Bluebasins - Not so bad but still upset


Well-known member
Re: Grrrr, scam company online??

Was this a reccomended or reputable company? That's horrifying you haven't received a response from the business!


Well-known member
Re: Grrrr, scam company online??

I've only had one dispute though paypal and it went really smoothly. I just filled out their little form, sent a nasty little message to the seller on e-bay and my money was refunded to me with in 3 business days.

I'm sorry you have to go though that!!! That SUCKS!


Well-known member
Re: Grrrr, scam company online??

Are you familiar with the beauty blog Jack & Hill? She recommended the company and said their products were lovely so that's why I ordered. That's why I really can't believe they're doing this....

Originally Posted by Janice
Was this a reccomended or reputable company? That's horrifying you haven't received a response from the business!



Well-known member
Re: Grrrr, scam company online??

It's the waiting that I hate, I just want by money refunded like YESTERDAY!!

Originally Posted by *Luna*
I've only had one dispute though paypal and it went really smoothly. I just filled out their little form, sent a nasty little message to the seller on e-bay and my money was refunded to me with in 3 business days.

I'm sorry you have to go though that!!! That SUCKS!



Well-known member
Re: Grrrr, scam company online??

Originally Posted by SagMaria
It's the waiting that I hate, I just want by money refunded like YESTERDAY!!

Totally understandable! Your purchase was quite a bit more $$$ than min was but it's the principal that matters. Let us know what happens!


Well-known member
Re: Grrrr, scam company online??

If it doesn't end up working out through the company directly, please let us know which company so that we can avoid buying from there?


Well-known member
Re: Grrrr, scam company online??

Oh yeah for sure!!

Originally Posted by kaliraksha
If it doesn't end up working out through the company directly, please let us know which company so that we can avoid buying from there?


Well-known member
Re: Grrrr, scam company online??

Oh, God. I've read far more of these types of experiences than I should have. Being an avid BPAL'er means doing lots of trading, swapping, and having lots of pals on their community. On they have a whole thread dedicated to "buyer beware" experiences people have had with other companies and e-tailers.

Buying stuff online is especially tough, because it takes such a leap of faith to buy something sight unseen. And then something like this happens and it just ruins the whole online shopping experience for you in a big way.

I will tell you though, Paypal almost always will rule in your favor if you have the proof to back it up. As long as the money is in the business's account, it will be refunded to you if they rule in your favor (sadly I have seen some people be swaplifted and then the person emptied the account, so while it is possible to have them rule in your favor and still be out the $$$, yours is a business so it probably won't happen to you). Keep all receipts, any unanswered attempts at communication with dates/times, so you do have proof though, because they frequently will ask for it.

Also, if you have CC-Paypal and you paid with your credit card, call them up and ask them to reverse the charges. Explain the situation, say that nothing's shown up, you've attempted to contact them numerous times, offer to send them copies of all correspondence. They will usually be as accomodating as possible.

And yeah, don't be ashamed to post the name of the company! If they have shoddy customer service, you are not telling lies by informing others abot them. And you can always update us on whether they resolve the issue. It isn't Melis, by any chance, is it? I haven't heard very good things about them, and they are Canadian.


Well-known member
Re: Grrrr, scam company online??

BAH!!! Still not happy!! I recieved my package today and all the products leaked over each other!! I e-mailed the company again but the owner of this company seems to like to ignore customer complaints... please see my follow up thread....


Well-known member
Bluebasins (Follow up thread to Grr, scam company) is HORRIBLE!!!!

Well ladies, I received my package today and am thoroughly disgusted to say the least. After my customer complaints were completely ignored by bluebasins I decided to try and cancel my order. Before that I was wondering where my package because it was taking so long but getting absolutely ignored.

I ended up having to file a complaint with PayPal, the company STILL did not respond. During this time I was trying to also cancel my order with bluebasins, I did not want their products nor wanted to deal with company again.

I received my package today in the mail so I canceled my complaint with PayPal...but....I open it to my horrors to find that all the productrs had leaked over each other.

So I have e-mailed Makeda, the owner of this compamy and I really hope she responds, I am ABSOLUTLEY DIGSUSTED with this company's customer service and I want my money back. If she continues to ignore me I'm contacting the BBB among other people to spread the word about how bad this company is.

I am so raging right now, companies like this ruin it for others that have awesome customer service online.


Well-known member
Re: Ugh - DO NOT buy from Bluebasins Natural Body Products!!

That's horrible! I'm sorry that happened to you
Bad online shopping experiences are horrible. At least you let us know what company it was for us to be wary of it *hugs* I hope you get refunded, the fact they they ignored you that whole time, and your stuff leaked over each other is totally unacceptable


Well-known member
Well I got refunded my money and I am satisfied and figure Bluebasins isn't so horrible, just not a very well bath & body company. I got couple of apologies from the owner over e-mail and on voice mail. She said she doesn't check her e-mail all the time but if I were her I would because when you are running a company when people are buying your products with their hard earned money they like to hear back right away when they have inquiries or worries. Just my thoughts....