Originally Posted by KristyVictoria
It is possible to induce menopause - the primary drug is called Lupron and stops hormone production, it was developed/is used primarily for treatment of Prostate cancer and endometriosis but also works for other things. Sometimes it is given to suppress menstruation before fertility treatments so that they can time ovulation exactly.
The nuvaring is actually not very new, it's been on the market for over 5 years now whereas Yaz just came out in the past year. Generics can't become available until the patent expires on a medication - which is something like a minimum of 7 years but could be up to 14 I think. I've been taking Effexor XR for over 10 years and no generic exists for that, still.
It's interesting that you think xanax and ativan are strong when they are much less strong than klonopin. Klonopin is something like three times the strength of xanax.
Your doctor should be able to request information from your previous healthcare providers, and also if you can't find a Dr who will listen to you about a serious negative reaction to a medication you might want to try getting a new doctor! If he wants you to revisit a medication that didn't work previously, that might be a different issue, but if you reacted really badly your doctor should take that seriously.
Try writing down some of your thoughts in advance before you go in to sit down. Write down your objective - say, "Reduce symptoms of ADD without increasing anxiety. Consider why treatments in the past failed and try something different." It can be hard to express everything that you need to in the time given nowadays and I find them if I don't clearly define and organize WHY I'm going to the doctor, I can get in there and out without ever actually addressing the reason I went for visit in the first place very easily!
I had assumed the nuvaring was pretty new cause it's only been recently that I've even seen commercials for it. It didn't even show up at my Planned Parenthood clinic til like two years ago.
The only other medication I take on a reg. basis is Allegra, and I get the generic version of it cause that's what the insurance is willing to pay for. I'm glad that I don't use any other non-generic medications that my insurance won't pay for-it's so expensive to pay for out of pocket!
I've had friends who have taken or are still taking klonopin for anxiety also and they always say that it's really strong, although it never does anything for me. No clue why? It's as if I didn't taken anything at all in the first place! Most of them have also tried Xanax and always emphasize to me how stronger it is compared to klonopin and how they prefered it over klonopin also. The doctor I seen actually made it sound that way too, Idk? He sucks terribly at explaining meds to me. Like when he prescribed Celexa I had asked for more information on it. And all he said was oh it's medication that'll treat both anxiety and depression, now bye bye!
I just want something that'll help with the what ifs that keep popping up in my head.
I've thought about seeing another doctor, cause this one just seems to want to prescribe me something for every problem I have but the ones that are really bugging me. But the thing is that I dont drive and I've checked all the other doctor's offices and they don't accept my insurance. I can't afford to pay out of pocket for visits. I'm actually hoping that with therapy I can handle things on my own. The only reason why I even reconsidered taking medication again was cause whenever I'd talk to someone, they'd always say well why don't you consider going to see a doctor and taking some medication?
Thanks for the idea. I often get nervous and unfocused during visits to see him, I need to start listing my bigger problems down next time I see or if I even see him again. I want to be more firm about what I want for treatment, but I just don't want to sound like I'm some kind of junky trying to get drugs. I got the feeling during my first visit that he might think that for some reason (I'm def not though!) and its just really interfering with my treatment.