Bobbi Brown Interview UK


New member
Hey everyone, this is my first post but I wanted to share with you guys cos this forum has been super informative for me and now I want to contribute my bit as well....

I was looking into applying to a Bobbi Brown counter and looked on the website and the process on there says that you need to call up and have a telephone interview. I tried this but found this a bit hard because I work 9-5 Mon-Fri so instead I went to my nearest counter and asked about the vacancies. I was told that I should just bring in my CV, I thought this was much better than the telephone interview and the MA asked if I had previous experience and I mentioned that I had none but she told me not to worry as Bobbi Brown looks for people with personality.

So after I handed in my CV, got a call from the counter manager and arranged for an initial interview. It was pretty informal and more of a chat. She asked me about experience and team work, what I would contribute to the team, why I applied to Bobbi Brown, the Bobbi Brown philosophy she told me what she was looking for and explained as it's retail it would be about sales. I can't really remember much of the questions but overall it was quite relaxed.

After a week, got a call to get a second interview with the area manager.
I was told by the counter manager that this would be more intense so I was a little nervous. I read up on interviews on this forum (A GREAT HELP so THANK YOU) and I prepared some answers cos I tend to stumble on words in interviews. The area manager turned out to be really lovely. She was really warm so that put me a little bit at ease. First she asked about my background, i.e. from my education to work experience and to say how it would be beneficial, she asked about customer service and sales - which is more important, if a customer was browsing products, for example eyeshadows, how would I approach them - the best thing is to mention the open ended questions and to sit down the customer and have them try on the products, she asked about what I knew about Bobbi Brown (I mentioned the philosophy and her books), she asked what Bobbi Brown products I use, also would I be comfortable doing make up sessions back to back, why I chose to apply to Bobbi Brown... that's all I can think of really.

Am waiting to hear back from them now (and if I do get through, will have to get the department store approval) but just wanted to share my experience, especially as it's from a UK point of view as well.


New member
Hi there

This has been really helpful, thank you. I will be having a telephone interview soon, so fingers crossed I will pass that!

