Birthcontrol and brother rant.


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So I have HORRIBLE periods that last anywhere from 7-14 days even more sometimes and the pain I won't even attempt to describe cause it's agonizing. It takes a large dose every 4-6 hours of acetaminophen or ibuprofen to do anything for the pain.

Right now I'm on the nuvaring and instead of doing the 3 weeks keep ring in, then take the ring out for a week to get your period recommended method. I've been putting a new ring in immediately after taking the old one out. This was recommended to me by the doctor I had seen at Planned Parenthood where I had originally gotten the nuvaring from. It was a pain getting to Planned Parenthood all the time for a birthcontrol refill that I decided to actually see a gyna close to where I live. Surprisingly the nuvaring was covered by my insurance which was good for me. EXCEPT for the fact that I can only get refills every 30 days or 4 weeks. I need a new refill every 3 weeks for 2 or 3 months to avoid getting a period and then the month after that I can take the ring out for a full week to get a period. Sort of like the Seasonale birthcontrol idea with the 4 periods a year type thing.

My periods when on the pill are still painful but only 3-4 days and are much lighter, while on the Nuvaring it's 7 days long (which is normally how long it runs for when I'm bc free) and is still a bit heavy. The reason why I don't just take the pill is cause I seriously forget to and I haven't found a single kind that I actually liked. I like the nuvaring. It's convenient for me and it hasn't given me horrible side effects.

So I just found out I'm suppose to replace my ring TOMORROW but my insurance won't pay for the refill til the 22nd, 5 days from now. That long without a new ring I'll definitely be getting a period. I won't lie I'm super afraid of getting it cause of the pain. I just started a new job and I don't want to take any days off. I can't afford to take 3-4 days off each month cause of my period like I use to for school when I was using Nuvaring the regular way or when I was bc free. I called my doctor and talked to the sounded like my doctor was still in the office but I haven't gotten a call back from anyone at her office or my pharmacy.

I'm literally shaking right now thinking about this. I've had a stressful day and this does not help the least bit.

The second part of my rant has to do with my little brother. He's 13 and pure evil I tell ya. I am disrespected EVERY SINGLE DAY of my life by this little boy even when I never did him any wrong. It's not normal sibling rivalry either. He calls me a fat whore, ugly, worthless, and talks crap about how I'm not in school yet and how I didn't have a job before (I have a job now and now he's turned it into, why don't you get a better job that actually makes you worth something?!). Hate to say this but a big part of me hates him. Having to deal with this every single damn day of your life for years takes a toll on you. I honestly dont' give a shit about him anymore. My mom still babies us. She's also a big worrier. He has a key to the house that he has to use if he gets home before everyone else does. She's always worrying that he doesn't have his key cause she didn't give it to him. Like today she was searching for the key and couldn't find it and was freaking out to me that he might not have the key and will be locked out. He gets home around 3:30 and I was going to be off work today at 3 and she kept bugging me to not go anywhere afterwork to make sure he gets home and is okay cause she's working over time today. I didn't want to get yelled at so I did what she told me to do and it ended up that he did in fact have the key on him to get home. I was fucking pissed. Again I wont' lie, I don't care if he's locked out or not. He's 13 years old and is big enough to take care of himself. When I was that age I was always out and about. The boy never leaves the house either, he needs to get out more anyways. We live by a lot of businesses and there is a book store close to us he could walk up to and hang out and use the phone there to call either my mom or me. I suggested my mom just give him some emergency money to spend on food or whatever in case he's ever locked out. She just laughed at me. Ughh. I just put $10 in an envelope and stuffed it into his bookbag along with the house key. I just don't want to deal with this shit.


Well-known member
First of all.


Oki, now to your post.

I hate my period. I actually work in the doctor's office lolz. I'm going to tell you right now to call the pharmacy and ask them to fax a refill request for it and get the doctor to approve. Seriously, if you had a 'refill' for it, you could just 'refill' it from fax without actually going in to the doctors. Just ask the receptionist if she could get the doctor to refill it between patients so you could get your refill because you're worried about not getting it by today.
Stay off cold stuff if you do get your period. I swear, there were months where I had to stay off ice-cream for 3 months and more because everytime I ate it, it makes my period a living hell.

Now your brother. Ignore him. Lolz. Yea I know it's not so easy but hey. Ignore him, talk to your friends, do your own sh*t. Your mom 'one day' will figure out that he's growing up and he won't get so much attention anymore. I hate it when my little sister use to just call me stupid or just trying to get me pissed off. I use to flip out lolz. Now I just calm down and try to hold it in and just jump on MSN or talk on the phone to chill and forget.

Hey, but if you ever need anyone, Specktra is here (and I'm here too if you wanted to rant to someone


Well-known member
I actually work at my pharmacy lol. I'm a beauty adviser there but the pharmacy tech whose really sweet had already called my insurance to try to get it to bump the date up so I can get it by tomorrow at least but they won't budge and won't issue it til the 22nd. She even told me that the likely hood that even if my doctor got involved and try to explain to the insurance what was going on they still won't probably approve it. I'm on medicaid so yeah...

And my stupid doctor's office hasn't called me back or anything grrr!! The receptionist said that she was going to give my doctor the message I had her write down for me before the doctor left the office cause she was still there. Well fucking call me back then!!!!!

I hope that "one day" comes like tomorrow lol. He does get yelled a lot especially lately since I've started working by both of my parents for saying things about me. I wish he had friends around here that he could go out and hang out with. The house is sooo quiet and peaceful when he's not home sometimes quiet and nice enough that I completely forget about him.

Thank goodness for specktra! I was thinking about starting a livejournal or some kind of online blog but I didn't want like absolutely complete strangers to look at my posts and read them. I'm much more aquainted and better off with my fellow Specktra-ettes!


Well-known member

i hate period cramps!! before when i wasn't on the pill, my cramps use to kill and i wouldn't wanna go out. but even still, your cramps sound much worse than mine
hope u get ur fix soon! oh...and do u have endometriosis? sounds like it

urgh, brother's suck! lol but ignore your brother. children LOOOOOOVE it when they piss people off b/c they love a reaction. and your anger only fires him. i know it can be frustrating, but there's nothing really you can do to change things, like how ur mom treats him and stuff. once he realizes he has no impact on you anymore, he'll stop it cuz it won't be fun for him anymore. even if it still bugs you inside, don't let him see it. he'll stop eventually when it gets boring...


Well-known member
ok I am not going to read the whole rant.. my eyes are tired.
but i use anaprox for my cramps. AMAZZZZZING i tell you. ask your doctor about it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jenee.sum

i hate period cramps!! before when i wasn't on the pill, my cramps use to kill and i wouldn't wanna go out. but even still, your cramps sound much worse than mine
hope u get ur fix soon! oh...and do u have endometriosis? sounds like it

urgh, brother's suck! lol but ignore your brother. children LOOOOOOVE it when they piss people off b/c they love a reaction. and your anger only fires him. i know it can be frustrating, but there's nothing really you can do to change things, like how ur mom treats him and stuff. once he realizes he has no impact on you anymore, he'll stop it cuz it won't be fun for him anymore. even if it still bugs you inside, don't let him see it. he'll stop eventually when it gets boring...

Ugh period cramps are the devil I tell ya! Yeah we were blessed with the ability to give life but why the hell does it have to hurt soooo badly?!!!

My period has ALWAYS been pretty bad ever since the 2nd time I had gotten it when I was 11 years old. It use to be 9 days and even heavier. It was only these last I'll say 3 years that they've generally gone down to 7 days.

I have thought that I may have endometriosis cause doing research on it I've noticed that I have a lot of the symptoms of it. There was also one time where my period was late and I had some very light spotting that lasted only for a day and two days after that I got more spotting again very light. But that night I just kept bleeding and it wouldn't stop. I had to miss a few days of school and when I went back I had to explain to all my teachers (thank goodness most of them were female and understood) about what was going on and they all were like WTF are you serious?! At that time I thought and a long with a few of my friends that I was possibly having a miscarriage, it ended up being something called menorraghia which I guess is a fancy term for excessive bleeding from your vajayjay. And that is what started me on bc in the first place. My periods just aren't normal theres something weird about them cause of how extreme they seem to be.

I cried after the whole insurance thing to my mom cause it feels like no one seems to understand my period really is that bad. There is no exaggerating here! She's also confused on why this is happening to me cause she's always had pretty normal okay periods along with all the females in her family.

My mom tells me that he just wants to piss me off and get a reaction just like how bullies are with the kids that they pick on. It's hard not to react but I WILL need to stop showing any kind of annoyance from it. That boy is going to get some tough love once my mom leaves for treatment in China this summer for some health problems. I already told her that I am not going to cater to his every whim and desire. I will make him food and if he doesn't like it then oh the fuck well. I made food he can either eat it or starve, again I don't give a shit! If he's hungry enough he'll eat it. He needs to learn that he needs to earn respect and that the whole world isn't revolved around his delinquent ass.

Originally Posted by ClaireAvril
ok I am not going to read the whole rant.. my eyes are tired.
but i use anaprox for my cramps. AMAZZZZZING i tell you. ask your doctor about it.

I know what you mean. My right eye keeps like twitching. I'm soooooo tired.

What is anaprox exactly? I'll look it up on google in a few minutes. I won't lie I've taken a VERY small dosage of prescription painkillers for the pain many times cause it's the only thing that seems to guarantee some level of relief. I'm not trying to get high or anything I'm just trying to be able to function as normal as I can when on the rag


Well-known member
I believe the nuvaring is supposed to have some extra stuff in there to last more than the 3 weeks. It says something in the little insert about if you forget to take it out you are okay and protected for so long. I might be wrong, but I thought my doc told me somethign like that. I would just leave it in until you get the new ring and hope it pulls you through.


This blog says its okay to leave it in for 4 weeks before you start a new one. Skip Period Regimens - The Well-Timed Period


Well-known member
Originally Posted by coquetayloca
I believe the nuvaring is supposed to have some extra stuff in there to last more than the 3 weeks. It says something in the little insert about if you forget to take it out you are okay and protected for so long. I might be wrong, but I thought my doc told me somethign like that. I would just leave it in until you get the new ring and hope it pulls you through.


This blog says its okay to leave it in for 4 weeks before you start a new one. Skip Period Regimens - The Well-Timed Period

It is okay to leave it in there up to 4 weeks. But over time like 3 4 days after the day you are suppose to take it out, there isn't too much hormones left in it and I end up getting a period
. I'm just hoping that I can get a refill within the next 3 days so I can nip this period in the butt.


Well-known member
Can't your doc just give you a free sample? Try stopping by and asking. My sis used to get me samples from her doc when I had no insurance.


Well-known member
Has your brother acted like this for several years or has it just started all of a sudden? Have you ever tried talking to him to see what's going on? Maybe he's being bullied at school and is lashing out at you.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by coquetayloca
Can't your doc just give you a free sample? Try stopping by and asking. My sis used to get me samples from her doc when I had no insurance.

Nope. During my yearly exam with her back in September I think it was without me even asking or considering getting samples of meds from her, she told me flat out that since she is a private practice she doesn't give out samples. WTF? I thought private practices were more willing to give them out though.. right..? I honestly don't really like her, I find her kind of judgemental and patronizing cause I don't know every damn thing about how the body works or my insurance coverage. But she's just so damn close to my house and I don't drive yet.

Worse comes to worse, I'll have to switch to another kind of bc most likely the pills cause I'm not into the whole deprovera thing and I'm not a candidate for a IUD. I just have to check with my insurance on what they'll cover before asking the doc to write the script.

I'm not too worried about pregnancy *knock on wood*. My partner and I think that either one of us or both of us are infertile or something, I won't get too into why cause that'll be TMI lol. But still you never know. He actually says he wants to get checked for fetility problems in the future for when he does want kids. But my period on the other hand....just thinking about it makes me want to cry.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mizzbeba
Has your brother acted like this for several years or has it just started all of a sudden? Have you ever tried talking to him to see what's going on? Maybe he's being bullied at school and is lashing out at you.

The negativity towards me has been going on for years and years now. But these past few years since I entered high school (I graduated back in june so 3-4 years now?) it's started to get worse. It just seems to be getting worse and worse. My mom has some health problems and were all super worried about her whether we want to admit it or think about it. And we had a big scare a few months back where the 3 of us just sat on the couch and bawled our eyes out cause we didn't know what the future had in store for us. My mom told him that I was his big sister and that he needed to listen to me and respect me. He kind of agreed to do that. But right after that happened for some reason instead of doing what my mom told him to do, he's gotten even worse.

Idk if part of it is his perception that I'm a "failure" during my highschool years cause I screwed up a lot with school (I had a lot of emotional problems and missed a lot of school due to that). Cause he does seem to rub that in my face most of the time. Or maybe if this is a projection onto me of his fear of being a "failure" once he hits highschool? He's currently in the 8th grade right now and will be going to highschool this following school year.


Well-known member
Awww your period sounds so painful! Mines' a breeeze so I don't even know what heavy or cramps mean lol
Can you run to the nearest Planned Parenthood and try to get a Nuvaring? Also, if you go to college, I think you can get it at the health center too. My friend got a prescription for her BCP at school and just went to pick it up at a drugstore. If you get it at Planned Parenthood for free, you can get it at school for free since its the same government thing.
Hope you get it in time!

Your brother sounds like a damn brat. If I were you, I'd just beat his ass and let him feel ashamed for getting beat by a girl. So damn disrespectful!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mizuki~
Awww your period sounds so painful! Mines' a breeeze so I don't even know what heavy or cramps mean lol
Can you run to the nearest Planned Parenthood and try to get a Nuvaring? Also, if you go to college, I think you can get it at the health center too. My friend got a prescription for her BCP at school and just went to pick it up at a drugstore. If you get it at Planned Parenthood for free, you can get it at school for free since its the same government thing.
Hope you get it in time!

Your brother sounds like a damn brat. If I were you, I'd just beat his ass and let him feel ashamed for getting beat by a girl. So damn disrespectful!

Damn, hun your so lucky then! I guess I got the shit end of the deal from mother nature lol.

The Planned Parenthood I went to always put a lot of emphasis on age everytime I was there. Everything was cool and covered when I was under 18 but now that I'm 18, they'll actually charge me or my insurance. I might call them up and tell me that my household income is very which it is and see if I can get a month's supply until I get this whole thing sorted out with my doctor and insurance company. I just don't want them to come and make me get another annual exam done since I already gotten one at my gyna back in September.

I'm not in college or school right now

As for my brother, the kid knows that I won't hesitate to whoop his ass if he lays a hand on me. What he usually does is he'll come out of nowhere and pretend like he's about to punch or kick me and he thinks it's funny. I won't hit him though for doing that but if he makes physical contact with me when he's fooling around like I said I won't hesitate to smack him.


Well-known member
^ I'm 19 and they don't charge me at Planned Parenthood. I'm not sure if every state has that waiver thing that makes it free for people who don't have the income to pay for that stuff. Since I'm 19 with no job, I put my income as $0 LOL. But you have to fill out a couple of forms, which is easy. If you can, try to call them early in the morning to see if there's something like that so you can get your ring and avoid that evil period
Good luck to you!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mizuki~
^ I'm 19 and they don't charge me at Planned Parenthood. I'm not sure if every state has that waiver thing that makes it free for people who don't have the income to pay for that stuff. Since I'm 19 with no job, I put my income as $0 LOL. But you have to fill out a couple of forms, which is easy. If you can, try to call them early in the morning to see if there's something like that so you can get your ring and avoid that evil period
Good luck to you!

Thanks! Imma do that tomorrow morning cause my mom's work which I'm going to be helping out at is a few buildings down from Planned Parenthood, ugh I just hope there aren't any protesters. There peaceful but I hate some of the propaganda they post up or that they'll approach me with the assumption that I'm going to get an abortion. Whoah buddy calm down just birth control.

I think that I may put my income down as $0 cause I just started a new job and won't know how much I'll be getting paid total cause there's taxes and all that fun stuff to consider until the 27th. Either way the household income isn't a lot. I've seen people get their bc for $10 for each monthly supply.


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Sooo, I've decided today that I WILL NOT be returning ever to see the doctor that WAS my gyna.

I did not get a phone call back at all from anyone in her office. So it was around 3:30ish (which is usually when doctors leave their offices and call it a day). So I decided to give them a call. I get a hold of a receptionist who goes and pulls up my file and finds the other receptionist I had spoken to yesterday. So she gets on the phone with me and tells me she talked to the doctor. The doctor said that she called the pharmacy and insurance company and nope I can't get my refill until the 22nd and I HAVE to take it the way she prescribed it to me. Even when I explained to her my whole situation. My heart just sank after that. I just told the receptionist okay and she laughed (wtf?!!) and then she just said well that's that and I'm just okay bye click. I had no use talking to that stupid piece of shit practice anymore after that.

Like the doctor could of had ANYONE in her office give me a phone call today to tell me that or offered to have me come in for a visit and talk to me about other birth control methods or to check out why my periods are this bad. But nope. She showed no concern at all and I am not going to let her be billing my insurance company any longer or even coming anywhere near my vajayjay! Don't even get me started on how she was nice to me during my mom's visit (she's my mom's gyna also) and when I went in for my visit and told her my sexual history (which isn't even bad and it standard for doctors in her field to ask about) she did a fucking 180 flip. Just plain rude and insulting to me.

It's back to planned parenthood to me once I get this last refill from her filled and my period ends. That's unless I'm able to find another gyna in my area that isn't a douche (pun intended!) that accepts my insurance and can fit me in asap.


Well-known member
Anaprox = Naproxen Sodium

My cramps were so bad I have actually thrown up because I was in so much pain and discomfort. My mother had the nerve to ask me if I was pregnant! LOL

I just googled Anaprox and this is what came up:
Naproxen sodium belongs to the class of medications called nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs). It reduces swelling, inflammation and pain, and is used for the relief of mild to moderately severe pain accompanied by inflammation. Naproxen sodium is used to help relieve pain due to muscle injury, dental extraction, menstrual cramps, and cramping after childbirth.

I take anaprox with food 2 pills twice on day 1 (the worst pain is on day 1). Day 2 can be bad sometimes so I will take the same amount or a little less.
Day 3 probably take 2 pills in total for the day and then Day 4 and 5 usually about 1 a day if needed.
I've tried regular tylenol, tylenol PMS, advil gelcaps (which worked for a bit but started to lose its effect), midol, 222s.. These either made me sick or just didn't work. Anaprox is the only medication that works for me to the point where on Day 1 I sometimes forget I even have my period.

Also.. take iron supplements and multivitamins. Speak to your doctor.


Well-known member
Hugs to you girl! About your brother - like girls saud, teenagers love doing this crap just to get some atention. Ignore him completely, and that's it.

And about the period... Well, I'm not on a birth control, but I can relate to your troubles - I took a next day pill which seemed to mess up my period completely... Now it's getting late, I feel very worried, moosd swings etc...

We are here for you!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ClaireAvril
Anaprox = Naproxen Sodium

My cramps were so bad I have actually thrown up because I was in so much pain and discomfort. My mother had the nerve to ask me if I was pregnant! LOL

I just googled Anaprox and this is what came up:
Naproxen sodium belongs to the class of medications called nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs). It reduces swelling, inflammation and pain, and is used for the relief of mild to moderately severe pain accompanied by inflammation. Naproxen sodium is used to help relieve pain due to muscle injury, dental extraction, menstrual cramps, and cramping after childbirth.

I take anaprox with food 2 pills twice on day 1 (the worst pain is on day 1). Day 2 can be bad sometimes so I will take the same amount or a little less.
Day 3 probably take 2 pills in total for the day and then Day 4 and 5 usually about 1 a day if needed.
I've tried regular tylenol, tylenol PMS, advil gelcaps (which worked for a bit but started to lose its effect), midol, 222s.. These either made me sick or just didn't work. Anaprox is the only medication that works for me to the point where on Day 1 I sometimes forget I even have my period.

Also.. take iron supplements and multivitamins. Speak to your doctor.

Thanks hun for the explanation on what it is =] Do you happen to know if it is available OTC? I'm pretty sure I've heard of the name Naxopren before, it's in Aleve I think? I've never tried Aleve for period pains before but was prescribed it when I had a fall and hurt my back, it really didn't do much. But my period pain isn't AS bad as the pain I experienced due to the fall.

I've been so bad with taking my vitamins and supplements, too many pills lol! But I've gotta get with the program I noticed a big difference on how I felt day to day when I was on them compared to not taking them.

I'm still on the prowl for a gyna by my house that's willing to actually help me but I'll just go to Planned Parenthood for now. I seriously need to get new doctors for EVERYTHING. A new GP cause I'm still with a pediatrician and I get sent to a million other doctors for stuff. Plus she's too far from where I live. But whoever I do see, I'll ask about pain management for my period.

Originally Posted by Alibi
Hugs to you girl! About your brother - like girls saud, teenagers love doing this crap just to get some atention. Ignore him completely, and that's it.

And about the period... Well, I'm not on a birth control, but I can relate to your troubles - I took a next day pill which seemed to mess up my period completely... Now it's getting late, I feel very worried, moosd swings etc...

We are here for you!


I've been trying to ignore him and not talk to him as much as I can. Ugh, he's having his little friends over today. I wish they would just go outside or he would go to their houses. A group of 13 year old little boys running around the house = not fun for me.

I've taken the morning after pill too, Plan B specifically ( I think there are two different kinds with different hormones and amounts) and yeah it does screw up your period! Once it was like 10 days late.

Tomorrow is the 22nd and that's when I'm FINALLY able to get the nuvaring refill. I have work that day and I work at the pharmacy I go to so I might just go in earlier tomorrow and put the ring in the bathroom. Cause I want a new one in asap so I don't get a period.