATEEEE waiting for the shizz to grow out!! pain in the ass!

I just died of laughter right now

I woke up my whole house from laughing so hard right now.. ahahahahah!!!


Active member
I finally went for my first one today! It took a long time for me to get up the courage to just do it, but I'm really glad I did. I'm excited! It hurt, but mostly wasn't soo bad.
I bought a "drying lotion" at the place I got it done (Frilly Lilly if anyone is interested) and you're supposed to use it on ingrown hairs if you see them forming. I hope I don't get any ingrowns! That's part of the reason it took so long to book it, I know I'm prone to them. If anyone could give me a few tips/advice on what to do for the next couple days I'd really appreciate it! I know there is probably a ton of information throughout this thread, but I don't really have the time to go through all of the posts here

I have seen the bliss pre-moistened pad things that you swipe over areas prone to ingrowns, but don't know if they're worth it? They seem kind of expensive, although they're convenient!

Hehe I love your story of your first time jenee.sum! I didn't laugh.. I just tried to stay quiet and breath, but gasped a couple times once she got closer to the centre


Well-known member
So I just recently bought an epilator, and decided to give myself an 'at-home' brazillian. I have never waxed the area, only shaved, so I have nothing to compare the pain to.

The 'triangle' was fine, really. A prick or two, but I didn't even flinch. However, the lips were another story entirely. Holy HELL it hurt. I ended up using the small 'delicate areas' attachment for them, and even so, I went very slowly, doing a tiny portion at once. In time, the area numbed and swelled, and I didn't feel the pain anymore, and I was able to do a quicker and more thorough job. Keep in mind, I have a higher than average pain tolerance (as told by many a doctor).

Results are great! There are a few baby hairs scattered about the area that it didn't catch, but it's not much effort to shave those. It's been a week and I am still quite smooth. It is probably the greatest grooming purchase I have ever made. I also use it for the underarms. Unfortunately, I haven't had much success using it on the finer hairs--they break off. But still, the fact that it can do such a good job of brazilians makes it more than worth it! :D

The advantages of the epilator over waxing, in my opinion, are that you really only have to worry about the initial cost of the product (mine was about 70-80 dollars). Also, you can do it in the privacy of your own home. Plus, you can catch much shorter hairs than you could from waxing. I love it!