Black Man, or White Female


Well-known member
Do you think we have come far enough as a society to put our race and gender issues aside, and vote for the real issues? Crime, Poverty, Health Care, Stem Cells, etc. And not let the He's a Black Man and She's a woman, influence our votes? Or He's a Man and She's a woman. Or Voting for another party to avoid voting for a black man, or a women, depending on who takes the ticket?

What if they joined forces, what type of commentary do you think would happen depending on who is Pres and VP?

Is America ready for a election of firsts? Or will status quo reign supreme?


Well-known member
It doesn't matter to me, but I think for a lot of uneducated voters is does matter, unfortunately. I'm more inclined to vote on party lines before voting for someone just because he or she is black or white or a man or a woman. I'm going to vote for my beliefs first!


Well-known member
Honestly, I don't think America is ready. Or, more so if we were I think a lot of people will not vote for the woman who may be on the ballad next year - not because she is a woman but mainly because she is a known snake. I personally could not vote for her-because her past has raised many questions to me and I truely feel that our freedoms could very easily be lost more so with her administration than with the current one. There would be a lot at stake if she won. Also- these ideas of peace, stem cell research etc- she's one of those women (and look at her past) that will tell you one thing, once she gets where she wants to be she'll do whatever the hell SHE wants.

And the whole vice president person being considered to run with the "mania" honestly- I couldn't vote for him either because he has nothing to show for what he has done. I mean sure he's done some things and he's made great strides and I commend him for getting people interested in politics but he hasn't really done that many things that would really make me say-hey he qualifies for this. That's just me though.

Not very good.

ANYWAY- I also don't think that America is ready. I mean lets face it we're in a very male dominated society and only in recent years (like say the past maybe 20-30 years) have we seen black men and women in the senate and house (save for Cynthia McKinney the Embarressment of Georgia). I mean it is phenominal that we have made such strides in our government. It's nothing new for a woman to gain power and to try to get in-for example- Woodrow Wilsons wife literally ran the country. I mean in 1984 we saw an amazing breakthrough with Walter Mondales campaign with Geraldine Ferraro

I honestly do not think America is ready and even if we were I really truely don't believe they would be good for the country. Now before I have a bunch of people calling me a racist- let me clarify this:

If the person we are referring to (the black man)-were to gain some experience, be very qualified for the job, etc then I would vote him for him in a heartbeat. But right now-it would be pure inexperience.

But the other- yeah. I can't. And unfortunately there are enough women who are so ignorant that they will vote for her for no other reason than she is a woman (Yes, I saw it on MUA three times already by different posters, I've heard my friends tell me that, and I've heard it even by my professors.) These people are supposed to be educated, but obviously, they are not. If they were they wouldn't make such a daft comment like that.

They don't want to bother looking at what this woman has done- but because she is a woman they are going to run and vote for her.

Hence the wonderful world we created ourselves in to be obsessed with hollywood and the welfare of the country.

I do think if it were any other woman who didn't have her history I would consider it.

But anyway- that's my point of view.


Well-known member
I won't vote for Hillary just because I hate her lol. Just as I wouldn't vote for a male candidate I don't like! It's not a gender issue with me, it's how they stand on the issues, their personality (yes, it matters) and the overall impression I have of them.


Well-known member
I will kill myself if Hilary gets to be in the record books as first female president, I can't stand her.


Well-known member
As much as I would love to think that we as a society have progressed beyond the "he's a black man" or "she's female" in regards to leadership in this country, I highly doubt that either person in question will prevail in the next election. I wish voters could look beyond the obvious and focus on what these people stand for. I don't think people embrace change too much, so they'll stick with what they know/is most comfortable.

Now, I will say that the next generation of voters will most definitely be more enlightened than the current one. When I was 18, NO ONE would have ever guessed a black man even having a tiny chance of going to the White, it's a possibility (even if it's a tiny possibility - he just doesn't have experience). So maybe things have progressed...a little!

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Why aren't we using their names?

I won't be voting for Hillary. Her politics and mine don't align up, although I do believe she is smart. I don't feel like Barack Obama has had enough experience. I want to see more of what he can and won't do before I make up my mind about him.

I think the country is going to look at all sorts of superficial things in making decisions. I don't think either of them has a shot realistically. There are plenty of sections in this country who aren't going to pick either because of skin color or gender. A lot of people think of president and see a white man.

However, there are people who are going to, IMO, vote for them for the wrong reasons. I know some people who vowed to vote Condi Rice if she runs, because she is a black woman. They are staunch Dems and would only vote for her for that reason. I haven't heard anyone voting for someone whose values don't align with theirs on the Dems side, but I do know some Dems who favor Hillary because she is a woman and without knowing her voting record and political stances. I find both rationales for voting appalling, because it's really the issues that matter.

Frankly, I would rather see the country eased into it, like have the next VP be a woman or person of color. I think it's what the US needs, not what I need btw. I'm also a little worried about whoever is the first black president, Latino president, woman president, etc., because they better be damn good. I can see people being especially critical. If the person fails in the minds of many, I can see their race or gender consciously or subconsciously being seen as a reason why.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
Why aren't we using their names?

Because I was more interested in the very basics, being gender and color. And the influence that would have on voting. Had i titled this thread, Obama or Clinton, the remarks would have probably been different and more based around their campaign promises and such. Eggshells, yah know.

Frankly, I would rather see the country eased into it, like have the next VP be a woman or person of color. I think it's what the US needs, not what I need btw. I'm also a little worried about whoever is the first black president, Latino president, woman president, etc., because they better be damn good. I can see people being especially critical. If the person fails in the minds of many, I can see their race or gender consciously or subconsciously being seen as a reason why.

Yeh i dont envy the first person of color, or the first woman presedent, whenever that may be. Be it 08, or later. Their government is going to be under a microscope.

How about this reason?

I plan to vote for Hillary, not because I care about her political stance, but because I think it would be so great to have Bill back in the white house and first husband
Yeh its stupid =p But <3 drama.


Well-known member
are they the only two candidates for presidency? I haven't heard anything about anyone else!

i would like to hope that voters listen to the candidate's views and policies, and then vote for the candidate that they feel would represent them the best.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by redambition
are they the only two candidates for presidency? I haven't heard anything about anyone else!

i would like to hope that voters listen to the candidate's views and policies, and then vote for the candidate that they feel would represent them the best.

Nah this is just for the Democratic ticket... Edwards is also running. There just the two most likeley to have a shot at the Democratic tcket. And getting the most media coverage, because of the uniqueness of the comming 08 election.


Well-known member
I wish we were, I know I am. I do come from a very metropolitan city though, in the most liberal state. I've seen much of the rest of the country, lived in the south and the middle of nowhere Wyoming and from what I've seen, I don't think the majority of this coutnry will let either a black man or a white woman or anyone other than a middle-aged white man be president for some time. I hope to see it in my lifetime.
Heck, I hope to see anyone, white, black, green purple, tranny or whatever that really takes a stand against things that I care about.
How's about some life sentences for sex offenders folks, then you'll have me cheering.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Originally Posted by redambition
are they the only two candidates for presidency? I haven't heard anything about anyone else!

i would like to hope that voters listen to the candidate's views and policies, and then vote for the candidate that they feel would represent them the best.

Sharpton will run and drop out, I'm sure. He likes running to get his view out there.

It's fairly early 2007; candidates may still declare a little later in the year.

I have little faith in people voting solely on the views, because I've heard enough from educated and uneducated people about why they vote. People vote for candidates from their area of the US, because they are from their area, without looking to see if this person does right by their state.

I'm interested if we'll ever have another Catholic president or a non-Christian president, personally in my lifetime.


Well-known member
I loved the AARP's campaign this past election "Vote the Issues, not the Personality" Most people can't tell you why they want to vote for Obama except that he is a great guy. I used to think I was socially liberal until Hillary came along. Now socially liberal has taken on a whole new meaning in my mind. I won't be voting for either. I absolutely won't vote for Al Sharpton (I can't bring myself to call him Reverand).

Now onto the race thing. First, I question even the concept. You can't look at someone and say they are "black" or "white". If you look into someone's lineage, chances are they have so many backgrounds. For example, I have brown hair and blue eyes, with medium skin. I am also part Native American (Miami, to be precise). So as much as someone would label me "white", I am not completely of European descent. I am part "Non-white". (Ethnic groups are another story altogether)

So needless to say, I don't care if someone is "black", "white", blue, purple, green or polka dot. Gender is the same. Male or female, I don't care. I will vote for the person that I think is the best person for the job.


Well-known member
Soon we will have a female or a non-white elected. I am skeptical that it will be with the next election because I think the two candidates in particular are not electable. Not because they are female or black, but because of WHO they are.

I personally don't vote based on color, sex or party basis. I pick my candidates based on past experience and how I feel about their platforms. Or their choices in their personal lives.


Well-known member
If the Democratic ticket does indeed end up being Clinton/Obama, then the Democratic party is more stupid than I thought. They're throwing away the election. I'm not saying that *I* wouldn't vote for them, but I can't imagine them winning over the South, which is pretty much required to win the Presidency. I say vote Edwards!! Not just because *I* like him, but because he stands a fighting chance with the swing voters who would otherwise lean right. But I do really like him