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Blue eyeshadow on an Asian girl (Pic heavy)


Well-known member
I originally did this tutorial for a friend who needed her make-up done without me being there (she lives way across the country from me). She really wanted to try blue eyeshadow with out looking "Mimi like" (from the Drew Carey show), so this is what I came up with.

Keep in mind this is my first tutorial on Specktra, so don't be too harsh...please

Here's what I used:


1. Start with a clean moisturized face. Hope I didn't scare you all away
BTW, I did this in my daughter's room hence my daughter in the background playing dress-up.


2. Apply tinted moisturizer. It's a matter of preference with what you apply it with. I like using the 190 because I hate having to wash my hands after touching it. Make sure you blend well! Harsh lines are a no-no


3. Now I apply my natural MSF with a buffer brush and buff, buff, buff away. The more you buff, the better it looks. In this photo I had to use my yucky BE kabuki because I lost my 182


4. Pick up some eyebrow powder with your 266 brush and fill in your brows in a "staggering" motion.


5. Now take some Bare canvas paint and apply it all over your eyes as an eyeshadow primer. Usually, to make things faster, I use the Shimmersand shadestick as a primer. You can use your fingers, but I like to use my 242 brush. Here you can see my completed eyebrows too. Oh..and please don't mind my nails. They haven't been done in a while


Here's how it looks with just the paint.


6. Now take your 213 brush and pick up some Azreal Blue pigment. Apply it to the inner V throughout the lid leaving more pigment in the inner V and fading out to the lid.


I know...bad picture. But it should look something like this.



7. Now take some Tilt eyeshadow using a large fluff brush (don't remember where I got this from. Target, maybe?). Apply Tilt to the lid area.



8. Remember, no blending has took place yet. Now take some Deep Truth eyeshadow and apply it to the outer V with the 213 brush.



9. Take some Shroom eyeshadow with the 229 brush and apply it to where the blue colors end up to the browbone. This is where I begin the blending. After applying Shroom to the browbone, I go over the blues and blend away any obvious lines (like where Azreal Blue ends and Tilt begins). I do the typical "windshield wiper" motion until it's well blended.


10. Now take the 219 brush and apply Azreal Blue to the inner eye rim down to the lower lash line halfway. Then using the same brush, grab some Deep Truth and apply it where Azreal Blue ends until it meets Deep Truth on the outer V of your lid. I hope that made sense.


11. Apply Smolder eye kohl to your water line.


12. Now take your eyelash curler and curl your lashes. I like to heat my curler with a hairdryer as it is extremely difficult to curl my lashes and have them stay that way. Just heat it for a few seconds. If the metal is too hot to the touch, let it cool down for a bit because if it hurts your fingers, it'll burn your eyes!


13. Next, apply some black mascara in a zig-zag motion. That way the mascara distributes to every lash. And don't mind my expression. I feel that if I keep my mouth open, my hand stays steady



14. Pick up some Sunsparked Pearl beauty powder with your 150 brush and apply lightly all over your face.



15. Take "The Killer" (the 187 brush), grab some Shimpagne MSF and apply to the cheekbones.



16. Now, take the 190 brush, pick-up some NARS blush in Sin, and apply to the apples of your cheeks. My technique is to smile and apply where your cheeks stick out.


17. On to the lips! Line with Spice lip liner, fill with Expensivo lipstick, and apply Dior Addict Ultra Gloss in 313.


Annnnd VOILA! The finished product. A mean mug and a smiley face

I hope this is helpful to someone out there. Blue eyeshadow IS wearable


Well-known member
wow you look super! i bet your daughter is proud that she has such a beautiful mommy! i look stupid in blues, but they seem to work so well for you! love this!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by flowerhead
Of course blue eyeshadow is wearable, it's a classic!

My thoughts exactly

Thanks for the


Active member
You look so pretty with that make-up on! I just have to say this but I love the way your lips are shaped. Great job and thanks for this tutorial!


Well-known member
beautiful! very informative tutorial as well. i have difficulty with color placement. sometimes and i like to see how other people who are asian apply their eye makeup


Well-known member
That was a great tut. I only find that I look good in baby blues. I don't look flattering in dark blues or bright blue e/s. Maybe I'll try out more, and come to love them. TY!