Black Radiance blushes


Well-known member
Their blushes are AMAZING!! I have Peachtree that I got FOREVER ago and it's so pretty! I need to get some more. They are so awesome!


Well-known member
Just wanted to throw this in there... even though they're available at I've heard some really poor reviews of the site and the customer service, so I wouldn't recommend ordering these from them.

Hope you find them! I've owned a few of their products out of luck drugstore shopping in high school and the pigmentation remarks are right! I'm still not out.


Well-known member
I've been able to get Spiced Ginger on ebay and YES these are definitely nice and pigmented! I just wish I could find Soft Honey now....


I haven't been able to find them anywhere lately either. I need to replace two of mine. If the store does carry them they only have Spiced Ginger and Plum Sorbet next to two bronzers. I haven't seen the display that carries all 4 blushes lately. I hope BR isn't discontinuing them.


Well-known member
I'd be crushed if they were discontinued. Despite the fact that they crumble if you even breathe on them wrong, I love 'em! Does anybody know a dupe for Soft Honey just in case???


Originally Posted by Curly1908
I'd be crushed if they were discontinued. Despite the fact that they crumble if you even breathe on them wrong, I love 'em! Does anybody know a dupe for Soft Honey just in case???

I've noticed this happening when they changed the packaging. The new blushes have a different pattern on them in the compact. If that makes sense. The old blushes didn't crumble. I've had my old soft honey forever. I had my first plum sorbet for a long time too until it broke on me while on a flight. It wasn't the only powder product I had break on that flight so I don't think it was the blush.

I purchased a new one and that one broke like a week later. I purchased another one and it appears to be doing fine for now but the little mirror lifted from inside the compact. I bought Spiced Ginger and the whole blush lifted in one piece from the compact. I slid it back in there and it appears to be fine now. I think they've changed the glue or something.


Well-known member
If their products are so doggone hard to find for so many of us, I wonder why they just don't break down and sell their stuff online?


Originally Posted by MAChostage
If their products are so doggone hard to find for so many of us, I wonder why they just don't break down and sell their stuff online?

You would think that they would sell them online just because. I see the line all over the place. I've even seen it in my local grocery store. But I've had a hard time finding the blushes the past few months. I think they are discontinuing them because the displays have been changed to only accomodate 2 out of the 4 blushes.


Well-known member
My CVS only has Spiced Ginger... I've been hunting down that Soft Honey for the greater part of this year with no luck!

I really do like these blushes.


Well-known member
You guys have me really curious. I know I've seen the brand at Walgreens, the beauty supply and I think I saw it at KMart. Gonna check it out.


Well-known member
Well folks, if the following pic is any sort of indication, your beloved faves may be going sayonara... I went to Walgreen's tonight to see if I could score a Soft Honey (all the CVS' only have Spiced Ginger and the reddish one whose name escapes me), and I couldn't find the regular blush display, and this Walgreens caries the WHOLE line. what I *did* find is this:


It's official, everyone's on the mineral and baked bandwagon:


So, if you're on the hunt, get what you can, before it's gone!



Well-known member
ohhh..this explains why they are hard to find..they must be discountinuing the other blushes! I could not for the life of me find these in the stores so I finally caught them on ebay! I have really been loving them too <3...well hopefully these new ones will be just as good...


Well-known member
^^^Picked up some of the new baked bronzers and blush today at Wal-Mart....I really like them too..very pigmented! I got a blush in Warm Berry and two bronzers in Rum Spice and Gingersnap...they also had some baked eyeshadows I may go back and get...I am now convinced these are the replacements for the original blushes..those were no where to be found...


Well-known member
Well I finally found Soft Honey!!!
Visiting my mom and found it in a BS store. It's a nice blush. VERY neutral looking and warm. I like it.


Well-known member
Well I guess I am going to go ahead and snatch up Plum Sorbet while I still can and see if my local Walgreens has the new stuff. Any thoughts on the bronzers? How dark are they?

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