Re: really bad blackheads
There are different schools of thought about using hot steam to open up pores - some who think that once pores open, they won't contract back to normal size, and others who think that clogged pores will cause them to be enlarged, not hot water.
I'm not quite sure what I think - I do know that with age, my pores have become enlarged and clog more easily so I tend to avoid extreme temperatures.
If your blackheads arrived with the cold weather, is it because you're dehydrated or started using a different moisturizer? A gentle, effective means of removing blackheads is to massage jojoba oil, alternating with warm water. After about 10-15 minutes of massage, the sebums plugs will start to melt and the plugs will start popping out on their own. Sounds gross, I know, but less harmful than using a wire extraction device IMHO. Be patient, you may need to repeat this daily until they've disappeared, then go to once a week to keep the blackheads away for good.
If you notice irritation with jojoba oil [some do], then you can try hazelnut or grapeseed oils instead. They're both astringent and very unlikely to clog pores or cause any irritation.
Good luck,