Black Diamonds, would you say yes?


Well-known member
Hahaha! I've been with my BF for 3 1/2 years now...I don't give a damn as to what color the rock is
They are absolutely beautiful though...I'd love to have one (as an engagement ring or just a lovely piece of jewelry...I'm not a traditional type of 'gal!)


Well-known member
Too bad you don't know if they're cut and polished the same way as other gems. All you have for a picture is a bad close up of a raw rock.


Well-known member
If he gave me a ring pop Id say yes. Its about the love you share and wanting to spend forever with them, not the stupid ring.


Well-known member

Theres a photo of one. cut, polished and set

Personally if you took the large center one out and replaced it with a regular diamond. It would look awesome.. in my opinion

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
It looks a little like onyx, to me. I think, because of the color, it would look a little garish, but I also have small hands.


Well-known member
The white band here is exactly what I want with the stone set onto it someday. I think it would be cool if it were something like that but white black white with the stone maybe on the black band.

I kind of liked this one too


Well-known member
Bernadette, these rings are beautiful!

I would not mind about the colour of the engagement ring stone - I also think black is very unique, and as far as I've heard coloured diamonds are supposed to be more expensive than regular white ones. So that may be a plus, and not everyone has them.
As long as the ring in its shape and the diamond's cut are pretty, that would be fine with me.

OT: I went by a jeweller's yesterday and saw a ring with brown diamonds - one would think it looks weird because brown isn't a special colour at all, but it was combined with pink diamonds and looked sooo pretty.


Well-known member
The black ones are cool for sheer uniqueness, they come from outer space! A black and white diamond combo would probably be even cooler. I like color, and would like a ring with colored stones even more (especially rubies!) But rings and I are not well-known for hanging on to each other, I tend to lose them. So a ring on a necklace chain would probably be safer haha.

I've been with my boyfriend for 4 years now and really, he could propose with, as someone else said, a ring pop and I would still say yes.

I mean, you can EAT a ring pop! How cool is that? :p


Well-known member
id love to see a set with one large circular black diamond and then a bunch of tiny rubys to the sides of it. O so gothic and cool hahah


Active member
I don't know...I'm kinda traditional when it comes to that stuff...but some of the pics of the black diamonds are really pretty!


Well-known member
that would be the perfect ring for me... instead of my birthstone on my class ring i got black onyx and i couldnt be happier with it.... but also, i would say yes without a ring, material things dont matter to me, but a black diamond? im all over that shit!!


Well-known member
It wouldn't matter at all, ring or no ring. If you love him, you marry him regardless of what he gives you


Well-known member
I think that if you turn down a proposal because of the ring, the man seriously needs to rethink what he's going to get hiself into by marrying you. With a blck diamond, the man is showing you that he wanted you to have something special and not like other people's rings (also what he thinks of the relationship). Just because black is a dark or sad color, that doesn't mean that's what the ring represents. By turning down his marriage proposal because his thoughts weren't kind enough just goes to show that the marriage will be hell for him.


Well-known member
If you would base your decision to marry a person or not on the ring he gave you, you should probably not get married at all!!


Well-known member

Black diamonds are nice and unique, with diamonds everybody wears them- so be happy youre unique !


Well-known member
Very unique!

But i still prefer the old-fashion way!

Diamonds, the clearer/whiter the better. Read SPARKLING!

However, i will say yes if the giver is the one I love =)


Well-known member
If my boyfriend proposed regardless of the color of the diamond I would say yes. However, I would be a little dissapointed being that White Diamonds are traditional, but I am a traditional kind of person in that aspect.

As far as the black diamon goes, I have one, it's about 2 carats... I like it but to me it looks kinda fake, like costume jewelery. It's pretty cool though none the less.